
Notes From The Council

Once again, a huge THANK YOU to all who braved the soggy weather to participate in and cheer on the 4 th of July parade, especially our Grand Marshal, BILLY ST. CYR! Thank you to our esteemed judges, Gail Jenkins,Abbie Isenberg, Kiran Grinwal, and Bill Hopkins for reviewing the parade through the rain. The results are in: Grand Prize Float: “COVID made me go GRAY!” (Parker) Second Prize Float: TIE! “Pandemic Pups” (Kuh) and “Pandemic

Puppies” (Grunko) Honorable Mention Float: “We Got Married!” (Trower, Kiermaier, Holman) Organizational Float: Slow Bell Cafe Press Float: Chebeague Island Historical Society “Making History”. Tractor: TIE! 1963 Tractor with Wood Splitting (Nate Neumann and friends) and Tractor with COVID Cab (Varney) Golf Cart: Package Pick-up (Bogle/Jubinville)

From The Town Administrator’s Office

Summer is now if full swing and I hope it is treating you and your family well. I would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in the annual town meeting. It was a little different this year being outside under the tent, but I think the meeting went well. It was nice to see the lively discussion about the various topics, but I was very impressed with respectful tone of the speakers and the general demeanor of everyone in attendance. You should take pride in this; it is not the case everywhere. I would also like to especially thank Vika Wood and Chris Auffant for all of their work to make the town meeting and the election a success, it would not be possible without their efforts. It is anticipated that the paving work will begin on the week of

August 23. The roads included in this year’s road plan include: Division Point Rd, Bar Point Rd, South Rd (from the Inn to East Shore Drive and from Roy Hill Rd to Crossman Dr), North Rd (from School House Rd to Cottage), School House Rd, and John Small Rd. Upcoming Dates: Annual Clean Up Day: Postponed – this will be rescheduled to sometime this fall. Town Office Closure: 8/26 – town staff will be attending a training. Respectfully submitted, Justin L. Poirier, Town Administrator

LADIES AID SUMMER FAIR Thursday, August 5th

11:30AM – 1:30PM at the Hall Handmade Items of All Kinds Knives and Utensils • Baked Goods and THE FUDGE



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