S e b a g
L i t t l
o L a k e E n g a g e
n t
m e
2021 LSLA Annual Meeting Little Sebago Lake Association – 2021 Annual Meeting Via Zoom due to uncertain Covid Guidelines: https://littlesebagolake.com/zoom Dial in 929-436-2866 July 11 th 8-9 AM Raffle Opportunity-Enter to win! - Littlesebagolake.com/raffle Drawing at end of meeting 9 AM – Meeting begins Meeting will be recorded- Agenda items will have 5 minute time slots BOD Election of Officers- 15 minutes after annual meeting ends Each board member listened to daily news hoping we could bring back the in-person meeting. After weighing all the impacts, ramifications, logistics, changing guidelines and comfort levels, to play it safe, the board decided to hold off having an in-person meeting one more year. As much as we want to meet and greet all of you, next year we can gather safely, talk about new things and tuck Covid away. Our agenda will be filled with updated information regarding all that pertains to our mission, protecting the lake’s ecosystem, balancing human interactions and making sure it is safe and enjoyable for this summer and years to come. The agenda will be posted on our website www.littlesebagolake.com and Facebook page in June. Last year’s Zoom meeting was attended by over 100 people. We hope to see you there. If you have any particular interests for us to discuss, please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com Here’s to the summer of 2021! President and Board of Directors
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