“Every snowmobiler out there has a skill that can be used, if you think you do not, just ask your local club. If you have a passion to ride, you should put some of that energy into volunteering at the club level, they NEED YOUR HELP.” ~ Matt Stedman, Northern Region VP
has been a roller coaster, warm, frigid, windy, snow, rain…everything except thunder & lightning! Clubs have been out hard at work, with most impacted by the rain & heavy wet snow bringing down loads of trees & branches into the trail, completely blocking the trails (after they cleared them once). This put a huge burden on the few volunteers who do the work across our State. Luckily, folks stepped up, and trails were opened again. Having enough volunteers or funding to do the job continues to be a struggle for most clubs. It has been nice to see some clubs with new membership stepping up and helping in any way they can. Every snowmobiler out there has a skill that can be used, if you think you do not, just ask your local club. If you have a passion to ride, you should put some of that energy into volunteering at the club level, they NEED YOUR HELP. Northern Region VP Other than that at the time of this writing, we are patiently waiting for Mother Nature to dump some snow so that we can start riding and groom- ing. When we do get on the snow please be safe and make sure that if you do venture out on the ice that it is plenty safe, where we did get a late start to the cold weather it will take stop and get a break; with the lack of manpower and all the curve balls that mother nature sends our way it is extremely hard to stay ahead of it all. The Trails Committee have been meeting via phone conferencing since August to get the thought pro- cess going. The first order of business was the ITS Map which came to print without too many changes and is in the hands of most of the clubs though out the State, if you are in need of any maps please call the MSA office and we will see that you get them. Most of the clubs have been con- tacted and have gotten they’re ITS and club sign orders as well as they’re membership packets, if anyone has any questions on any of that you can either contact myself or any member of the Trails Committee and we can assist, or again you can call the office 207-622-6983.
time to build good ice, if you’re not sure please check with the Warden Service first. One topic I would like to refresh with everyone is “Signage”, all of the clubs have done a tremendous job improving signage over the past year and a half and I would like to keep the emphasis on that in partic- ular. Everything that we have seen on the Trails Committee being that we are the boots on the ground or in this case “ The Tracks on the Trails” side of things that by and large clubs have vastly improved they’re sig- nage. This keeps the riders informed, safe and wanting to come back to a certain riding area because they feel comfortable, knowing where they are at all times and it is a welcomed feel- ing for sure. If you are in need of ITS or Club signs please call the numbers alongside of this column and we will be sure that you have whatever signs you may need. With that being said please enjoy yourselves out there on the trails, play safe and look out for your fellow Snowmobilers, and above all play within the boundaries and respect the landowners on who’s land you are riding. Respectively, Mark. Clubs have also been working on re-routes. This takes a lot of time and efforts from club member and landowners, when a trail is closed or changed, please respect the landowners’ right and travel where the club marks it. While we may have “gone that way forever” if it were not for the landowner, we would not have much fun riding at all. As a club, if you have not signed up for the MSAVirtual Sno-Cross online fundraising event please do so. This is a neat way to raise money for both your club & the MSA. It takes only minutes to sign your club up and there is no downside. It’s a great way to compete with other clubs across the State to see who will win. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. Matt Stedman
Trails Committee Chair Report
Treasurer’s Report
Lori Hemmerdinger (207) 890-5455 544 Plains Road Poland, ME 04274 Treasurer@mesnow.com Respectfully Submitted, Lori Hemmerdinger, Treasurer
Mark Chinnock,Trails Committee Chair 207-754-9874 435 Poland Corner Rd, Poland ME 04274 napadude66@hotmail.com H ello Folks, So here we are 2021, hope all is well with everyone and people are getting a chance to get some seat time on the snow. All is going well on the Trails side of the MSA. I saw a lot of clubs get- ting a very early start this fall as well as some clubs never really stopping. With well in excess of 100-mile sys- tems there are some that just never
Monthly Income Monthly Expense
$ 52,840.17 $ 22,234.48 $ 30,605.69 $105,402.12
Net Revenue
Checking (12/31/20)
Dedicated Account (12/31/20) $ 37,181.99 Special Events Account (12/31/20) $ 3,177.88 Credit Line (12/31/20) $ - Building Fund (12/31/20) $ 53,670.86 Brian Wass Safety Fund (12/31/20) $ 1,284.82
Coastal Region VP
2021!!!! Coastal region was pounded with a great snowstorm; Clubs were opening trails packing the snow it was looking like a great start. But... 2020 wasn’t quite finished. A rainstorm took all our White Gold away sigh... So we’re starting again. Cold temps and snow are an active pattern on the forecast. We need to keep the faith, do the dance. Once again, I want to thank all the volunteers through all this crazy weather, pandemic, you never stopped working on your trails and remaining positive. Virtual Snocross Race!!! Are you ready? Have you signed up your racer? This is a great way to raise money for your club!! Check it out on our webpage. As I write this the full moon is surrounded by a cloud.... It’s a SNOW cloud!!! Keep dancing! Stay safe... And enjoy the ride...
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd
PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com H appy New Years’ fellow snowmobilers, As I write this article, the weather
East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com W ell 2020 is finally behind us!!! Happy New Year bring on
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