
S e b a g


L i t t l

o L a k e E n v i r o n

n t

m e

Mt. Hunger Road Boat Ramp Courtesy Boat Inspection Program 2021– Pam Wilkinson

We are welcoming summer with open arms and looking to the waters for Covid therapy. Everyone needed an escape last year and this summer will be no exception. Little Sebago Lake’s boat traffic increased significantly last summer which also increases the chances of invasive species entering or exiting our lake. In the past Jim and Jackie Fitzgerald have greeted you as you enter and exit to check for invasive species like milfoil that may have attached to your motor, intake, trailer or gear during your visit. They also are checking for any new invasive species that can be tricky to detect. Please allow a moment for them to take these precautions either by allowing them to inspect or, due to Covid precautions, they can instruct on how and where to check your own boat. A bill in the legislature called “Pull the Plug Law” is being introduced which requires you to pull the plug on your boat for drainage after leaving the lake and prior to traveling on a road. This will make sure any invasive species residing in the water is removed does not go to another lake. This is especially true for the wake/surf boats with a ballast. It will only take a moment to provide this precaution and avoid expensive costs and time for remediation. As we only cover Friday to Sunday and some busy periods, it is important for you to become familiar on what is invasive and how to check your boat if the inspectors are not present. This link will provide you will all the information you will need: https://www.maine.gov/dep/water/invasives/ cbi-handbook.pdf. As a reminder, Mt Hunger Shore Road is posted no parking and violators will be towed. Please find alternate parking if the lot is full. Porta Potties are available for use. All lake land and islands are private. We are looking for people who may be interested in volunteering to cover the extra days if you are looking for something to do this summer. It would be nice to have full coverage during the summer. We have applied for a grant that may cover some of the time should there be a college student looking for work this summer. Please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com with any questions or interest.


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