
Island Commons

132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com

Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com

As part of group 1A of the COVID-19 vaccination schedule, we received our vaccinations on January 20th! So happy to have finally reached this milestone after ten months of coping with the pandemic. We look forward to the day when our entire community has received the vaccine, and we can be safely together. That would make 2021 a happy new year indeed! As winter sets in and pandemic fatigue continues to challenge us all, Celia Whitehead has been doing a fabulous job keeping everyone engaged with weekly activities and an exercise program. Thank you, Celia, for putting your creative talents and energy to work on behalf of our residents! We’re delighted to welcome Nancy Hill, RN, as our newest employee. Nancy’s energy, caring, experience and willingness to step in to fill shifts will make her an invaluable part of our caregiving

team. Thanks, Nancy! Thinking of a career change? Want to truly make a difference in the lives of our island elders? The Commons offers on-island employment, a great starting wage, and the opportunity to work with a great team. Opportunities both in residential care at the Commons and with our Chebeague Cares in- home service. Download an application from our website at www.islandcommons.com and email to amy.rich@islandcommons.com 2020 was by far the most challenging year the Commons has faced in two decades of operation. We feel so embraced by the island community who have put wind in our sails these last 10 months and enabled us to get through safely and financially sound. Thank you all so very much for all you do for the Commons.

This is a good season to Considering buying or selling your home? Let our team guide you on the island and the mainland! Contact us to find out why this is the best time to sell. PLAN AHEAD!

LTFteam@shorelineagents.com The Leonard Thompson Federle Team Jane Leonard 207.831.9951

Karen Thompson 207.329.6729

Jodi Federle 207.215.4006

207.553.7500 | shorelineagents.com



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