
Need something to do? Contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com

Volunteer for: Milfoil Operation Assistant - Work with a rewarding program Become an IPP-Invasive Plant Patroller - Training available Scuba divers to retrieve trash from the lake -You might find something fun! Environmental Educational program for Kids - Develop fun projects around the lake. Become a Courtesy Boat Inspector -Training May 5 th

Paid Positions: Looking for certified diver for Milfoil-Training available College Intern to assist with programs based upon grant funding acceptance

Adopt a Shoreline 2021

We Need Your Eyes! Find Aquatic Invaders

Last year some people took part in reporting areas of concern and were interested in this program. We need many more to become Invasive Plant Patrollers (IPP). It is simple and fun. What better excuse than to spend a few hours at a time on the lake. Instead of viewing the shoreline, you view the bottom for vegetation. Preferably this is done once a month to view the growth as summer waters get warmer. You first need to know what you are looking for; know the difference between the native plants that support the ecosystem and how to identify invasive plants or organisms that are harmful to the natural cycle of the lake. Lake Stewards of Maine has information and videos for you to view and see if you have interest: www.lakestewardsofmaine.org. Please contact me and expand the areas on the lake to be surveyed. Be part of our lakes early response team by contacting pwilkinson@littlesebagolake.com.

Little Sebago Lake Interesting Facts 2009 acres • 30.7 miles perimeter 54 feet deep • 5.76 miles long as the crow flies 6.742 miles from Twin Brooks to Hopkins Dam 22 private islands • Cold and warm fresh water fish


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