
Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSES IF&W Recreational Safety Unit: 207-287-5220 An updated list of courses and options for online courses and options for online course registration are available at: maine.gov/ifw/programs-resources/safety-courses/snowmobile-safety.html To Schedule a course contact the safety coordinator for your area: York Cumberland: Stephen Barr, 207-446-4173

Kennebec: Michael Foster, 207-446-4122 Somerset: Craig Gerry, 207-446-4249

Knox/Waldo: Jasmine Pomerleau, 207-441-3270 Androscoggin/Oxford: Michael Mayo, 207-446-4125 Lincoln/Sagadahoc: Vacant Franklin: Vacant Penobscot/Piscataquis: Charles Schaffer – 207-446-4132 Hancock/Washington: Vacant Aroostook/No Penobscot: Vacant

Here’s my order for the 2022 Snowmobile Maine Calendar

Number of Calendars: ________ x $10.00 = _____________ + Postage (1 Calendar): $3.00 _____________ (2-5 calendars): $7.75 _____________ Total Payment: _____________ Checks payable to the Maine Snowmobile Associa n Mail Calendar(s) to: Name: __________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________ If paying by credit card: Name:__________________________ Ph:_______________ Address:__________________________________________ Card Type Check One: MC_____ VISA_____ Discover _____

The calendar features photographs from across the state, contributed by MSA members whose work captures the beauty and excitement of snowmobiling in Maine.

MSA-affiliated snowmobile clubs, and marks major holidays throughout the year. The price for a calendar is $10 ,plus postage. Calendars are shipped USPS/Priority Mail-please include your US Postal Service mailing address. Calendars are also available at the MSA Office, 7 Noyes Street Place, Augusta.

Card #_________________Exp Date:_____ CVV Code:_____

The calendar is produced by the MSA; proceeds benefit

Signature: ________________________________________

Mail form and payment to: MSA-Calendar, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 Credit Card purchases may be faxed to: 207-622-7669

through your calendar purchase.


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