The MSA President’s Favorite Rides By Mike Grass
Getting to the position of MSA President has taken me all over the state of Maine. Saying these are some of my favorite rides in no way say that some parts of Maine are better than others. These just happen to be some of the ones I’ve experienced firsthand. Maine snowmobile clubs all over the state pro- duce an unmatched product. When I was MSA Trails Chair- man, my goal for many years was to ride all 3500+/- miles of ITS trail. Needless to say, over my 10 years at that posi- tion, I never even came close. As VP and now President, I usually end up riding a lot of the same miles every year but always try to add some new miles with that same goal in mind. I’ve done fairly well at covering the Northern Region
and most of central Maine. Living in Plymouth, most years I have a decent window of riding from home. Some years the trailer gets a lot of miles, some not. Anyhow, here are some of my favorite rides. RIDE ONE Every year, my father and I spend 5 days in Frenchville, ME., riding the trails of the St. John Valley and upper North- ern Region trails. We always bring some of our snowmo- bile buddies to make our stay that much better. We always go the last week of January that doesn’t fall in February as we always wanted to be home for the Pine Tree Ride In. Many years this trip has been our first riding of the year with lack of snow in Plymouth. We always enjoy
taking ITS 85 South over to Ft. Kent to Rock’s Diner for breakfast. After breakfast we stroll down ITS 85 south again to Portage where we pick up ITS 90 east, which we follow all the way to Limestone. In Limestone, we head north on ITS 81 a short ways to the Rendevouz restaurant for their famous pizza. You never know who you’re going to meet at the “Rendevouz”. Two years ago, we met 5 Border Patrol Agents on sleds there and the year before met for- mer Nascar driver Andy San- terre there with his tour guide Randy MacDonald. Leaving the Rendevous and heading north on ITS 81 again, you’ll hit the famous Maine border trail, as everyone calls it. Its granite border markers are always a photo stop as well
as its fantastic views and ter- rain. We continue on ITS 81 through Van Buren and onto Grand Isle where ITS 81 ends at ITS 83. We take ITS 83 south to Lakeview for dinner (prime rib is my favorite) and a quick ride on local trail brings us back to our nightly accommo- dations. This is a full day ride at a moderate speed, of about 200 +/- miles that most experi- enced riders can accomplish easily. This ride is mostly big logging roads and huge fields as well as some smaller log- ging roads and just fantastic views along the St. John River as well as many other places. RIDE TWO Leave Newport and head west on ITS 84, through Pal- myra, Pittsfield, Hartland, Athens and Cornville. Lots
of farmland and woods trails on this section. After leav- ing Cornville and continuing on ITS 84 you head towards Solon. A little ways before ITS 87, there is an alternate route that you can take up through the Bingham windmills. It’s quite a site and the trail runs right through them. Last time, I continued on ITS 84 until I reached ITS 87, just north of Solon. Heading north on 87 you’ll go through Bingham (gas and services) and up through Moscow, Caratunk and into the Forks. There are quite a few places to stop for lunch and/or gas, like Maine Lakeside Cabins, Northern Outdoors, Inn by the River and Berries Store, just to name a few. Next, take ITS 86 east to Greenville, with its many restaurants and services for
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