MSA Club News repaired, ruts bulldozed and we only have one reroute. The Scopan trail has one small reroute near the intersection with #75 near the Up North Rd. There will be logging there next year, but a new road has been cut which will take us around a wet area on our trail, so we have permission to use it this win- ter before cutting takes place. We are always indebted to loggers/landown- ers who try to help us whenever they can. The work crew is getting the new section signed too. So, get your sled serviced and be ready to go! As to club events I’m sad to report that they are curtailed until we can get the virus vaccine distributed and can be safe to hold gatherings. As people know, many attendees are “experienced” (translation: older!) and we are very hesitant to endanger our valued members. We are very sad to have had to cancel our Thanksgiv- ing Supper for our landowners and members. It was a tough decision, but we are hoping there will be a time when we can gather together again. Until then the club sincerely thanks our landowners for their generosity in allowing us to use their property to build and maintain a trail system for snowmobilers, ATV users, cross country skiers and even fat tire bikers! In closing, be safe and know that you can still contact us if there is a problem, and that the club is working to make 2020-2021 a great experience for all. Remember to check out our Facebook page for updates. Sue Maynard Secretary EAST GRAND sc PO Box 182 Danforth, ME 04424 We are excited for this upcoming 2020-2021 snowmobiling season. Many improvements have been made to our trails and trail maintenance was completed making for a very produc- tive spring, summer and fall.
huge thank you to everyone who has filled out a membership and donated to our club. We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support since we will not know what the future will bring for our fundraising events… but with that said, we have tentatively scheduled our annual Pie Auction for February 13th!! Be sure to mark that on your calendars because you won’t want to miss out on the funniest night of the year! We’ve also tentatively scheduled our Supper on The Run for February 27th and our club overnight trip for March 6th-7th. Don’t forget about all your favor- ite stops to make this upcoming sea- son! We have big news in our little town! John and Dawn Bernier, native Mainers and loved club members, are happy to announce that as of Decem- ber 1st they will taking over their Iconic Dean’s Motor Lodge!! John and Dawn are avid snowmobilers; they discovered “The County” and Portage Lake in 2017 and fell in love with the area and the people. Being restaurateurs in Southern Maine at Estes Lobster House, purchasing Dean’s just made sense. They are excited to bring fresh season back to the area. Check out their Facebook page for more details!!! Look for details for all our events in next month’s paper or visit our Face- book page for the time being. Until then, be sure to send in your member- ship application and lend a hand to get the trails ready. We are looking forward to another great season. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! ~ Chelsea Stratton PLSC Secretary It’s been awhile since you have received my newsletter, but lest you think I haven’t been writing them, I’m posting this one on our Facebook page. There have been some problems with the MSA address for the newsletters, so none of the last three that I have sent in have been included in the MSA news- paper. I think other secretaries have had similar problems judging by the amount of newsletters being published. With all that is going on with the COVID-19 virus, I’m sure we are all looking forward to being able to snow- mobile this winter. At least it’s outdoor and we’ll be wearing facemasks! I just hope we’ll be able to grab a bite to eat somewhere on the trails. The good news is that the club has been work- ing hard to ready the trails. All of the equipment is ready to go, trails were mowed (extra wide), bridges were CHAPMAN RIDGE RUNNERS SNOWMOBILE AND ATV CLUB Chapman, ME
A few other attractions that have been added to our area include two scenic lookouts on ITS 105 near Mount View Cabins. These look outs will give great views of both Mount Katahdin and East Grand Lake. Also, The Mill Yard in Danforth, last season, added 24 hour pay at the pump gas which includes 90 octane ethanol free. We are also happy to say that late last season, we were able to purchase a second groomer. The club pur- chased a Bombardier Plus ME includ- ing a drag from J.V. Wing Snowmo- bile Club in Carrabassett Valley, ME. With the purchase, we are now able to complete the grooming of ITS 105 all in one day vs two or more days with our other John Deere groomer. We are thankful for the active club members that volunteer their time on a regular basis, for the relationship with Grand Lakers ATV Club, for the vendors who always seem to get it done when they are called upon, and the land owners who allow the trail on their property. However, more active members are needed in order to keep the club moving forward. Assis- tance with trail work, fundraising, and membership is greatly needed. Thank you in advance for support- ing East Grand Snowmobile Club. Without your membership or dona- tion, our trails would not be possible. For your convenience, trail guides will be placed at local businesses as well as at the ITS 105 trail heads. For regular updates throughout the season, please visit and like our Facebook page “East Grand Snowmobile Club”. Sincerely, Troy Fish Welcome to our club!We are located on ITS 92 and ITS 92A between Fort Kent and Allagash. Our clubhouse is located in DOWNTOWN St. Francis. In the past few years, we have opened our clubhouse on Saturdays from January through April, depending on snowfall. A great group of volunteers has served a hot meal to sledders from far and wide. Through the years we have met the most wonderful people. This year with COVID we have some mountains to climb so to speak. It remains to be seen if we will be able to open or not but the show or the snow must go on. Where would we be without the best volunteers in the world? Our signs are up, our trails are being cleared, the groomer is being worked on and we actually have seen a few flakes fall already. (We are really far north) Club President 207-538-6980 ST. FRANCIS SNO ANGELS St. Francis, ME
Our 2020-2021 officers have been elected and are as follows: David Connors- President, Erwin Jackson -Vice-President, Judy Taggett -Trea- surer, Kim Ouellette - Secretary, and Roland Taggett -Trailmaster. The beauty of our area and our wildlife is unsurpassed as many of you already know, and those of you who have not come our way as of yet, put us on your list. Hope you meet you when this pandemic abates! Days get shorter, nights get longer, snow gets deeper, life gets better. Respectfully yours, Kim Ouellette As usual, I am typing on the dead- line, with no pressure!! The first thing I need to pass on to you is that Munic- ipal Trail # 70 will NOT be opened up at this time. With this trail being closed for almost five years, Mother Nature has reclaimed most of it. Although we have put a serious effort this fall into reopening 70, we now realize that we don’t have the budget to get it done. We estimate that it will take over $8000 to make this happen, so we will try to get the funding to make it happen. Our latest club meeting was done on Zoom and seemed to go well. Thank you to Keith Sanford for setting it up and for hosting. I think this will be the “norm” for a while so if you want to join in call Keith@ 999-9008 or me @ 365-7276 and we can send you the info. Our Caribbean Cruise Raffle has sold out 3 weeks early AGAIN this season. I will update you all on who won it in next month’s news!! Just a note as far as memberships go, we are well on our way to over 100 members once again, and just to let you know you can find us on the internet at www.benedictasnowgang. com and on Facebook at The Bene- dicta Snowgang if you want join the club or just want to see who we are and what we do!! Before I go, I just want to wish you all a very safe and joyous Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Please hold on tightly to your family and friends! This COVID thing is real and deadly, I know, as I know folks that have not survived it!! Please mask up - be safe! Jim Splan, Reporter@Large P.S.--Great job on Bear Brook guys!! P.SS-- Thank you Bion!! P.SSS-- Thank you Gino!! P.SSSS-- Steve Neal shot a 37 point buck! Fake News!! (Continued on Page 22) BENEDICTA SNOWGANG sc Benedicta, ME Hi Gang,
Deadlines for club news is the 25 th of the month prior to the publications. Please submit articles to editor@mesnow.com
MOLUNKUS VALLEY SNO-DRIFTERS SHERMAN, ME Greetings from MVSD! WE THE CLUB MEMBERS HELD A LAND- OWNER APPRECIATION DIN- NER ON Oct. 3rd which was well attended by members & landowners! Was great to see old & new friends ... memberships are coming in great and we took part in a trunk or treat at the local school! Thanks Linda Willett and Deb & Rick Long for doing this. It was well accepted. We had our Nov. potluck meeting! Everything is differ- ent but everyone had lots of food and good laughs. Club Super Raffle tickets are selling. Our great drawing will be Dec.5th. Thanks to all who bought and sold them and good luck as someone has to win! Trails were discussed and we are ready for another season. The Christmas Parade will be held Nov. 29th when Santa comes to town! Til next time, KEEP ON KEEPING ON. Deb Long. MVSD Club President PORTAGE LAKERS sc Portage Lake, ME Contact Us! portagelakersmembership@gmail.com Or visit us on the web: www.portagelakers.org Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/portage.lakers Trail work is almost completed! We’ve got some new mile marker signs being put up this year so be on the lookout for those! We’re also working with Rustic Retreat Lodge to maintain a trail to their location off of 90. We’re also very excited that our new Dubie drag will be in this Friday! The boys will be working on getting that hooked up as soon as it gets into town! If you are able to assist in any projects, please get in touch with Beech Kenney or Glenn Cusack. It’s time to join your local club. Please contact us at portagelakers- membership@gmail.com - or visit www.portagelakers.org. Our club meetings are held on the first Friday of the month, 6:30 PM, October-April at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Upcoming meeting dates are; December 4, January 8, February 5, March 5 and April 2. Portage Lakers would like to send a
One of the major developments that we completed this summer was a loop addition to one of our trails. With this loop, 7 additional miles of trail were added. The loop begins and ends at ITS 105 in Danforth. This loop is a total of 12 miles and will be a great ride as well as better accessibility for the Greenland Cove area residents to Danforth.
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