
Summer 2021 Little Sebago Lake Association “Our mission is to protect, restore, and improve our lake’s water quality and fragile ecosystem. We will create and nurture a community of lake stewards, educate users on lake safety, and always be mindful that human needs must be balanced with the needs of the natural environment.”


President Pam Wilkinson

Vice President Andy Mayo

Secretary Cheryl Alterman

Treasurer Jim McBride

A Big Thank You to all of our great photographers listed below who donated a few of their best pictures shown on the front cover, capturing some great moments on Little Sebago Lake. Amy Freese Brenda Labrecque Lafleur Cindy Rague David Getchell Deb Sullivan Gellerson Ed Richards Jeri Fitzpatrick Jon Davis Sr Kayla Wetherbee Kimberly Skilling Shelley Kristi Sarchi Mark Strong MC Cobb Pam Wilkinson COMMITTEES Dam Committee Jonathan Bernier • Dave Vance • Justine Beaudoin • Bruce Micucci, Honorary Member Loon Committee Sharon Young • Betty Caton Island Committee Wendy Pickett • Carol Ann Doucette Other Members Rod Bernier • Diane Burnell • Steve Davis • Tim Greer • Kevin Kaserman Gary Kenny • Sharon Lamontagne • Debra Lavoie • Kevin Murphy Arnie Rosario • Barbara Sawhill RESOURCE HELPERS Database & Membership Support Sharon Young LSLA Merchandise Tammy Rosario Water Quality Rick Sullivan Pirate Parade Organizer Deb Gellerson


Little Sebago Lake Association Summer 2021

Contents... Mission Statement ................................................ 1 LSLA Board members ........................................... 2 Cover Photo Credits ............................................. 2 Membership Contact Information Update ............. 3 Contact Information .............................................. 3 Introduction From The President President’s Message ............................................ 4 Little Sebago Lake Environment Mt. Hunger Road Boat Ramp Courtesy Boat Inspection 5 Milfoil Militia Invasive Milfoil Efforts ................... 6-7 2021 Spring/Summer Hopkins Dam Report ......... 8 Little Sebago Lake Engagement 2021 LSLA Annual Meeting .................................. 9 LSLA Treasurer’s Report .................................... 10 LSLA Annual Budget ........................................... 11 15 th Annual Pirate Parade ................................... 12 LSLA Fun Page ................................................... 13 LSLA Merchandise .............................................. 14 LSLA Scholarship Award .................................... 15

Click on content below to go right to that page!

Picture Request For 2022 Calendar ................... 15 2020 LSLA Membership Contributions .......... 16-17 2020 LSLA Endowment & Memorial Giving ........ 18 LSLA Functions & Finances ................................ 18 Help Wanted ....................................................... 19 Adopt a Shoreline 2021 ...................................... 19 Little Sebago Lake Interesting Facts .................. 19 Education & Topics of Interest Did You Know? ................................................... 20 Fireworks - 2021 ................................................. 21 Safety Patrol Program 2021 .......................... 22-23 2021 Little Sebago Loonacy .......................... 24-25 The Birches at Aimhi ........................................... 26 ME Inland Fisheries & Wildlife ............................ 27 What’s happening Around My Lake? ............. 28-29 Maine Aides to Navigation System ..................... 30 Thoughts for Summer ..........................................30 Thank You to our Supporters .............................. 31 LSLA’s 2021 Online Raffle Fundraiser ................ 32

Membership Contact Information Updates Please contact Cheryl Alterman @ calterman@littlesebagolake.com

CONTACT INFORMATION Little Sebago Lake Association

P.O. Box 912, Windham, ME 04062-0912 • 207-809-4706 info@littlesebagolake.com • www.littlesebagolake.com


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President’s Welcome Message 2021 Enjoy and Engage

I know everyone is looking forward to getting out the summer gear. Winter was late which some people found just okay, avoiding the shoveling while others were waiting for the lake to freeze enough to use those cross-country skis, ATV, snow shoes, snowmobile, ice-fishing gear received for Christmas. Finally, in February the lake froze enough for winter fun, giving a chance to get the family out on the lake to catch that special fish or just sit with faces to the sun, enjoying it as if it was summer. The impacts of short ice duration and poor freezing conditions will be monitored this summer. As more people find Little Sebago Lake a haven to escape world pressures, the LSLA board of directors are keeping a watchful eye on ancillary impacts from boat usage, water quality, watershed management, invasive milfoil, and algae. These are only some of the many components that impact our ecosystem and quality of life. This is where you step in. Obviously, 15 board members cannot do it all. We have a few committee members who assist us throughout the year. LSLA needs more of you to get involved with summer projects or committee help. As some of the board members get older, it is imperative we mentor others for transition of knowledge and consistency. Your part could be as simple as inventorying your property, shoreline and depths below the water to see what you can do to mitigate negative impacts to the lake. Involvement does not have to take a lot of time; it can be educational for you and your family. If you are that person who has a certain interest we would love to engage your volunteerism with as much time as you want to give. Sometimes your involvement may turn into an interest to become a board member. If we all do a little, it will help and accomplish a lot!

climate, clearing of vegetation within the watershed and at the shoreline, unlawfully adding sand, and general lake usage. Our mission is to balance human usage with the needs of the environment. We all enjoy fun days on the lake. As we have that fun, we all should balance it with environmental responsibility. Please contact any board member with any interest you may have, whatever time you have available to contribute or questions on how you can be involved and make improvements. We also look to you for ideas for improvement and welcome you to touch base with us regarding any concerns you may have. Thank you to the dedicated board of directors, committee members and concerned lake residents. We are blessed to have so many caring and proficient board members who volunteer countless hours helping to manage the association for the good of the lake. A special thanks goes to our lake community for financially supporting all our efforts to ensure memories for generations to follow. On Behalf of the Board of Directors and Committee Members,

Pam Wilkinson LSLA President

The lake environment is challenged with our warmer


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Mt. Hunger Road Boat Ramp Courtesy Boat Inspection Program 2021– Pam Wilkinson

We are welcoming summer with open arms and looking to the waters for Covid therapy. Everyone needed an escape last year and this summer will be no exception. Little Sebago Lake’s boat traffic increased significantly last summer which also increases the chances of invasive species entering or exiting our lake. In the past Jim and Jackie Fitzgerald have greeted you as you enter and exit to check for invasive species like milfoil that may have attached to your motor, intake, trailer or gear during your visit. They also are checking for any new invasive species that can be tricky to detect. Please allow a moment for them to take these precautions either by allowing them to inspect or, due to Covid precautions, they can instruct on how and where to check your own boat. A bill in the legislature called “Pull the Plug Law” is being introduced which requires you to pull the plug on your boat for drainage after leaving the lake and prior to traveling on a road. This will make sure any invasive species residing in the water is removed does not go to another lake. This is especially true for the wake/surf boats with a ballast. It will only take a moment to provide this precaution and avoid expensive costs and time for remediation. As we only cover Friday to Sunday and some busy periods, it is important for you to become familiar on what is invasive and how to check your boat if the inspectors are not present. This link will provide you will all the information you will need: https://www.maine.gov/dep/water/invasives/ cbi-handbook.pdf. As a reminder, Mt Hunger Shore Road is posted no parking and violators will be towed. Please find alternate parking if the lot is full. Porta Potties are available for use. All lake land and islands are private. We are looking for people who may be interested in volunteering to cover the extra days if you are looking for something to do this summer. It would be nice to have full coverage during the summer. We have applied for a grant that may cover some of the time should there be a college student looking for work this summer. Please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com with any questions or interest.


Milfoil Militia Invasive Milfoil Efforts 2021 Coordinators: Pam Wilkinson & Tim Greer

In 1999 Judy Andrews from Mumford Cove brought to LSLA’s attention that there was vegetation growing in the water that was overtaking the cove. From then to now, 127 tons of invasive hybrid milfoil has been removed from the lake at the expense of approximately $883,000.00, with a total of $712,500 in expenses and $170,500.00 of in- kind and volunteer time. The tallies for the three sections of the lake are as follows: Upper Lake-Gray: 2647 onion bags 20 pounds each Middle Lake-Gray: 1661 onion bags 20 pounds each Lower Lake-Windham: 8407 onion bags 20 pounds each Throughout the winter our boat, called HIPPO (hydraulic invasive plant processing operation), received a $15,000.00 overhaul. Tim Greer has made plans for repair of the plywood decking which gave way to several holes, making it unsafe for the crew to walk. The new decking will be made of a composite that will last for many years to come with less maintenance. This required removal and replacement of the trough, compressor, venture pump and captain’s helm. The steering mechanisms will also be upgraded. This effort will ensure the suction dredge will also be safe for years to come.

Milfoil Coodinators - Tim Greer & Pam Wilkinson

The 17 year program always begins in June with meetings with the captains, crew and divers to discuss the protocols for the year. In the early years

Morning Plans Jim MacNaught, Megan Wilkinson & Gordon Smith

Jim MacNaughts with Gentle Giant Crayfish


Milfoil Militia Invasive Milfoil Efforts 2021 Coordinators: Pam Wilkinson & Tim Greer

Maine to find out more on how to protect your piece of paradise: lakestewardsofmaine.org.

New Diver, Peter Dollard

it was easy to find invasive milfoil in huge infested areas; 50 to 100 bags a day was not uncommon. Now it is more difficult to find. Small plants are spread out on the bottom requiring more swimming by the diver to find and retrieve. If left unchecked we would experience the massive infested beds we once had. In order to better track these areas we will institute GPS technology with mapping capabilities during surveys and full operations. The program is blessed to have returning crews and divers, eliminating the need for training. The invasive milfoil’s roots need to be dug from the bottom of the lake, feed into a suction hose, carried to the deck trough and filtered twice and finally captured in onion bags. We encourage anyone who has diver certification to contact us to assist with the program. We received interest last year and it would be nice to have a couple more divers willing to take the training and then work a day or two. As Mike Rowe says “It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.” I promise you a day on the lake is better than a day at work. The milfoil program is also looking for someone who would like to assist with the operations of the program. The program looks to you to help us identify anything suspicious in your area or while traveling the lake. Learn what is native and what is invasive and a threat to our lake. Visit Lake Stewards of

Milfoil Plant and Roots

Native Water Marigold plant- uneven branches

Invasive Variable Milfoil plant-even branches

Please contact Pam Wilkinson pwilkinson@ littlesebagolake.com if interested or need to report suspicious occurrences.


2021 Spring / Summer Hopkins Dam Report As I said in last Fall’s newsletter, the lake was already 5” below summer high when the Hopkins Dam was opened for the winter drawdown on the State mandated date of October 15th. We can bring the full lake down about an inch a day with the dam open, but 1 inch of rain brings the lake up 3 inches. We didn’t have the heavy November rains that we had in 2019, so this year’s drawdown was fairly gradual. By then end of November, Little Sebago Lake was 17” below summer high. The lake stayed between 15” and 17” below summer high for the months of December and January. A lack of precipitation brought the lake down to 22” below summer high by the end of February. The lake reached its low of 23” below summer high on March 10 th . As I write this on March 20th, the lake is 22” below summer high. With a small snowpack, we’ll be relying on Mother Nature to provide precipitation to bring the lake back up after the dam is closed on the State mandated date of April 15th. Our goal is to have a full lake by Memorial Weekend. maintenance of the 131 year old Hopkins Dam. There are no leaks and the gate mechanism is functioning well. We have started to look at the riprap on the northern side of the dam. There is no immediate need, but we envision that we will have to perform some maintenance riprap work in the next few years. Justine Beaudoin has been leading our communication effort with information postings on Facebook. She will post water levels on Facebook on a weekly basis this spring as we bring the lake level up. Many thanks to the Dam Committee members for all of their volunteer efforts and to the Directors and members of the Little Sebago Lake Association for all of their support. Rod Bernier Hopkins Dam DamKeeper

It has been another busy winter for the Dam Committee. Dave Vance has been working tirelessly to move the effort forward to replace the 39 year old steel gate in the Hopkins Dam sluiceway. Fabrication of a new gate will cost around $20,000. Removal of the old gate and installation of the new gate has to happen when there is no water pressure against the gate in early Spring or late Fall. There is very little room for heavy equipment around the dam and we have to make sure that the earthen structure of the dam is not damaged. We’re in hopes of completing the project this fall. If Mother Nature doesn’t provide us with the window this fall, we’ll do the replacement early in the Spring of 2022.

We have been performing our regular


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2021 LSLA Annual Meeting Little Sebago Lake Association – 2021 Annual Meeting Via Zoom due to uncertain Covid Guidelines: https://littlesebagolake.com/zoom Dial in 929-436-2866 July 11 th 8-9 AM Raffle Opportunity-Enter to win! - Littlesebagolake.com/raffle Drawing at end of meeting 9 AM – Meeting begins Meeting will be recorded- Agenda items will have 5 minute time slots BOD Election of Officers- 15 minutes after annual meeting ends Each board member listened to daily news hoping we could bring back the in-person meeting. After weighing all the impacts, ramifications, logistics, changing guidelines and comfort levels, to play it safe, the board decided to hold off having an in-person meeting one more year. As much as we want to meet and greet all of you, next year we can gather safely, talk about new things and tuck Covid away. Our agenda will be filled with updated information regarding all that pertains to our mission, protecting the lake’s ecosystem, balancing human interactions and making sure it is safe and enjoyable for this summer and years to come. The agenda will be posted on our website www.littlesebagolake.com and Facebook page in June. Last year’s Zoom meeting was attended by over 100 people. We hope to see you there. If you have any particular interests for us to discuss, please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com Here’s to the summer of 2021! President and Board of Directors


LSLA Treasurer’s Report - Jim McBride

A summary financial report showing 2020 results compared to budget is attached. It also shows the proposed budget for 2021. Starting this year, we are grouping expenses by the major operating programs to highlight the key areas funded in our budget. We hope this will help members to better understand how your donations, gifts, and grants are used to support LSLA. We ended the 2020 year in very strong financial shape, despite earlier concerns about the impact of the pandemic on the economy and member support. Here are a few highlights: • Total 2020 income was $156,734 which was above budget by $18,834. Donations under our membership appeal continued higher than expected, and we had wonderfully strong support for our year-end request for endowment gifts. We had increased grants from Gray, Windham, and the Maine DEP, as well as strong merchandise sales. We did not need to transfer interest/growth from our reserves and endowment investments to fund operations. • Our budget for 2021 shows total income of $158,000 reflecting slightly lower expectations for donations, endowment giving, and merchandise revenue. Those reductions are offset by an increase in grant revenue as DEP increased its grant for milfoil and we are hoping for a Covid relief grant from Maine Community Foundation. We expect to use $2,000 from interest/growth in our reserves and endowment investments to help offset operating expenses. • Total 2020 expenses were $135,256 which were below budget by $2,644. We were over budget in the safety program and in merchandise expense. But we had lower costs than expected in most other program areas. • Our budget for 2021 shows total expenses of $158,000 reflecting increased staffing hours for courtesy boat inspection, milfoil crews, and the safety patrol as well as for warden coverage. This reflects a significant increase in boating activity that started last summer during the pandemic. • Total Income Less Expense: We ended 2020 with positive cash flow and a net surplus of $21,478. Our 2021 budget shows a balanced budget with no deficit or surplus. As noted before, we budgeted to use $2,000 from the interest/growth generated by our reserve and endowment investments. We will not tap into the principle amounts in either account. Under Maine Community Foundation guidelines, we are eligible to withdraw almost $43,000 from those accounts to help offset our operating costs, but we will use less than 5% of that allowance. And if other operating expenses come in lower than anticipated we may not need to withdraw the $2,000. • Net Worth – At year-end 2020 we had total assets of $385,145, just over $65,000 higher than last year. This was due to the operating surplus and growth in invested funds for the endowment and reservesmanaged by theMaineCommunity Foundation. • We are incredibly grateful for the strong support from our members and friends who make donations, give to the endowment, join the raffle, and purchase merchandise that helps us keep Little Sebago a safe and healthy lake for all to enjoy!


LSLA Annual Budget - Jim McBride

Little Sebago Lake Association -- 2020 Actual & 2021 Budget



Difference Budget




2021 Notes:



$ $ $ $ $ $ $

57,100 15,000

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

68,543 26,496

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

11,443 11,496 (1,356)

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

66,000 23,000

Endowment Gifts Fundraising Raffle Grant Revenue





36,800 10,000 10,500




b c

Interest/Growth from Investments




Merchandise Revenue









Total Income

137,900 $

156,734 $





Disbursements - by Program: Courtesy Boat Inspection

$ $ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

13,850 52,700 27,600 18,500 10,200 12,500 22,650 158,000

d e

Milfoil Removal

44,640 17,190 16,800 10,500 10,800 29,075

43,597 21,278 14,338


Safety Patrol Program & Wardens Marketing & Communications



(2,462) (2,602)


Admin & Overhead



12,808 25,999


Other: Dam, Loons, Narrows, Water Qual

(3,076) (2,644)

Total Expense

137,900 $

135,256 $

Total Income less Expense








Notes: a) Strong response to 2020 year-end endowment appeal; but expect more conservative in 2021 b) Includes $10k grants from both Gray & Windham and $18k from DEP for boat inspection & milfoil c) No need to use growth from investments in 2020, but plan to use $2k for 2021 d) Increased staffing coverage for extra days due higher usage from pandemic e) Increased milfoil boat maint and staffing for milfoil crews f) Increased safety patrol hours and warden coverage due higher usage in pandemic g) Increased outreach efforts to attract and retain members h) 2020 actual results showed over $21k surplus; 2021 budget assumes balanced budget

Little Sebago Lake Association -- Balance Sheet as of Year-end


12/31/19 12/31/20 Difference


$ $

58,093 18,394

$ $

93,087 13,318

$ $ $ $

34,994 (5,077) 35,228 65,145

Operating Account


243,512 $ 320,000 $

278,740 $ 385,145 $

Total Assets






$ $


320,000 $

385,145 $


Net Worth:


15 th Annual Pirate Parade

Yo, Maties! The Pirate Parade is a happening event!

We will take to the high seas on Saturday, July 24 th ! Join us at 3 pm down by the lower narrows. We work our way up to the sandbar before the lower narrows. It’s a time of fun and frolic and laughter. Decorate your ships in your own fashion and bring out the creativity of your crew! Due to Covid, we will decide closer to the event whether we have our volleyball events at the sand

bar. But, somehow, some way, there will be popsicles for the kiddos provided by the Good Ship Gelato! Please post these do’s and don’ts in your cabin as a reminder to keep this a family friendly event. Rain date will be Sunday, July 25 th . Any postponement or other information will be posted on the Little Sebago Lake Facebook page.

DO’s DON’Ts Ye must Be creative! Or at least Ye don’t use water balloons

root for those who are! Ye must Display yours registration sticker Ye Show some lake spirit Ye Show respect to others

Ye DO NOT throw water on to a vessel who is not throwing water at you

Ye don’t use firecrackers or other exploding devices Ye Do not get too close to other moving vessels

This year we will encourage the WHITE FLAG option. If you are flying a prominent WHITE FLAG it will indicate to others that you are out there to enjoy the fun, but you do NOT want to be approached by other boaters. We applaud and respect your choice and know you may have people on board that don’t want to battle. There’s plenty out there who do! See you out on the lake!



Let’s Do A Word Search... W T N E C S E R C A B C B D E E V D I E S S S A B H T U O M E G R A L L L S W U T R O U T F G H A I R G B O D E A E N L O O N C Y J N I O L A G C E L K I F E R N R L K A L C E T I E U L A W M I N O A I B P Q K R T R L G O N T R S S T N L G R A P E L A E U W S P E R C H E G R E T V H E M R D W N I T R A M X N R E F W S S R Y U H O R S E I X S S O M L L I H E Y C D Z L A L A R E D I P S G F I T D K U B O F F O G C D L E F G G P A E S E P O L I C E G W O R C O N D W E H S I N I R A I N B O W J R I N D W K L E S R O H W O N N I M F K A O D R I D G E W O O D R E D I P S S O N E R U S A E R T L D I A C N I K G O S S A B T R O W R E D D A L B M N P L E R E K C I P O P H S I F N U S How About A Crossword? Directions: The missing word fits in the crossword. ACROSS 1. Frogs sometimes bury their _____ in the bottom of lakes. 2. A _____ will soon grow wings and become an adult insect. 3. A _____ is an area of land that drains into a body of water. 4. Trees have long _____ to drink groundwater. 5. A _____ likes to build dams. DOWN 1. _____ is when liquid water turns intoa gas and neats up in the air. 6. A _____ has 6 points before it melts. 7. A _____ likes to visit ponds and has a hard shell. 8. The thin layer between warm and cold water in a lake is called a _____ . 9. A habitat must include food, water, shelter, and _____ . 10.Water comes in 3 forms: liquid, _____ . , and gas.



Vegetation Bladderwort(native)

Bass and Martin Crane


Ducks Eagle Egret Geese Loon

Fern (native) Lily (native) Moss (native)



Crow Frogg

Pondweed (native) Variable Milfoil (invasive) Water Marigold (native)




Wild Celery


Fish Bass

Horse Loon Police Rock Sand

Large Mouth Bass

Minnow Perch Pickerel Sunfish


Snake and Spider Trout



Dues (To preserve our lake) Rainbows (To keep us going)





2 6





Answers on Page 27



We want to thank the many lake lovers that purchased merchandise in 2020 resulting in sales revenue of over $16,000. We had great success last year with an open house over Labor Day weekend. We hope to host the open house again in 2021 and to once again have a table at the Gray Legion hall in December at their Holiday Fair. We are also planning to have a merchandise display in our home where you can shop anytime that we’re at home. Watch for announcements on Facebook and the Little Sebago Lake Association website for shopping opportunities. The 2021 Little Sebago Calendars have been reduced to $10. It’s a good time to purchase one if you haven’t yet done so! Arnie and Tammy Rosario


The Little Sebago Lake Assoc. Scholarship Award

Last spring, we were pleased to award the sixth annual (2020) LSLAscholarship to twomost deserving students. The scholarship winner from Windham High School was McKenna Smart, a student who has a passion for the outdoors and a commitment to the environment and her community. She is a kind young woman who has been a leader on her cheerleading teams, as a middle school cheer coach, as a Girl Scout and as a summer camp counselor. This year she is attending the University of Maine to study Environmental Science. The recipient of the Gray-New Gloucester High School scholarship was Colby Saunders, pictured below. «Currently I’m going to the University of Maine Machias, for wildlife biology. My first semester went well and I was able to get good grades. My future career plans are to get a job with the state of Maine and to learn about the species we have in Maine and see how we can help them flourish in the future. I would like to thank the Little Sebago Lake Association again for the scholarship. Thanks, Colby.

Colby Saunders

We are proud that LSLA can help support these hard-working students as they pursue their education and careers.

Picture Request For 2022 Calendar

To all the amazing photographers on our lake - it is picture submission time. I am starting to gather pictures to be published in the LSLA 2022 calendar. I am looking for a variety of images capturing all four seasons on our beautiful lake. If you have high resolution .jpg pictures and would like to have them considered for selection, please submit them to me by June 8, 2021 at dburnell@littlesebagolake.com. The calendars will be available to purchase at the Annual Meeting on July 10, 2021. ps: I haven’t received any drone pictures yet…. Thanks, Diane Burnell


2020 LSLA Membership Contributions

H. Parker James & Randall Albright Thomas & Sarah Kramlich Mark & Debra Lavoie Roger & Mary LeBlanc Robert & Deborah Loranger, Loranger Living trust Ron & Cindy Lydick Dougald & Jennifer MacGillivray Diane M Marcou, Blais Family Trust Tom Martin, Martin Island LLC Andy & Lori Mayo Steve McFarland Edward & Perri McNaught John & Roberta Morris Pamela J Porell & Tom Cleveland Kendall & Ruth Pritchard Cindy Rague & Dana Beaulieu Kevin & Lori Ronan Arnold & Tamara Rosario Barbara Sawhill & John Mullaney Stephen & Maryellen Schissler Roland & Marilyn Seguin Martha Strong & Kim Pagotto Jan Strout Anne H & Paul J. Strout Elizabeth Thedford & Dylan Rueckert Harvey R & Rose Ann Waite, Harvey R Waite II Living Trust Kenneth R Walker & Willis Johnson Stewards $100 - $249 Carl & Alexis Albach Carolyn & Knute Albrecht Scott & Christy Allison Cheryl & Allan Alterman Meridyth Astrosky & Krista Cushing Jean Atherton

and Julie & Jeffrey Viola

Jeffrey & Sandra Johnson Keith & Karen Johnson Lisa Jordan, Purington Camp Amy Kahn & Paula Kahn Meg & Bruce Keltie Beverly A Keniston Gary & Cindy Kenny Scott & Erica Kidder Josephine & Stephen King Luther & Doris Kloth John & Christine Komola Christine Kovach, & Deborah Loomis Lafond Augusta Landry & Stephen Landry Robert & Laurie Lawrence Joseph N & Mona Leavitt Donna Leith & Kaile Warren Lawrence Lindenberg & Christine Bertolaccini Amy Lippmann Lisa Sue Litman & Ingrid Vorisek, Keller-Vorised-Litman Cottage Joseph Loring Russell & Lindy Lovejoy Scott Lowell Kevin & Karen MacDonald Forbes & Marcia MacVane John & Kirsten Mallia Anne W. Maloney Susan & Michael Maloney Tarra Marchetti & Paul Marchetti Linda Markee Stacey Marotta & Michelle Freni Alan & Susan Marston Thomas & Sharon McCarthy Richard & Shirley McIntosh Joseph & Elizabeth Metayer Bruce & Virginia Micucci Peter Milligan & Terri Thompson Milligan Bonnie Mitchell Benjamin & Susan Morneault Dennis & Sandra Morris Mark D. & Rosalie B. Mosher Kevin & Laurie Murphy Leland (Skip) & Kristine Murray Cheri Ann & Steven Narducci John Newlin & Patricia Carton Alex Ng & Jennifer Chadburn Janet & Larry Nowinski Warren Eddy Nowlin & Retta Nowlin Marsha Martin Robert Maxwell Cottage 48 LLC, Lakehouse 46 LLC, & Lodge LS LLC Gail E Labbe Larry & Anne Laderbush Arthur Lafond

Melanie & Will Olinto Susan & Thomas Oliver Ted & Debra Osgood Steven & Gail Pacifico Chip & Marianne Panciocco Lawrence & Marilyn Pierce Kirsten A Platte Thomas Poirier Michael & Maureen Poore John & Gail Post Robin Rasch Robert & Wilma Reed George Reuter & Melissa Reuter Ozzie & Judy Ricks Ken & Heather Ringdahl John & Lynne Ritucci Patricia Roberson & Bruce Marchall Mark & Krystal Rohrbaugh & Melissa Zangari Sampson Sara Scalisi & Lee Weinstein Ronald & Anna Seekins Bob & Susie Sharp Marie Goucher Shelden Elaine Shirfan Anntippia Short Constance M & Martin Silver Jeff Skaggs Richard & Kathleen Skilling Janet & Robert Slack June & Gregory Sleeper David Small & Betty Bricker-Small Richard L & Laura H Small Leo & Laurie Soucy & Laurie Soucy Bruce & Lisa Spaulding Stephen & Norma St. Angelo Marla A St. Pierre & Claire E Beamis Robert & Judith St. Pierre Wayne Story Richard & Jill Strout Richard & Jane Sullivan George S Tarbox Nancy Taylor James & Susan Tereshko James Theiss & Julia Bruce Betty L Thomes & Joanne Thomes Gregory Mark & Kimberly Titus Stepan & Heather Tokatlyan Kenneth & Douglas Truscott Charles & Karen Tufts Sandra Tukey Daniel & Nicole Tully Randall & Kris Van Schepen Ralph E & Diane M Vance David & Lisa Viola Larry & Marie Rose Eric & Michelle Roux Donald R Roveto Allan Ryder Wayne & Lisa Saltsman James Sampson

Benefactors $500 and Up Ellen M Bailey, Bailey Family Rick & Barbara Beckwitt Dean Cecile

Dale A Carlson James Caron

Edward & Mary Ann Casey Terrence & Deborah Cekutis Linda Chase John & Yun-Son Choi Cobb Richard & Ann Coffey Gary & Renee Collins David & Sonna Collins Mary Conneen Paul Connolly Shelly Cristaldi Joseph & Mary Elizabeth Cullen David & Douglas Davies Stephen & Carol Davis Jonathan Davis & Jonathan Davis Robert & Judy Davis Joseph & Lynn DeAndrade Paul & Ellen Decristofaro Andy & Julie DeRice Matty & Donna Direnzo Peter Dollard & Merle Westbrook Patricia Currier Linda Davidson Michael & Jennifer Doten William & Elaine Duffus Dumont Family Cottages Dwayne & Heidi Dunn Eric & Erin Dupee Daniel & Tina Farrell Meade Fasciano Jon & Linda Forbes Bruce F & Pam J Foshay Kenneth & Diane Gamache Raymond & Nina Geissler Peter & Deborah Gellerson David & Christine Godfrey Jeff & Joanne Goguen Charles & Denise Goodspeed Judith G Stephens Trust David & Nancy Greene Richard & Charlotte Hallworth Ward C. & Susan Hand Chester & Judy Harriman Cynthia C. Hawkes & Carol Mayle Charles K Hennessey & Nancy Johnston Patrick Henning & Meredith Henning Elizabeth, Bryce & Robin Hillman Donald Hills William Hoagland & Leah Orton Walter Houseman & Nora Frank Cassandra & Christopher Hudson Kate Lacobucci Judith & Rod Irish Gregg & Donna Isherwood Kathryn Beck Jankauskas & Joseph F. Jankauskas Jr Phyllis Johnson & Diane Sewall Linda Gray & Dawna Santoro, Doug & Tamara Hoehle Kevin & Sue Holloran

Anthony & Terri Clark David & Judith Craver James & Meredith Cutler Evergreen Credit Union William & Donna Gannon Jodi & Thomas Gernon Thomas Hagerty Jeffrey & Judith Kane Allison Lee & Peter Hirst Little Sebago Lodges Inc. Jim & Kim McBride John S Morneault Doris Jean Newlin Gina & Steve Pettengill, Steven & Betsey Roman Bill & Kim Shelley Paul and Christine Tobin Anthony & Martha Vorlicek Sandra & Corey Wendland

Casey Family Foundation

Advocates $250 - $499 Rob Aranow & Patricia Profeta Aranow Ruth & Roger Abbott Emily Benedict Wayne & Suzanne Berzinis Richard & Cheryl Bolduc Janet Boone Meikel & Keith Brewster Carl & Ann Burdin Douglas & Janice Burke, Birch Island Judith Burnham, Dennis Burnham, and Brenda Goucher Donna Burtt & Donald Bowker Bridget & Tim Carpenter Donald & Elizabeth Caton Lloyd & Stacy Chandler Douglas J & Jane W Collins Christopher & Kelly Crawford Robert & Claire Desrosiers Carol Ann & Neal Doucette Charles M. English Chad Farrington & Jane Farrington Deborah & Robert Goldstein Stephen Gorman Brian C & Donna Gowen John & Gretchen Grassmann George & Phyllis A Hall George Hall, Halledge Properties LLC Faith Heneghan Lori & Mark Holmes David & Phoebe Horne Alan & Jerelyn Creutz Jennifer Cunningham John & Patty Davis Amy Davis & Karl Davis

Harvey & Lorraine Atkins David C & Linda Bailey John D & Nancy Barnard Jeffrey & Deanna Barrows Erwin & Meryl Baumann Joseph E & Sheila Baumann Mark S & James Beckman Laurie Berry Judith & Jack Bichajian Jason Bison

Charles Bizier & Jayne Bizier Frederick & Margaret Boehm Alice Borella Richard & Cynthia Bostwick Brian Boucher Louise Bowling, Elizabeth Clausen, & Kendel Hudson Jeffrey & Jennifer Brackett Justin & Kelly Brewer

Carol Brigham David Browder Floyd & Julie Brown Joan Bruck Dale L & Diane Burnell

William & Eunice Nussbum Brian & Suzanne Nutting Keith O’Brien & Eva Lizer Jim & Linda O’Brion Anne & Dennis O’Donovan


2020 LSLA Membership Contributions

Peter & Alice Violette Rodney & Barbara Voisine Frank & Anthony Vorlicek John & Christine Vozella, and Caroline Vozella

Siegler Camp LLC John & Wendy Connolly Anne Connolly Ronald S & Deja Cook Charles & Gail Cote David Curran & Peter Curran Francis & Jane Curty Priscilla Cutts Peter & Jane Dascanio Roger Davies Neil & Cathy D’Entremont Diiorio Family Kurt D & Anne Dossin, The Dossin Family Beverly Dudley Edward & Theresa Dufour Steven & Barbara Ellis Chris & Emily Eustace Howard R & Carmen Farr Robert & Joan Farrell Florence Fossett Timothy & Charlene Fraser Dave & Ann Gagnon Wilfred & Nancy Gagnon Robert & Jacqueline Gallant Steve & Christine Garabedian Barbara Gibson Diane Gilpatrick Anthony & Doreen Gouveia Ronald & Sharon Gregor Gerry Haines Dennis & A.C. Hanson Bertha Hardison & Sandra Small Steven & Nancy Harnois Frank & Mary Herland Bruce & Linda Hills Stephen and Karen Holdtman Thomas & Johan Houghton Gregory & Tracy Jamison George & Mary Jones Steven & Nancy Jordan John Keimel & Alice Oldford Sally W & Victoria Kennedy Kevin Kimball Theresa M & Geoffrey King David & Debbie Kramlich The Kurgan Irr Tr c/o Gary, William and Scott Kurgan Jared & Erica Lachance Timothy & Allison Laflamme Garry & Brenda LaFleur Ronald W & Karen Langille Marie Langlois Susanna Lee Marianne Lefebvre Marcia M Lowery Alice MacNeil Diana & George Mallard Susan Marean Michael Mastromonaco Robert Mathews & Stephen Mathews Raymond & Lucy Maxwell Linda & John Mayol

Alison McCue Helena McCusker Terry & Nancy McGovern Leo McGovern Roy & Malinda McKinney Joseph & Jerilyn McMenamin Art McNeally Christopher & Signe Meals Ralph M & Maureen Merrill Vincent J Micale Peter & Denise Moore James & Linda Mycock Kenneth Myers Sally Noel Samuel & Bette Novick Charles & Sharon Noyes Daniel & Judy O’Brien Julie & Dennis O’Brien Linda A & Fred Oertel Bonnie & Jed Palmacci Sally-Lou Patterson Donald P & Carol A Penta Steven & Marianne Pepin Jon & Debra Pert Ronald Poirier & Holly Nicholson Gabrielle Poirier & Scott Anthoine David & Carol Pollard Herbert & Martha Porch Meryl Atwood & Christopher Pratt Robert Radowicz & Janette Radowicz Deb Randall Bill Readdy & Colleen Nevius Edward & Jean Richards Timothy & Julie Ruhlin Steve & Gwen Sayian James L & Lesley W Schwab Helen V Sheets and Donald & Barbara Sheets David & Elizabeth Sherlock Karen Simpson & Jaqueline Forrest Bruce Skilling, Exc Estate of Cora Skilling George & Fay Small Harold Snowman & Marjorie Bryant David & Jean Southard Peter & Sharon St. Clair Patricia & Henri St. Pierre Helen & Harlow Sternberg Alan Stevens & Nancy Verses Tom & Linda Strout Kevin & Laura Sullivan Roland & Linda Tetrault Jennifer & Jeffrey Thompson Sandy Rideout Richard L Roy

Alfred Dean & Jennifer White Thomas Williams James & Margene Young

Elaine Johnson Donald Johnson Catherine L Johnston Lawrence Jolliffe & Angela Jolliffe Dorothy Jonson Donna Keaten Ronald & Denise Koster Al Lamanda Robert & Lorraine Langlois Gary & Norene Lanoie Christine V Larrivee Timothy & Cindy Leeman Joyce Foster Leonard & Ann Foster Bixby Stephen & Julie London Scott Low & Lynn Low Joseph Marshall Catherine & Stephen Martin Kevin & Darlene Matthews Robert & Tina Mayhew & Jennifer Johnson James & Roberta Olson Jack R & Susan Pannier Paul & Sandy Penna Robert T. & Karen Peters Charles & Barbara Qualey Darryl & MaryLou Rahn Leslie Reuter Gary & Renee Robbins Kim Robinson John P & Debra Roma Anne T. Smith Cynthia Somes Patricia Sullivan Stephen & Susan Swan Bruce & Sharmon Toner Arthur L & Sandy Turcotte Robert & Bonnie Turner David & Michelle Violette Richard Vosburgh Nancy Olsen Waldron Tom & Judith Weston Michael C & Teresa Whyte Lisa & Daniel Wohl Susan Worthing Jean-Marie Young, Jayne Dyer, & Jane Rogan Elmer Young Lawrence Zuckerman, Little Sebago Properties LLC Lyons Point Road Assocciation Marcella Sweet Pamela F Taylor Don Seidel Jon Simon Kristine F Skilling Doreen McConnell Susan McGaulley Peter Mcleod Robert & Susan Moulton Robert & Lillian Mountain Aidan Mullaney Stephen O’Leary

Friend $25 - $49 David & Vicki Aaskov Donald & David Allen & Joan Cuetara Glenn & Lacy Antonson Edward & Barbara Arnold Tami Arsenault Ralph & Beverly Bailey Paula Balcom Paul & Pauline Barrows Normand & Mary Begin Margaret & Robert Beland Richard & Lorraine Bell Roger Bogue David & Heather Brackett David E Brackett Cheryl M & Robert Bradley Howard P Broisman & Renee Labossiere Kevin & Heather Cady Harry W. Clements & Gail M Clements James & Jean Cogan Andrew & Holly Cole George & Leona Connors Andre & Sue Ellen Cote Judy & Allen Cronan Kimberly Darling Karen DiStasio Lorraine Donnelly Diana & Russell Drachenberg and Lyndon Philpot Craig & Heather Durgin Elizabeth Eaton Rod Elliott & Karen Elliot, Sunset Haven LLC Christina N Fay Robert Finley & Verna Finley Dennis & Judith Fitzgerald Jeri Fitzpatrick David & Couri Flaherty Otmar Foelsche Patrick & Margaret Foster Joan & Joseph Frustaci Muriel Gade Barbara R Gordon James & Mary Graham Anna & Donald Green Maryann H. & Jonathan P. Greenlaw Andrea Harvey Susan Hawkes Raymond C & Jennifer Hemingway Robin Herrick Lori Hilton Tracy & Anthony Howard Karen B James Tim & Sue Greer George Hamblet

James F & Christine Walsh Johanna & Thomas Walsh Ray Walsh, The Walsh Family Trust Warren Ward & David Ward Barbara J Warner & Lori Sussman Carolyn & Robert Warner Raymond & Alina Waterhouse

Julie Waterman Elizabeth Weeks Ron & Karen White Lynn E. Wight Sharon & David Young Jon & Jeanne Zelensky John Zerillo Eric S. Ziskend The Benevity Commnity Impact Fund Family $50 - $99

Robert G & Cheryl Allen Kevin & Deborah Ameele Richard & Elaine Andrade Fredric J & Janis Astle Shaun Avery & Shannon Faxon Jay Banks Eric & Linda Barnes Gary & Lesley Barron Margaret E Beale Roger & Justine Beaudoin Linda H Bentley Eric & Sandra Berkowitz Rodney & Sherene Bernier Arthur Black & Teresa Sawyer-Black Nancy Blake Paul Blanchard Richard & Carol Bohnson Jonathan Brass & Anne Lassar James D Briggs & Alicia Bartlett Evelyn Brissette Leonard & Donna Brown Jason & Crystal Brown Betty Brown Scott Brown, The Ruth & Brownie Camp LLC Bonnie L & Albert Butterfield John Cahalen & Christina Ventresca Marilyn Caramanica & Roberta Schaaf Charles Carr Robert Casparius William Cassidy & Erin Guzowski Jason & Michelle Chaytor Robert & Pauline Chervincky, Chervincky Family Trust Michael & Nicole Ciacciarelli A. Ann & Melissa Cobb

Bruce & Nancy Tucker Thomas & Joyce Vacca David & Judith Vance Bernadette L. Wahle Simon Ward Denise & Philip Waterhouse Robert & Karen Wescott John & Carol West


2020 LSLA Endowment & Memorial Giving

Daniel & Helen Craver Donna Davis & John Redlon Robert & Judy Davis Andrew & Torre Donaldson Kurt D & Anne Dossin Robert & Jacqueline Gallant Raymond & Nina Geissler Jane Gould Johnson Robert & Elisabeth Gravel Tammie & Ed Gregori George Hall, Halledge Properties LLC Kevin & Sue Holloran Walter Houseman & Nora Frank Cassandra & Christopher Hudson Phyllis Johnson & Diane Sewall Elaine Johnson Everett F Johnson Jr. Kevin C & Denise Kaserman Meg & Bruce Keltie Beverly A Keniston Luther & Doris Kloth David & Debbie Kramlich Marc & Sharon Lamontagne Victoria M Larson & Dr. Betty Robinson Michael & Sandra MacDonald Dougald & Jennifer MacGillivray Anne W. Maloney Tarra Marchetti & Paul Marchetti Stacey Marotta & Michelle Freni Joseph T & Sarah R McDonnell Richard & Shirley McIntosh Edward & Beverly Messina Bruce & Virginia Micucci Gerald Milano Laurence Minott & Constance Ramsay-Minott Carol Mitchell & Deen Haleem

Claudia Murray John Newlin & Patricia Carton Janet & Larry Nowinski Warren Eddy Nowlin & Retta Nowlin Anne & Dennis O’Donovan Steven & Gail Pacifico Jon & Debra Pert Bryan Phinney Sandy Rideout Mark & Krystal Rohrbaugh & Melissa Zangari Sampson Stephen & Maryellen Schissler Walter & Jeanne Schroeder Leo F & Theresa Shanahan Bob & Susie Sharp Andrew Sigfridson & April Wernig June & Gregory Sleeper Peter & Sharon St. Clair Marla A St. Pierre & Claire E Beamis Robert & Judith St. Pierre Helen & Harlow Sternberg Roland & Linda Tetrault Kenneth & Douglas Truscott Bruce & Nancy Tucker Robert & Bonnie Turner Willard & Deborah Viola David & Lisa Viola John & Christine Vozella, and Caroline Vozella Katherine Walker and Chad & Jane Farrington Kenneth R Walker & Willis Johnson James F & Christine Walsh Eric & Michelle Roux Robert & Judith Roy James Sampson

Carolyn & Robert Warner Karen & Gary Westerman Gifts of less that $100 Jean Atherton Margaret E Beale Arthur Black & Teresa Sawyer-Black Alice Borella William & Judy Cadorette Gary & Renee Collins Charles & Gail Cote Robert & Judy Davis Robert & Jacqueline Gallant Ronald & Sharon Gregor George Hamblet Walter Houseman & Nora Frank Phyllis Johnson & Diane Sewall Brenda & Al Lamanda Christopher & Elizabeth Lanoue Susanna Lee Stephen & Julie London Robert & Deborah Loranger Terry & Nancy McGovern Daniel & Nancy McHale Richard & Shirley McIntosh Robert & Enid McNeally Daniel & Lana Merchant Robert & Helen Olesen Robert & Wilma Reed Donald R Roveto Steve & Gwen Sayian Sara Scalisi & Lee Weinstein David Small & Betty Bricker-Small Anne T. Smith Marla A St. Pierre & Claire E Beamis Ursula Thompson

Robert & Bonnie Turner Ralph E & Diane M Vance Barbara J Warner & Lori Sussman Michael C & Teresa Whyte 2020 Memorial Giving In Memory of Vivienne Sohn In Memory of Charlene Anderson In Memory of Jessica Heath In Memory of Dana Johnson In Memory of Bill and Martha Loring In Memory of Claude C & Helen F Mourneault In Memory of Gus & Linda Tillman In Memory of Lewis & Frances Emery 2020 Supporting Organizations

Gifts of $1,000 or more David & Judith Craver Alan & Jerelyn Creutz William & Christy LaPrade Doris Jean Newlin Dan & Pam Wilkinson Gifts from $500 fo $999

Rick & Barbara Beckwitt Richard & Cheryl Bolduc Dean Cecile Andrew & Holly Cole James & Meredith Cutler Daniel & Susan Flynn Mark & Debra Lavoie Jim & Kim McBride

Mark Noonan & Chiara Battelli Gifts from $100 to $499 Judith Anderson Mark S Arsenault Wayne & Suzanne Berzinis Judith & Jack Bichajian Jason Bison Frederick & Margaret Boehm Alice Borella James D Briggs & Alicia Bartlett Elliott & Joan Bryce Jon D & Colleen M Burke Donna Burtt & Donald Bowker William & Judy Cadorette Lloyd & Stacy Chandler Linda Chase James & Carmen Chatmas Douglas J & Jane W Collins David & Sonna Collins Paul Connolly Robert & Poppy Cook

State of Maine Town of Gray Town of Windham

WHAT WE DO Little Sebago Lake Association Functions & Finances

Milfoil Mitigation and Invasive Threat Awareness Membership Database Update Financial/Budgets By-Law and Policy Reviews Fundraising Planned Giving/Endowments Safety Patrol Program Courtesy Boat Inspections

Grant Writing Public Forums

Pirate Parade Day Annual Meeting Planning Operations of Organization Water Quality Testing Dam Monitoring & Emergency Plan Strategic Planning Fleet Maintenance Organize Educational Forums

Town-State-Federal interactions Road Associations Networking Website Newsletter Merchandise Lower Narrows Restoration Watershed & Erosion Control


Need something to do? Contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com

Volunteer for: Milfoil Operation Assistant - Work with a rewarding program Become an IPP-Invasive Plant Patroller - Training available Scuba divers to retrieve trash from the lake -You might find something fun! Environmental Educational program for Kids - Develop fun projects around the lake. Become a Courtesy Boat Inspector -Training May 5 th

Paid Positions: Looking for certified diver for Milfoil-Training available College Intern to assist with programs based upon grant funding acceptance

Adopt a Shoreline 2021

We Need Your Eyes! Find Aquatic Invaders

Last year some people took part in reporting areas of concern and were interested in this program. We need many more to become Invasive Plant Patrollers (IPP). It is simple and fun. What better excuse than to spend a few hours at a time on the lake. Instead of viewing the shoreline, you view the bottom for vegetation. Preferably this is done once a month to view the growth as summer waters get warmer. You first need to know what you are looking for; know the difference between the native plants that support the ecosystem and how to identify invasive plants or organisms that are harmful to the natural cycle of the lake. Lake Stewards of Maine has information and videos for you to view and see if you have interest: www.lakestewardsofmaine.org. Please contact me and expand the areas on the lake to be surveyed. Be part of our lakes early response team by contacting pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com.

Little Sebago Lake Interesting Facts 2009 acres • 30.7 miles perimeter 54 feet deep • 5.76 miles long as the crow flies 6.742 miles from Twin Brooks to Hopkins Dam 22 private islands • Cold and warm fresh water fish


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E d u

l & T o p i c s o f I n t


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Did you know…?

~ There are no “public” islands on the lake? ~ Excessive wake (more than headway speed) within 200 ft of an island can lead to significant damage to its shoreline? It is fair to say that our lake would be a very different place without its islands. These fragile little ecosystems are special spots that need to be understood and respected. Many visitors to Little Sebago do not realize that the islands are private properties. Disembarking from your boat and walking onto an island is trespassing and could result in fines. Incidences of trespassing have surged in the past few years and island owners have reported an uptick in trash, broken glass, animal (and human) waste, unattended campfires and more being left behind. Please remember and remind others: our islands are not public, and they definitely are not places to let your pets relieve themselves. The wake created by motorboats, ski boats, and jet skis is a big problem for islands. Excessive and unrelenting wake leads to erosion It also damages the nests of loons or other creatures that may be nesting on the shoreline. Maine boating laws require that anyone in a motorboat within 200ft of shoreline must travel at headway speed (the slowest speed possible for moving forward while still maintaining the ability to steer). When traveling between islands it is even more critical that boaters travel slowly. As we think ahead to the summer and being out on the water, please do your part to keep our islands safe. Discourage activities like water skiing or tubing close to the islands, and remind your guests and visitors that our islands are private and should be admired from a distance.


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