
SANTA FOR KIDS PROGRAM After twenty-nine years, we had another successful Christmas. We had 9 families requesting help, a total of 2 children. We were fortunate to receive over $4000 in cash and toy donations. Along with lots of handmade mittens, hats and scarves. This year was a bit challenging due to Covid. Almost all shopping had to be done online, so timing was a definite challenge. We

were unable to have our normal volunteers assisting us this year for wrapping as well. But we got it done!

Those wishing to make donations for next year can drop off new, unwrapped toys, clothing, bedding, toiletries, books, arts & crafts, or check/cash at the Town Office at any time throughout the year. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the following people for your generous donations. We couldn’t run this program without your donations.

American Legion Post # 150 Chandler Funeral Homes

Bryant Energy Cindy Charloff

Naomi Cesare

Day Motors

Depot Square Hardware Store

Dirigo Federal Credit Union

Earle’s Heating Oil

Economy Auto

Electrostatic Technologies High Rollers – TJ Thayer

Penny & Bud Emery

Machias Motel

Parent Lumber

Ricky & Lori Plummer 420 Pharma – Robert Klar

Paula Stotts Renee Irish

Janice Biardi

American Legion Woman’s Auxiliary

Dorothy Bouchles

Beth Frechette


Lion’s Club

Northeast Bank

Cameron Morrell

Mechanic Falls Vet

We are looking forward to next year! Year 30!!!

Michelle Emery & Julie Ward Santa For Kids Program Coordinators


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