MAINE SNOWMOBILER CLASSIFIED AD Deadline: the 15th of the month preceding publication
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SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE 1968 Massey Fergu- son 300S, 400CC motor runs and moves needs carb work. Good Track, extra’s included. True survivor – good condi- tion $600.00. Call Mark @ 570-620-6000. RENTAL Mac McCluskey - Ice Shack Rentals on Moosehead Lake in view of Mt Kineo – Rockwood. Call 207-280-1004. Mac also offers Guide Traps – Full Service. REAL ESTATE ARROSTOOK COUNTY SNOWMOBILING! Land! Homes! Farms! Small Businesses! We have Recreational Camps! Waterfront! info@mooersrealty.com! 207-532-6573! Visit www. mooersrealty.com!
2. Print your ad on the form below or on a separate piece of paper:
We have cabins or acreage with year round or seasonal access, waterfront cab- ins & lots available. Recreational activities in the immediate area include 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, boating, fishing, hunting & more.
For complete information packages on all our properties go to www.cwalakestreet.com or call, write or e-mail for a complete list. CWA & Lake St. Real Estate PO Box 66, Lincoln, Maine 04457 (207) 794-2460 cwa@cwalakestreet.com Grand Falls- This cabin was landed on this lot two years ago and ready to finish off and use. This 41 acre lot sits high on a hill with great views on Lord Brook Rd. ATV and snowsled from this location. Take a look. $79,000
3. Circle the months in which the ad should appear: September October November December January February March April (first 20 words) + additional # words x 30¢ subtotal = x # months requested Payment = $ 6 $ $ Classified ads are prepaid. The per month rate is: $6 for the first 20 words, 30¢ each additional word. Checks payable to: MSA 4. Determine the cost of your ad:
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5. Mail to: Maine Snowmobiler, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332
Ads charged to a credit card may be faxed to 207-622-7669
354 Main St. – Kingfield, ME 04947 207-628-4123 j ustin @j r f abrication . com
We Buy & Sell Snow Grooming Equipment Recovery
New & Used Parts
We Are A Full-Service Maintenance & Fabrication Shop
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