
Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation

Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org COVID-19Plans– Wearecurrentlynot holding in-personworship in thesanctuaryandaccess toour buildings is restricted.Wewill continue to evaluate this decisionbasedon re-openingguidelines fromtheCDC.Programmingwill be heldonline.To access our schedule,visit www. chebeagueumc.org/current-events for links to all our gatherings. For any event, visit www.zoom.us and enter in the meeting ID first, and then the password 20152020 when prompted. Please direct any questions to chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com . Weekly

Mondays at 7 PM, Book Study with Gloria Brown. Current Study is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. All are Welcome! Meeting ID: 899 7984 6008 Thursdays at 1 PM, Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study on the Psalms. Email her at gjbrown58@gmail.com to receive class materials. Meeting ID: 232 499 191

Sundays at 9 AM, Cheryl Hillicoss will be doing Deep Blue Kids Sunday School online! Meeting ID: 571 956 097, Password: 018994 Sundays at 10 AM, we’ll gather for worship. Bring a candle and some bread and a beverage for communion. Details will be shared ahead of time about what we’ll be exploring together each week on our enewsletter (sign up at our website). Meeting ID: 308 728 697

Please visit our website or our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc ) for additional information and opportunities. And be sure to sign up for our enewsletter on our website. Food Pantry – Donations Needed! As you look to close up your seasonal home, please keep the food pantry in mind. It has been a joy to serve so many friends and neighbors over these summer months, and we anticipate an even bigger need for the food pantry in the fall and winter. We accept donations of unopened food and are able to store perishable items. You can always drop off items during the normal times the food pantry is open (Sundays from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM). You can also contact Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 or Polly Wentworth 207-233-8382 to arrange a time to drop off food. HOURS CHANGE Our Food Pantry continues to be open to everyone on the island! We are open from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Sundays, and can accommodate pickup or delivery at other times. Visit www.chebeagueumc.org/food-pantry for more information and to see what we have available. You can also email the food pantry at chebundance@gmail.com . Outdoor Worship Gatherings – Before it gets too cold, we anticipate hosting one or two more worship gatherings outdoors on Sunday mornings. Masks and physical distancing between households are required. Please stay tuned to our enewsletter, Facebook page, chebeague.org , and ChebWeb for additional details. Worship gatherings are scheduled based on weather, current case count, and ability to include those who wish to participate.

The Foo t Doc t o r

The Foot Doctor, Dr. Rybka, is coming to Chebeague on Wednesday, October 14 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.



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