
MSA Business Members Support Maine’s Snowmobile Trails Thank them by using their services United Fitness, (207) 377-2465 Winthrop Roast Beef, (207) 377-7383 WISCASSET Ames Supply Inc, (207) 882-7710 Bath Industrial Sales, (207) 443-9754 Coastal Climate Control, (207) 882-6481 Cubbyhole Sports Pub J. Edward Knight Norm’s Used Cars, (207) 882-7476 Pro Body Works Inc RVI Motor Sports, (207) 443-9702 Wiscasset Auto Parts Wiscasset Community Center, (207) 882-8230 WYTOPITLOCK Maine River Lodge, (207) 740-0200

Your ride may have wheels. But you still need insurance.

I can help you protect your snowmobile. A snowmobile accident costs an average of $2,300. So don’t risk hitting the trails without coverage. Call me today to see how affordable Allstate snowmobile insurance can be.

Insurance is subject to terms, conditions and availability. Discount is subject to qualifications and availability and amount may be lower. Allstate Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL, © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company.

MAINE SNOWMOBILER CLASSIFIED AD Deadline: the 15th of the month preceding publication

News from the Membership Corner By Eileen Lafland What a difference a month makes! It seems like in Novem- ber clubs across the state really pushed to get memberships in to the office. It is not uncommon to process 100 -200 mem- berships daily. Here is information through Dec. 20 th . 232 clubs have submitted memberships with some turning in no memberships. The highest number for one club is 254 memberships, which includes family and business members. There are nine clubs with between one hundred and two hun- dred family and business memberships, thirty-two clubs with between fifty and one hundred and forty eight clubs with less than 10. State wide total family memberships are 6,185 and total busi- ness memberships are 1,437, with a total of 12,904 including all family members.

1. Enter contact information:




2. Print your ad on the form below or on a separate piece of paper:

Regional totals are as follows:

Central 56 clubs -1,145 Coastal 57 clubs -1,168 Eastern 73 clubs - 1,902 Northern 34 clubs – 1,587 and Western 62 clubs- 1,801

Keep those memberships coming in!!


For Sale St. Francis SnoAngels have a ATV drag for sale. For More information, Please call David Connors @ 207-316-2477 Wanted: Tucker Groomer in working condition Hart of Gold Snowmobile Club 207-612-8484

3. Circle the months in which the ad should appear: September October November December January February March April (first 20 words) + additional # words x 30¢ subtotal = x # months requested Payment = $ 6 $ $ Classified ads are prepaid. The per month rate is: $6 for the first 20 words, 30¢ each additional word. Checks payable to: MSA 4. Determine the cost of your ad:


3. Enclose payment or enter credit card information:

Exp. Date: Exp. Date:

MC Acct #: VISA Acct #

Cardholder Signature:

5. Mail to: Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332

Ads charged to a credit card may be faxed to 207-622-7669


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