The Maine Snowmobiler is an official publication of the Maine Snowmobile Association
The Maine Snowmobiler
207-622-6983 • fax. 207-622-7669 msa@mesnow.com • www.mesnow.com
Vol. 52, No. 4 December 2020 • ISSN-0195-2870
To purchase Advertising Space in The Maine Snowmobiler, contact our Office Manager, 207-622-6983, msa@mesnow.com The Maine Snowmobiler welcomes submissions from MSAmembers, including but not limited to, club news, calendar listings, pho- tographs, letters to the editor, articles of general and technical interest. Submissions may be edited. Address to: Editor, Maine Snowmo- biler, PO Box 80, Augusta, Me. 04332, msa@mesnow.com All opinions expressed by contributing writers in the Maine Snowmobiler are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication. POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, Maine 04332 The Maine Snowmobiler (USPS #859-920) is published 7 times a year by the Maine Snowmobile Association, Inc., 7 Noyes St Place, Augusta, Maine 04330. Periodical postage paid at Augusta, Maine and additional offices. Seasonal subscription provided to MSA members as a benefit of their annual dues. $3.00 of the $15 membership fee is applied to the cost of the publication. Subscriptions are available to non-members at a cost of $30/season.
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