Central Region VP
Eastern Region VP get better and give us all a chance to be with the ones we love in person. In the meantime, bring on the cold, cold and snow, snow, snow so we can all be out riding in the great state of Maine. By now there should be riding somewhere in the state if not everywhere, so please be careful and stay safe on and off the trails. The MSA 2020 Super Raffle was held on the 17th of December. We had to change the venue twice, but thanks to Reggie’s Ski-Doo in Leeds we did a live draw from his showroom with the winning sled in the background. Thanks so much to them for allowing the travel- ing MSA crew to take over his area and for all his help before, during and after the drawing. WE greatly appreciate the support of this one and all our business members. My hats off to the Eastern Region clubs that stepped up to the plate and sold as many tickets as you did. From Marion Pinkham and Glenburn Lakeside Riders sitting at the store in town every Fri- day night, to all the clubs that sent their members tickets with the membership, and all the members who took tickets to work and convinced co-workers to buy, the Super Raffle was a success. There were five eastern region clubs in the top ten selling clubs this year: Quad County, Glenburn Lakeside Riders, Piscataquis Valley, Eastern Maine Snowmobilers and Mossehead Riders. Five other clubs
H appy New Year to everyone hopefully a lot better one.! Clubs are getting ready here in western Maine. Hopefully we’re done with the rain and bring on the snow. As I write this Rangely has canceled Snodeo like most clubs our in person events are canceled. Due to restrictions from COVID. Some clubs have raffles going on trying to make up for lost fund raisers - help support them and also our businesses that support our clubs. Hopefully a couple more good snow storms and we’ll be riding. Support your local club by joining also by helping out on the trails. If you pick up one branch when you go out riding that’s one less the club has to worry about. Let’s all do our part and get this season started. We all could use it! Until next month stay safe and enjoy the ride. Jim all over their access roads. Not only did they damage the pole but left parts of their pickup all over the place, but even then did not do the right thing and let the land owner know of the damage. I guess it’s true, You just can’t fix Stupid. There are now cameras installed and the next thing is gates. These landowners allow us access to their land for our trails and in some cases help us in maintaining and allowing new trails for us to enjoy. This access is also for the benefit of the hunter, ATV’s, and sightseeing. It would be a shame to see ALL ACCESS denied because of someone who just does not care. One of the local ATV clubs and some of the members of one of the snowmobile clubs got together and built some nice kiosks to put up signs so they would not have to nail or screw them into the trees. A very nice and thoughtful thing to do. Someone tore one down to use for firewood. If you see, something like this please let someone know. Tell a warden or a member of one of the clubs. OK, now you know what upsets me. I’ll get off my soapbox. Pleasebesafeoutthereandremember as a group organized snowmobiling has a good reputation, let’s try to keep it. Thank the landowners when you see them and show their land the respect it deserves. Keep smiling and I’ll see you on the trails. Remember I’m here if you need me. Jack Lord
sold over $300 each in tickets: Jo-Mary Riders, Sebasticook Valley, Pine Tree, Paul Bunyon, and Downeast Trail Rid- ers. There were many more eastern region clubs that sold at least 100 or more tickets. I am so proud of ALL 74 of my clubs- I’ve said it before and I am saying it again- you are the best!! I believe by the time you read this the next big MSA fundraising event will be almost if not totally completed. A virtual ride across the state to raise money for clubs and the MSA has been happen- ing, and many clubs took advantage of another way to raise funds in this difficult year. When the weather outside doesn’t cooperate, riding across the state virtu- ally is almost as good and it helped clubs put money in their accounts. It has been a first of it kind event and who knows, maybe we can do it again! With February fast approaching, I am once again hoping to have a Showcase Ride in the eastern region. Tentatively it is set for Feb 20th in the Millinocket area, but as with everything else in our lives, that is subject to change depending on what is happening in the state with the virus and weather. Stay tuned for more info or reach out to me. That’s all for this month everyone. Keep safety in mind at home, work and especially on the trails. Eileen
Jack Lord (207) 672-3915 jacklord5256@gmail.com
I would like to start by saying Happy New Year to anyone I didn’t see over the holidays. With the new rules in place for dealing with Covid I would like to remind everyone, snowmobiling was established for two reasons, social distancing and fun. Now in a more serious note, I was asked to visit with some large landowners and businesses such as Lumber Industries, Wind Farms and Solar Farms. They are telling me there is a lot of vandalism and property damage going on such as spray-painting, trashing the property and structural damage. In one case someone was driving a pickup truck and hit an electric pole while tearing up the road and leaving ruts and holes
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com W elcome to 2021 Everyone! I hope you all found a safe, healthy way to celebrate the holidays with your fam- ilies. It sure isn’t the way we wanted to spend it with our family, but at least we are all safe and healthy. 2021 has got to
MSA CLUBS: To Order Needed ITS & JCT SIGNS Contact Mike Grass Sr., MSA Trails Committee 252 Condon Rd. • Plymouth, ME 04969 • 207-368-4914 home • 207-745-2745 cell Grasslands252@gmail.com To Order Club Trail Signage Candice Pinkham, DACF/Snowmobile Program 207-287-4957 Office • 207-878-8111 Fax • Candice.M.Pinkham@maine.gov
Western Region VP
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