
Fireworks - 2021 The towns of Gray and Windham have established ordinances for consumer fireworks:

Town of Gray: Summer dates and times when fireworks are permitted: July 3 rd Noon until 10:00 p.m. July 4 th Noon until 11:00 p.m. From 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. for the following days: Saturday following July 4 th , Saturday preceding Labor Day weekend and the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. For more information, please visit the Town of Gray website- www.graymaine.org Town of Windham: Permit required. Summer dates and times when fireworks are permitted: For more information, please visit the Town of Windham website- www.windhammaine.us Recommended best management practices and safety suggestions: • A responsible adult should supervise all fireworks activity. • Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area, away from trees, buildings and vehicles. Launch fireworks at a steep angle that promotes maximum height, allowing for complete ignition and combustion. • Always have a bucket and water hose nearby. • Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. It’s no secret that loons hate fireworks! Help our loons by keeping your fireworks show to a minimum. Fireworks explode in the air and what goes up must come down. Debris from fireworks is harmful to any aquatic ecosystem. The chemicals that create fireworks colors- the reds, whites and blues- are full of many toxic elements. Even trace amounts of phosphorus from fireworks impacts water quality. We kindly ask that you to rake your launch area and clean up all debris immediately following the use of fireworks. Please retrieve any visible non- combusted materials from the water. We had a great response to this last summer- thank you! Please be safe, respectful of your neighbors and obey the laws. Have a great summer! July 3 rd Noon to 10:00 p.m. July 4 th Noon to 11:00 p.m.


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