Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org COVID-19 Pla ns – Access to our buildings is currently restricted, with programming held online. To access our schedule, visit www. chebeagueumc.org/current-events for links to all our gatherings. For any event, visit www.zoom.us and enter in the meeting ID first, and then the password 20152020 when prompted . Send questions to chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com . Weekly Sundays at 3 PM, Book Study with Gloria Brown. See below announcement for upcoming study. Sundays at 9 AM, Cheryl Hillicoss will be doing Deep Blue Kids Sunday School online! Meeting ID: 571 956 097, Password: 018994 Sundays at 10 AM, Worship. Bring a candle and items for communion. Meeting ID: 308 728 697
Thursdays at 8:30 AM, Virtual “Prayer on the Porch” using Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals. Resource available at www.commonprayer.net . Meeting ID: 829 4346 0430 Thursdays at 1 PM, G loria Brown will be leading a Bible Study on the Psalms. Email her at gjbrown58@gmail.com to receive class materials. Meeting ID: 232 499 191
Please visit our website or our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc) for additional information and opportunities. And be sure to sign up for our enewsletter on our website.
Food Pantry Notes We are open on Sundays from 11:30AM – 1 PM.You can also contact Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 to schedule other times. FMI visit www.chebeagueumc.org/food-pantry . You can also email the food pantry at chebundance@ gmail.com . Thanks to everyone for your wonderful generosity!
New Book Study: Reading the Bible from the Margins by Miguel De La Torre
This introduction to “liberation theology” focuses on how issues involving race, class, and gender influence our understanding of the Bible. Describing how “standard” readings of the Bible are not always acceptable to people or groups on the “margins,” this book offers valuable new insights into biblical texts today.
Meeting on Sundays at 3 PM via Zoom: Meeting # 899 7984 6008 Password: 20152020
Lent and Easter 2021 Our worship series will be “Cultivating and Letting Go” where we explore Lent as a season of spiritual gardening, inviting God to unearth in us what lies fallow, what needs to be tended, and what needs to die for new life to emerge.
We have resources available to accompany you during your Lenten journey. Please contact the church office for your Lent-in-a-Box packet, which includes a weekly devotional, a finger labyrinth, prayer beads, coloring pages, and seed paper crosses (which we’ll use in worship during Lent!) Also, save the date for two Visio Divina (or “divine seeing”) sessions – Tuesday, March 9 th at 4 PM and Saturday, March 27 th at 10 AM . Much how Lectio Divina invites us to hear God speaking to us through the words of Scripture, we pair Bible passages with artwork to consider where we’re encountering God. These will be held over Zoom - Meeting ID: 815 200 0968 Palm Sunday is March 28 th , Maundy Thursday is April 1 st , Good Friday is April 2 nd , and Easter Sunday is April 4 th . Stay tuned for details about virtual gatherings for HolyWeek and for a possible Sunrise Service for Easter morning.
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