Snowmobiling… Through the Eyes of a Teenager David Hemmerdinger
Growing up being tall, everyone always told me “David, you should play basketball I’d bet you be very good at it” and every time I always said, “I snowmobile.” I just knew they wouldn’t understand why I wouldn’t play sports instead. Well it’s because of the feeling that we all get as the sleds come out of the trailer. The feel- ing of cresting that hill and seeing miles of freshly groomed trail. Many parents don’t understand it but my Mom does. Being raised by a single mother, it is super important to me to spend time with her and there is no better way than to go out every week- end and chase the snow together. I have met some amazing people throughout my years of snowmobiling
and participating in my local snowmo- bile club The Bog Hooters. One person in particular is Tom Webster. He is one of the hardest working Trail Masters that I know. Before anyone knows it, the fallen trees are gone, the bridges are repaired, and all the trail signs are up. He puts more hours in a groomer than most people ride in a season. Tom’s as well as many others dedi- cation to the sport is the reason that people come from all over the country to ride snowmobiles in Maine. Snowmobiles can take you to some of the most beautiful places across the great state of Maine. From climb- ing to the Peak of Coburn Mountain, to seeing the water rushing over Grand Falls, or admiring the rock slides
on Deboullie Pond. Seeing amazing views when snowmobiling in Maine isn’t a question of if, it is a question of when. Which is why so many people love snowmobiling. One of my favorite places to ride is Portage. They groom every night, alternating directions so you count on either north or south being flat and ready to ride. With gas and great food, you can either spend the week or stop in for lunch and to warm up. Another one of my favorite places to ride is Jackman. Jackman normally has snow later in the season than most places in Maine and they groom later than most. If you are looking for a good final weekend trip, Jackman would be my recommendation. But nothing can
compare to the county. The trails are like snow-highways and the people are always kind and helpful. If you are broken down, everyone is more than happy to pull over and help you. If you are lost or confused on directions, just ask! Most businesses that have snowmobile trail access also work with snowmobile clubs to give people the best riding experience possible so when you sit down for lunch, you may also find out what trails were groomed the night before and this is always very helpful. Snowmobiling in Maine is an amazing activity that I would recommend for anyone to try. If you have kids of your own, buy them a sled the memories that you will make with them will be incredible!
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