The Ride Right, Ride Smart Safe Snowmobiling Course On March 11, 1996 after eleven people lost their lives in snowmo- biling accidents in Maine, Gov- ernor Angus King appointed a task force on snowmobile safety. One of the recommendations of the task force was that the MSA increase safety programs within its organization. A trail safety check program was developed and put in place at that time, and is still in use today. With snowmo- biling in Maine increasing each year, the MSA decided to create a safety presentation designed to be given by snowmobile clubs, teachers or other individuals to all interested participants. A full course manual can be found in the Ride Right in Maine section of the MSA website. Since the inception of this pro- gram, the MSA has put an empha- sis on education. Educating the younger as well as the older snowmobiler to ensure the future of the sport. There is no time like the present to get started making snowmobiling in Maine a safer winter activity. So do your part and spread the word, safe snowmobil- ing is everyone’s responsibility! The Ride Right, Ride Smart program is funded in part by the Brian Wass Safety Fund of the Maine Snowmobile Association. The fund was established by Bri- an’s family following his death in a snowmobiling accident, with mon- eys dedicated to promoting snow- mobile safety in Maine. Donations to support the work of the Brian Wass Snowmobile Safety Fund may be sent to: Brian Wass Safety Fund, c/o MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. Through the cooperative efforts of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the MSA, additional funding has been provided through the National Recreational Trail Grant Program for safety and education.
Remember-Ride Right, Ride Smart.
Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSES IF&W Recreational Safety Unit: 207-287-5220 Participation in a snowmobile education course will teach how to properly operate and maintain a snowmobile. Laws, responsibilities and per- sonal safety will also be covered. Passage of a final exam is required. You must attend every day of the class in order to receive your certificate. Total Course = 6 Hours • Proper Operation and Safety (Riding Skill-Equipment-Maintenance) = 2 Hours • Laws = 30 Minutes • Emergencies & Survival = 40 Minutes
• Map & Compass = 1 Hour • Self Help First Aid = 20 Minutes • Environmental/Landowner/Ethics = 1½ Hours An updated list of courses and options for online course registration are available at:
maine.gov/ifw/programs-resources/safety-courses/snowmobile-safety.html To Schedule a course contact the safety coordinator for your area: York Cumberland: Stephen Barr, 207-446-4173 Lincoln/Sagadahoc: Vacant Kennebec: Michael Foster, 207-446-4122 Franklin: Rick Rogers, Jr., 207-446-4275 Somerset: Craig Gerry, 207-446-4249 So. Penobscot/Piscataquis: Charles Schaffer – 207-446-4132 Knox/Waldo: Jasmine Greenleaf, 207-441-3270 Hancock/Washington: Vacant Androscoggin/Oxford: Michael Mayo, 207-446-4125 Aroostook/No Penobscot: Stephen Wotton – 207-446-4293
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