Notes From The Hall
The Chebeague Island Hall Community Center is home to many things that define community on the island: Although our doors have largely been closed for the past year owing to the pandemic, we are eager to reopen and once again serve as the heart of our community. We feed you at the Wednesday soup lunches and community lunches, spaghetti dinner fundraisers for the Ross Scholarship, and the much-loved Italian Night Supper. We entertain you with the annual children’s theater production, original plays, concerts, lecture series, dances, and Halloween and holiday parties for the kids. We promote the arts with island school concerts and art exhibits, craft fairs, the Martha Hamilton Craft Swap Extravaganza, and the Ladies Aid Fair.
We inform you by hosting town government gatherings such as the annual Town Meeting, voting, selectmen’s meetings, and various committee meetings, as well as annual meetings of various island nonprofits. We shelter you in times of power outages as part of our Rec Cross Emergency Shelter duties. We keep you and your pets healthy as the site of the Council’s annual flu clinic, dental clinic, and other “wellness” events, as well as the monthly Yarmouth Veterinary clinic. We comfort you with warm hugs, mountains of food, and a place to gather after the loss of a loved one. We help you celebrate life-changing events such as marriages, births, and birthdays. We can’t wait to see you all again.
Book StudyGroupwithGloria Brown
New book: Reading the Bible from the Margins by Miguel De La Torret This introduction to “liberation theology” focuses on how issues involving race, class, and gender influence our understanding of the Bible. Describing how “standard” readings of the Bible are not always acceptable to people or groups on the “margins,” this book offers valuable new insights into biblical texts today.
Meeting on Sundays at 3 PM Via Zoom: meeting # 899 7984 6008 • password: 20152020 EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND • FMI: gjbrown58a@gmail.com
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