
MSA Club News

enjoyable product for riders in our area. We have successfully created one new bypass on our connector trail from Bennett Pond towards central Parkman and Guilford. We have also worked to widen our other trails to not only create better trails for the rider, but easier maneuvering for our Tucker. Our club has been out every weekend since mid-October to ensure a successful and fun snowmobile season for our riders, and we can- not wait to hear feedback as we continue to grow our club and our trail system. We could not be more grateful for our wonderful land- owners who allow us to continue to put our trails through their land, and their helpfulness and generosity does not go unnoticed by our club or the riders of the trails. Snow is coming, and we will be riding before you know it. Steve Marden VP Happy 2022 everyone! We have been excruciatingly busy with trail work since early fall to the present. Several bridges have been improved along with a few trails being widened and straightened. You will also notice a change of direction on ITS Connector Trail 107. New landowners have been incredibly flexible and generous. We want to remind you that have our annual Vin- tage Snowmobile Ride In and Show is coming right up on Saturday February 26th. This will also function as our Landowner Appreciation as well. All Landowners will be honored with a free lunch. We would not exist without them! Ride in or trailer your vintage snowmobile to our Clubhouse to show off your prize sled. Our kitchen will be open to prepare and serve food to your liking all day. Buy sell and trade your old or new ride and gear. Participate in the vintage sled parade on our local trails (conditions permitting), maybe even try some out. Win a door prize! Enter our photo contest. Win the Best in Show trophy!! There will be other small surprises as well. It’s going to be a good time. All donations benefit our Club. The public is very much welcome! Parking is available at our Clubhouse for offloading and on the road while you enjoy the day. Follow the signs on the trails. The clubhouse will be opening on weekends once the trails are open and volunteers are available. We are located at 262 Long Hill Road in Orrington. Our mailing address is PO Box 202, Orrington, ME 04474. Our contact phone number is 207-852-8000. You can also find us on social media includ- ing Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. That’s where you will get the most updated informa- tion on our goings-on. Our meetings typically take place the first Tuesday of each month through April at 6:30pm. I think that’s it for now. See you soon! Laurie La Violette, President Well, here we are in Mid-December. The fall weather was beautiful and unfortunately for those of us who are looking for early sea- son riding the weather is still unseasonably warm. We have had some snow and lost it a couple of times. I guess this gives us the last couple of weeks of the year to concentrate on Christmas and sled prep. The Blue Ridge Riders got a lot of trail work done. Rocks and stump removal on some of our hard to maintain trails will make them much easier to groom and maintain once the snow gets here. A huge Thanks to all those machine operators and helpers who got the trails in shape and the groomers ready to go. Our cash calendar sale has started and here’s the deal! For $10 dollars you get your name in the hat. There is a drawing every day in Feb- ruary with a chance to win from $100- $500 ... on February 28th the drawing is $1000 dol- lars. If you win - the amount listed on that day is yours AND your name goes back in the hat ORRINGTON TRAIL RIDERS Orrington, ME www.orringtontrailriders.com BLUE RIDGE RIDERS Rockwook, ME

so you can win again. We have good news and bad news. The Bad news is that due to Covid Restrictions we are unable to sell calendars at some of the local stores so our sales will likely be down. The GOOD news is that your odds are up! These calendars make great gifts for friends and fam- ily. To get calendars text Mike at 207-441- 0937 or email mghoyt55@gmail.com for as many as you want. If you haven’t already, please get your memberships to Kate at 508-954-4005 or mail them to PO Box 345 Rockwood Maine 04478. Also, you can email kaitypalmer@gmail.com As usual we may have a couple of trail changes depending on logging operations. A big thanks to all our landowners for their sup- port and cooperation. Ride Safe and Enjoy! Trail work is being done as the weather per- mits, but Mother Nature has not been cooper- ating. There are still a lot of blow downs and wet spots to deal with. At least bridgework is moving right along. We will be doing our 2022 Fishing Derby the weekend of February 5th & 6th with the 50-mile Vintage sled ride on Sunday February 20th. Both events are at the clubhouse, 243Whitmore Landing Rd. in Hudson. See you on the trails!! We want to say thanks to everyone who maintains the trails and we hope you all stay safe and healthy. EMBDEN TRAVELERS sc Embden, ME Find us on Facebook Hope all had a great holiday season. At this writing, the snow is sparse on the trails. There is evidence some have given it a go. Most lakes have open water. Plans are going forward to jointly have our Snow Fest with The Embden Pond Associa- tion at the boat launch by the Embden Pond dam. The current date is February 19th at noon. Give attention to the facebook pages of either organization for updates. Be SAFE! Your Club Reporter Hi y’all, I’m sure you will all agree, it’s been a very busy year for all of us here at the Lexington Highlanders snowmobile club! We have been working hard on our groomers, the new club- house addition, and getting all of our new and existing trails ready for the snow season. We have had many adjustments to our trail sys- tem and would like to thank all of you for fol- lowing the rules, staying on marked trails and respecting our landowners. Remember! With- out them we wouldn’t have such an amaz- ing trail system here and all over the state of Maine. We had a very successful ribbon cutting cer- emony and open house last month. Thanks to all that participated in our Big Event. I hope you all had a chance to stop by and see the new enhanced clubhouse. It’s a BEAUTY!!!! Here’s to a great season. See you all out on the trails. Stay safe! Lori Nunes, club reporter LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS Lexington Twp, ME PUSHAW LAKE sc Glenburn, ME Find us on Facebook Whitmore Landing Road Hudson Submitted by: Ray Simpson CENTRAL REGION

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February 7 th Director’s Meeting at 6 PM. 9 th Potluck Supper meeting at the Club. 26 th PUBLIC CHILI AND CHOWDER AND AUCTION – AT THE MILFORD MUNICIPAL BUILDING. DOORS OPEN AT 5 PM. This event is so much fun, and we always enjoy inviting the public to this event. Our Auction items are donated and we hav- en’t been disappointed by the local businesses who have been very generous with donations. Please mark your calendars and DON’T FOR- GET TO COME TO THIS. Well folks, this has certainly been a diffi- cult time for individuals and organizations. I look forward to being able to NOT write about COVID-19 in the future. Let’s all do our best to protect ourselves and our families. In the meantime. HAPPY TRAILS!!! Kathy Carson, Club Secretary HAPPY 2022!!!!!! December seemed promising with colder temperatures and winter type weather in the forecast. Though at this point locally we have had minimal snow, lots of rain resulting in icy conditions. If the temps stay low and we get snow, we could gain a good base. Let’s all do our snow dances! The lack of snow has enabled trail and bridge work to be done. Thanks to all who have been out getting bridge repairs done. Watch our facebook page for specific dates of upcoming public suppers, weekend break- fasts. The annual Cancer snow ball run will be on Saturday January 22, 2022 and Winter Fest celebrations kicking off withAntique sled parade on Friday February 18, 2022. Ride right, Ride Safe Patti Rioux EAST BRANCH SNO-ROVERS & ATV CLUB Medway & East Millinocket, ME ndesc@myfairpoint.net Soon we will be celebrating East Branch Sno-Rovers and ATV Club’s 50th birthday. We dedicated a trail to the memory of Gage Hale. The capable and very busy volunteers have chalked up hundreds of manhours on trail work. They’ve worked on culverts, bridges, cleared fallen trees, cut brush, installed signs, and dig up small and large rocks to make trails smoother and safer. A big thank you goes out to these workers. We are happy and grateful to have been awarded a generous Gloria C. MacKenzie grant. We are very fortunate that the MacKen- zie family supports our club, the local schools, and the entire community. We look forward to our Groomer Rodeo on January 29. February 5, we’re anticipating a club ride and supper. We will once again welcome the club from Bridgton to our Country Music Jam and Din- ner on February 8. This has become a yearly tradition. We expect 36 riders to eat and laugh and enjoy the music. AGage Hale Memorial Snowmobile Ride is planned for February 12. Club meetings are the second Thursday of each month. We have been having potluck suppers between the Executive Meeting and the Full Club Meeting. Finally, on a very welcome and positive note, we will again rent a Porta Potty this win- ter. Last year this was a happy sight for many outdoor enthusiasts. Nancy C. Deschene NORTHERN TIMBER CRUISERS Millinocket, ME

same types of relationships with like-minded friends! During those trips and dinners, Al became our fearless leader “Chief Sagamore”! Our Chief Sagamore always dreamed of grooming in a big machine. His dream was that he was going to win the lottery, build a big clubhouse with a bowling alley on the second floor and a groomer shed for the big machine on the ground floor. Through the years we watched as Al purchased a few different types of groomers. He had his Yamaha VK that faithfully served him through the earlier years with the homemade wooden drag on the back. As he grew older, he retired up here and he bought a small Bombi and drag but soon found that too difficult to get in and out of! From there he bought a big Ford tractor. He went out in it once with his crew of helpers following behind! It was Al in the groomer, John Brown, Darryl Cote, Pete and myself on sleds. As I recall it was a pretty cold winter day. We made it out to the Gauntlett for the turnaround! It took about a half an hour to get that thing turned and heading back in the right direction! We all stopped at the intersec- tion up there and roasted some hot dogs for lunch. Still nothing like a hot dog cooked over an open fire out on the trail! At that point we made the decision to keep going out to Ber- nies’ Boulevard. That was another 45 minutes to make the turnaround. It was getting colder and our Fearless Leader Chief Sagamore was getting tired. We finally made it back around 7 o’clock that Sunday night. Shortly after that it went up for sale. It was not to be. From there he bought a Ski Doo Skandic with a Hiss drag. It didn’t get much trail time as Al was suffering from poor health at that point. He sold the sled and drag to the Ebeemee Snow- mobile Club and the following year we put it to good use. It’s still a good sled to this day and still in service for the club! The point of this little history lesson is never give up on your dreams. The Ebeemee Snow- mobile Club has found a way to make Chief Sagamore’s Dream come true! We have a big machine, the BR275 with an 18-10 Mogul Master and we are laying down the white car- pet for all to enjoy! I know he is looking down at us and smiling when he sees “Sagamore’s Dream” cutting a path through the Great North Woods! I for one am proud to have been able to help bring the dream to life for Al… mak- ing Ebeemee Snowmobile Club trails the best they can be for all to enjoy! If not for Al, I might never have met the amazing group of friends I have come to know as the Sagamore Wanderers! We miss you Al but we know you are watching over all of us and occasionally shaking your head in disbelief! At a recent meeting it was asked why the machine was sometimes referred to as Sagamore’s Dream. It’s because it was Sagamore’s Dream. Again, never give up on your dreams! Now let’s get that clubhouse built! Start that SNOWDANCE with enthusiasm! It’s going to be a great winter! Laurie Plourde, Ebeemee Snowmobile Club Hello everyone, I am hoping that everyone has had a Happy New Year, and of course, a healthy one! It is disconcerting that Covid 19 is still influencing our activities. I wish this darn virus would go away soon. Our public breakfasts are a go. Hopefully we will have great attendance. Our first breakfast is scheduled for January 2nd. Please mark it on your calendars and come out to sup- port the Club. We look forward to seeing you there. We will have our Potluck Supper on the 5th. This is always a good time, with good food and good company. January 22 nd 5 PM We will have a Chicken BBQ Night. Please sign up so we have an accurate count. Please call 827-3446 to sign up. It should be a good time. PINE TREE sc Milford, ME


Another fall of trail work has come and passed, meaning we are close to first snow and the start of the 2022 Maine snowmobile season. The Trailblazers have worked hard this fall to better our trails and create a more


Hello everyone, I hope by the time you read this we will have a foot or two of snow. Last


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