
Chebeague Island Council Calendar

#10 | October 2020

October 2020 • Issue #10 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar

On the Cover It’s Here!!

The deadline for submissions for the November issue is noon on October 20. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission. Early in 2020 Caroline Loder realized she wanted to put more time and energy in to making functional art. Her goal is to create a ceramics program for the clay-lov- ing children at the Island School. After many months of waiting for the kiln to arrive it is finally here, and Caroline is excited to get the children, and clay loving grown-ups too, busy letting their creative energies turn into mugs and pots and all manner of creative whimsey. Thanks to Caroline and a grant from the Island Institute and the Tom Glenn Fund, we can all enjoy this opportunity to get our hands dirty, learn a new way to express our inner creative spirits and have fun! About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www.chebeague.org) or www. chebeagueislandcalendar.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (PO Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Road) or emailed (cheabeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www. chebeagueislandcalendar.com.

Contents Community Matters 3 CUMC News 4 Island Commons News 5 Marty’s Memories 6 From the Town Office 8 CTC News 9, 10, 11 CIHS News 12 Rec Center News 13 Recompense Fund News 13 Library News 14 October Calendar 16 Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Jennifer Hackel, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Sarah Hopkins, Ester Knight, Marjorie Stratton, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Road Publisher Chebeague Island Council

Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com



Community Matters

I would like to publicly thank Dr. Kip Webb, Chebeague summer resident and medical as well as Public Health expert whose educational videos can be found on the Chebeague.org website under the COVID link. Kip has worked tirelessly to help Chebeague residents gain access to free on-island testing for those with symptoms, or anyone at high risk for contracting COVID-19 (for example, someone who has had close contact with a person who recently tested positive for the virus). Kip’s expertise and hard work, along with the help of Dr Jim Cox-Chapman, has been instrumental in forming the Chebeague COVID Testing Team (CCTT), a group of volunteer health professionals who offer a safe, reliable on-island COVID “swab and send” test so that a person at high risk for COVID is not taking the boat and potentially exposing others to the virus. I also wants to express my gratitude to our minister, Melissa Yosua-Davis, for securing sponsorship from the Methodist Church for the CCTT to access funding from the Recompense Fund, so the CCTT is able to pay for supplies, pager and e-fax servcies, and sample transport, in order for the CCTT to do its work. As of mid-September, the CCTT has performed almost 100 tests on Chebeague since July 5th. With only a few positive cases that were unrelated, this testing helped ensure the store, the Island Commons, the Town office, the Slow Bell, and other on island organizations could continue to operate safely, as well as expanding the access to information about the virus, which we think helped prevent an outbreak.The CCTT has now been used as a model for other Maine communities. I also want to acknowledge

the contributions of Bev Johnson, Leila Bisherat, Chip Emory, and Eliza Jane Adams for helping design and disseminate information for use by all on Chebeague to stay safe and healthy. A final thank you goes to the many volunteers such as Donna Damon who have tranposted the cooler bag to Uniship so that safe transport to the State lab can occur in a timely fashion. Though Kip and Jim are heading home to California and Connecticut respectively, the CCTT will continue to operate this fall, thanks to other health professionals here on the island stepping in to volunteer, including Nancy Hill, RN, Ann Bowman, RN and Jackie Trask, retired RN. If you think you may have COVID, the first thing to do is contact your PCP. If they agree you should get tested, and you want to do it on island, please text the CCTT volunteer on duty at 347-656-7524 or leave a voice message at 207-264-0007 and the volunteer will get back within a few hours to discuss your situation and arrange for your test; testing is typically offered twice a week. If for whatever reason you do not get a reply in a few hours, call me- Jenny Hackel, RN team leader at 734-660-3461 and leave a detailed message.

Remember, since the CCTT is not providing medical care, only increasing access to the test, so be sure to follow the instructions of your PCP. The CCTT viral samples are transported to the Maine CDC state lab in Augusta by courier and are free of charge. Most test results turn around in 72 hours or less, and the test report will be sent by the volunteer to your email which you can then share with your PCP. -Jennifer Hackel The Wellness Center with a MaineHealth Nurse Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information. No appointment needed. No charge for these services. Tuesday October 13 th and 27 th 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Flu Clinic Oct. 7 9-11am at the CICC



Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation

Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org COVID-19Plans– Wearecurrentlynot holding in-personworship in thesanctuaryandaccess toour buildings is restricted.Wewill continue to evaluate this decisionbasedon re-openingguidelines fromtheCDC.Programmingwill be heldonline.To access our schedule,visit www. chebeagueumc.org/current-events for links to all our gatherings. For any event, visit www.zoom.us and enter in the meeting ID first, and then the password 20152020 when prompted. Please direct any questions to chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com . Weekly

Mondays at 7 PM, Book Study with Gloria Brown. Current Study is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. All are Welcome! Meeting ID: 899 7984 6008 Thursdays at 1 PM, Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study on the Psalms. Email her at gjbrown58@gmail.com to receive class materials. Meeting ID: 232 499 191

Sundays at 9 AM, Cheryl Hillicoss will be doing Deep Blue Kids Sunday School online! Meeting ID: 571 956 097, Password: 018994 Sundays at 10 AM, we’ll gather for worship. Bring a candle and some bread and a beverage for communion. Details will be shared ahead of time about what we’ll be exploring together each week on our enewsletter (sign up at our website). Meeting ID: 308 728 697

Please visit our website or our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc ) for additional information and opportunities. And be sure to sign up for our enewsletter on our website. Food Pantry – Donations Needed! As you look to close up your seasonal home, please keep the food pantry in mind. It has been a joy to serve so many friends and neighbors over these summer months, and we anticipate an even bigger need for the food pantry in the fall and winter. We accept donations of unopened food and are able to store perishable items. You can always drop off items during the normal times the food pantry is open (Sundays from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM). You can also contact Denise 207-838-6107 or Jessie 802-279-5410 or Polly Wentworth 207-233-8382 to arrange a time to drop off food. HOURS CHANGE Our Food Pantry continues to be open to everyone on the island! We are open from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM on Sundays, and can accommodate pickup or delivery at other times. Visit www.chebeagueumc.org/food-pantry for more information and to see what we have available. You can also email the food pantry at chebundance@gmail.com . Outdoor Worship Gatherings – Before it gets too cold, we anticipate hosting one or two more worship gatherings outdoors on Sunday mornings. Masks and physical distancing between households are required. Please stay tuned to our enewsletter, Facebook page, chebeague.org , and ChebWeb for additional details. Worship gatherings are scheduled based on weather, current case count, and ability to include those who wish to participate.

The Foo t Doc t o r

The Foot Doctor, Dr. Rybka, is coming to Chebeague on Wednesday, October 14 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Call 829-6463 for an appointment.



Island Commons

132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com

Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com

We’re a FULL HOUSE! A very warm welcome to Joan Phipps , our newest Island Commons resident! ** Regina Ramirez of Lewiston will be joining our team. She has many years of experience as a CRMA. Welcome aboard, Regina. ** We’re seeking ON-ISLAND workers to join our caregiving team. Full- time, part- time and per- diem are all needed. Contact amy.rich@islandcommons.com or call our business office and leave a message at 846-5610. ** Great news fromMaine State Housing Authority: The Commons’ application for a 5-year, forgivable loan for Supportive Housing Improvements has been approved. We’ll soon be replacing our 22- year- old roof, adding a covered entry to shield the main entrance from ice and snow, installing vinyl siding to the remaining area of the original building, upgrading resident bathroom fixtures, and more! Thanks to Commons board member Jim Lunt for identifying the needed repairs, gathering estimates and assembling the final application. ** VISITOR POLICY! We love to see you, but please remember that all visits must be scheduled in advance. Please call Amy Rich (401-439-5760) in advance to schedule your visit. Availability is Monday – Thursday. Fridays may be available if staffing levels permit.

Message From Dr. Larson Direct Primary Care is a way to maintain access to all the essential elements of your health care. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve residents and guests of Chebeague Island and am happy to meet with you at the Wellness Center or in your homes. Working together to build on a foundation of listening, trust, and understanding, we can manage nearly 100% of your acute and chronic care needs together. What a relief to know that your doctor is but a phone call or text message away, ready and eager to support your physical and mental health, on your time and when it is convenient for you. Please stop by to say hello Friday mornings in front of the Wellness Center.


Dr. Larson will be at the Wellness Center every Friday morning 9-11:30AM. No appointment needed. Please see her website for the full range of services she can provide. www.heidilarsonmd.com She will see folks who are not in her practice for a fee of $50.00. She does not bill insurance.



Marty’s Memories - Climate by Marty Trower

The cold came to us this weekend to remind us that it is time to stop fussing about face masks and sunscreen. I see the need to get mentally and physically braced for the time ahead because, you know, living year-round on a real island is different. Weather plays a big part in planning for it. Yet weather is as mysterious and unpredictable as the certainty that it will impact our daily lives here. Weather is something we share with others and react to with immediacy. Apparently. it is defined as referring to short-term changes in the atmosphere, whereas climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. Different regions can have different climates. ... Weather tells you what to wear each day. I’d say we need to be thinking about climate on our island in the months ahead. Here’s an example. The pandemic has kept people out of each other’s homes. This actually worked well for me. I spent a lot of early pandemic time pulling out and organizing clutter. Most of it did not belong in the house but could not be thrown out or even given away. I took a huge lot of it to the garage and to the space above the garage. Finally, after months of doing this the inside

of the house is looking and behaving better, although still not ready for visitors. However, there isn’t room to store a toothpick let alone a car in the garage. I need to plan something here. What will the climate be like here this winter and spring? Will there be ice storms that knock out our power and make it impossible to get up hills, either by car or by foot? Will there be snow that accumulates and builds walls around the accesses and exits to our homes? Will there be long periods of bland grayness with no contrast in light and dark, no movements of air and light? We still won’t be able to travel safely, to visit friends and relatives or explore new places and meet new people. We will still be entering stores and public buildings with extreme caution when we venture to the mainland. We won’t be able to gather the way we have in safe distances on our lawns bringing our own refreshments. What will it be like this year? I see it as a challenge that this island community is so ready and able to meet. We are a creative lot, and I look forward to seeing how we do it so we can defy the weather and love the time given to us here.

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7 Your Island and Mainland Specialists! Your Island and Mainland Specialists! OCTOBER 2020 CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COUNCIL CALENDAR

Presented by: The Leonard Thompson Federle Team

From the Town Office

Town Office – The Town Office is open to the public. We have a plexi-glass shield separating customers from office staff. Only one person at a time is allowed inside. If you don’t want to come in the office, we can still do business by telephone, email, credit card and / or drop box outside the office door. Whatever you are comfortable with! Please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to answer your questions and assist you in any way possible. Call 846-

have a bright red secure lock box next to the door at the Town Office for completed ballots. Transfer Station – The Transfer Station is open Monday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am., Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The Transfer Station is closed on Tuesday.

Recycling News – We did better on our last load of Recycling. It was 2% contaminated . The contaminates included 20+ empty plastic bags, shrink-wrap and padded mailers.

3148 for information. We are closed on Tuesday. We will also be closed Monday, October 12 th . Absentee Ballots for November 3 rd – There has been a lot of buzz in the news about absentee and mail-in voting so we have gotten many questions. Because people are receiving absentee ballot information through US mail and other sources, we are receiving multiple absentee ballot requests from the same people. Please contact the Town Office if you want an absentee ballot or if you have questions. We want

Please take a moment to review the items you and your family put in the recycling bin. If you need assistance, please ask Gail Jenkins, our Transfer Station attendant. If you are in doubt, please just put it in the trash bin.

Taxes Due September 30 – The tax bills were mailed at the end of August. Interest will begin to accrue October 1, 2020. Please call the Town Office if you have any questions. We have installed a drop box outside the Town Office door for tax payments or you are welcome to come in on the days we are open.

you to know that you can fill out the application for an absentee ballot, but we do not receive the actual ballots from the Secretary of State until 30 days before the election. We should receive the ballots around the first week in October. If you request the absentee ballot now, we will get the ballot to you as soon as we receive them from the State. Please call the Town Office if you have questions, 846-3148. We

Thank you for your support and remember to be kind, and listen to one another.

Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator

TAGGING STATION We don’t have a Big Game Registration Agent on Chebeague Island for this hunting season. It would obviously be difficult for our hunters to take game to the mainland for tagging. If you would like to apply, please contact me. I have some information and the application forms. Marjorie E. Stratton 207-863-3148



October 2020

CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY What’s New at CTC? Important Changes at CTC CTC announces a change in leadership with the pending November retirement of Carol Sabasteanski, general manager. Sabasteanski joined CTC in 2010 and has directed re-organization and modernization of the company, most recently with the design and con- struction of the Independence and her leadership under COVID-19 . Matt Ridgway , currently Assistant General Manager, will assume the position of General Manager of the company. Matt joined CTC in 2013 as a Captain after moving to Chebeague with his family. In 2016 he was promoted to Senior Captain and in 2019 to Marine Operations Manager. Earlier this year, he was promoted to Assistant General Manager. Matt has spent most of his career working on the water - where his travels took him from Nova Scotia to Venezuela and around the Carib- bean. Prior to joining CTC, Matt was the Waterfront Manager at Port- land Yacht Services and director of the Marine Learning Center (USCG licensing school). In 2019, Matt played a critical role in working with Washburn & Doughty on the Independence ’s construction – making regular (often weekly) trips to East Boothbay to check on progress and consult on issues. His knowledge of Chebeague’s ferry service has proven invalua- ble to CTC and the community. After becoming the Marine Operations Manager, Matt took full respon- sibility for marine operations, including management of staff, schedul- ing, training, and overseeing maintenance. Additionally, during the last two years, Matt has trained in various aspects of managing the company. In his role as Assistant General Manager, Matt has contin- ued to oversee marine operations while becoming more familiar with mainland procedures. Beth Putnam has been promoted to Senior Captain and Safety Of- ficer. Putnam joined CTC in 2004 as a deckhand. Under a CTC spon- sored program, she gained her captain’s license in 2006. Beth has consistently shown leadership skill and a commitment to the company and the island. She is a natural mariner—understandable given her place in a long line of sea-loving Chebeaguers. She lives on Chebeague with her family and is also a member of Chebeague Rescue Services.

Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Please check the ap- plication and terms and conditions care- fully to ensure you will qualify for a Cousins Island per- mit before applying 2021 Annual Parking Permit Applications Applications for an- nual parking per- mits will be mailed by November 1st to current permit hold- ers. The applica- tion will also be posted on the “Parking Service” page on our website and can be picked up at our office after 11/1/2020. The deadline for Cousins Island annual permit applications is December 1, 2020. Applications re- ceived or post- marked after that date will be issued a Route One permit.

Reminders! By court order, the Town of Yarmouth has 15 spaces at the Cousins Island Lot. Yarmouth issues ten annual passes by lottery. The five daily spots are on a first come - first serve basis. Due to issues in managing Yar- mouth daily parking spaces, CTC and Yar- mouth agreed that we would designate 4 post- ed Yarmouth spaces. These spots are policed by Yarmouth. Daily parking at Cousins Island is based on availa- bility. Access to the lot is purely on a first come - first serve basis. Day parkers must be out of the lot by 5:30 PM. For the month of October, day parkers cannot enter the lot until 7 AM due to lack of space. Overnight parking at the Cousins Island lot is allowed only for persons holding a regular annual parking permit. CTC management re- serves the right to make exceptions in special cir- cumstances.

Employee Birthdays

Justin Winkel -10/10 Chuck Graham - 10/23 Happy Birthday!



CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS Key: l Crew assistance available Key: m Crew assistance unavailable Key: hx TRIP CANCELLED DUE TO EXTREME LOW TIDE 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 0.7083 0.7708 0.8125 0.8438 0.8958 0.9479 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:10 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:00 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:25 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:15 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 10 - 1 Thursday m m m l l l l m m m m l 10 - 2 Friday m m m l l l l m m m m l l 10 - 3 Saturday m m l l l l m m m m l 10 - 4 Sunday m l l l l l m 10 - 5 Monday m m m m l l l l l m m m 10 - 6 Tuesday m m m m l l l l l m m m 10 - 7 Wednesday m m m m l l l l l l m m 10 - 8 Thursday l m m m l l l l l l m m 10 - 9 Friday l l m m m l l l l l l m m 10 - 10 Saturday l l m m l l l l l l m 10 - 11 Sunday l m m m l l l 10 - 12 Monday l l l l m m m m l l l l 10 - 13 Tuesday l l l l m m m m m l l l 10 - 14 Wednesday l l l l l m m m m l l l 10 - 15 Thursday m l l l l m m m m m l l 10 - 16 Friday m m l l l l m m hx m l l l 10 - 17 Saturday m m l l l l m m hx m l l 10 - 18 Sunday m l l l l l m hx 10 - 19 Monday m m m l l l l l l m hx m 10 - 20 Tuesday m m m m l l l l l m hx m 10 - 21 Wednesday m m m m l l l l l l m m 10 - 22 Thursday l l m m m l l l l l m m 10 - 23 Friday l l l m m l l l l l l m m 10 - 24 Saturday l l m m m l l l l l m 10 - 25 Sunday l l m m l l l 10 - 26 Monday l l l l m m m m m l l l 10 - 27 Tuesday l l l l l m m m m l l l 10 - 28 Wednesday l l l l l m m m m m l l 10 - 29 Thursday m l l l l m m m m m l l 10 - 30 Friday m m l l l l m m m m m l l 10 - 31 Saturday m m l l l m m m m l l Oct 2020 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips UPDATED



CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS Key: l crew assistance available Key: m crew assistance unavailable Key: hx TRIP CANCELLED DUE TO EXTREME LOW TIDE 0.2708 0.2951 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.5833 0.6181 0.6563 0.6979 0.7604 0.8021 0.8333 0.8854 0.9375 0.2813 0.3056 0.3438 0.4271 0.5104 0.5938 0.6285 0.6667 0.7083 0.7708 0.8125 0.8438 0.8958 0.9479 depart Cheb: 6:30 7:05 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:10 2:50 3:45 4:45 6:00 7:15 8:00 9:15 10:30 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 7:20 8:15 10:15 12:15 2:25 3:05 4:00 5:00 6:15 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:45 11 - 1 Sunday l l l l m m m 11 - 2 Monday m m l l l l l m m m m l 11 - 3 Tuesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 4 Wednesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 5 Thursday m m m l l l l l l m m m 11 - 6 Friday m m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 7 Saturday m m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 8 Sunday m m m l l l l 11 - 9 Monday l l l m m l l l l l l m 11 - 10 Tuesday l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 11 Wednesday l l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 12 Thursday l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 13 Friday l l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 14 Saturday l l l l m hx m m l l l 11 - 15 Sunday l l l l hx hx l 11 - 16 Monday m m l l l l m m hx hx m l 11 - 17 Tuesday m m m l l l l m m hx m m 11 - 18 Wednesday m m m l l l l l m m m m 11 - 19 Thursday m m m m l l l l l m m m 11 - 20 Friday m m m m l l l l l l m m m 11 - 21 Saturday l m m m l l l l m m m 11 - 22 Sunday l m m l l l l 11 - 23 Monday l l l m m m l l l l l l 11 - 24 Tuesday l l l l m m m l l l l l 11 - 25 Wednesday l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 26 Thursday l l l l m m m m m l l l 11 - 27 Friday l l l l l m m m m l l l l 11 - 28 Saturday l l l l m m m m l l l 11 - 29 Sunday l l l m m m m 11 - 30 Monday m l l l l l m m m m l l 12 - 1 Tuesday m m l l l l m m m m m l Nov 2020 Morning trips Afternoon Trips Evening Trips C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVID CRISIS C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVID CRISIS C A N C E L L E D T R I P DUE TO COVI D CRISI S



Chebeague Island Historical Society

Ellsworth Miller 2020 Lecture Series will continue into the fall. Lecture will be presented via Zoom. Check our website for full details. Due to Covid-19, the Historical Society is presenting this annual lecture series virtually. If you’ve missed earlier presentations they are available online. A video of each presentation can be seen from our website, under the “Events” tab. Simply click “View” next to each presenter's picture. Enjoy!

Special October Museum Shop Opening! With social distancing, we are moving the shopping experience indoors. Come and see new items. Shopping Times: Saturday & Sunday October 11 – 12 1pm – 4pm As always, our shop online is open and a terrific way to support the mission of the Historical Society. 




www.ChebeagueRec.com • 207-846-5068 • Steve Auffant • ChebeagueRecreation@gmail.com

Chebeague Recreation Center “A Place for Everyone”

We are delighted to be adding several new staff members! Joining the Rec Center this Fall is a Fellow from the Island Institute. She will be focusing on programming for teens and adults. Joining Kids’ Place is a new Head Teacher and a new Assistant Teacher, both starting the end of August.

Adult Monthly: …….…. $40 Adult Yearly: …………. $215 Family Yearly: ………… $430 (2 Adults + Children 18 and Under) Adirondack Yearly: …… $950 (Family + Guest Passes-10 + Chair) Extra Adirondack Chair: $250 Student Yearly: ………. $115 Student Summer: ……. $60 Drop-In Fitness/Pool:… $10 Fitness/Pool – 10-Pass Non-Member: ……... $90 Member: ………..…..$70 Rec Membership Plans

Please consider renewing your Annual Rec Membership All memberships are valid for a full year!

Your Annual Membership Supports the Rec and our Community Supports all Programs, Teen Center and Activities throughout the year. Maintenance and Building Upgrades for Fitness Room, Pool and Tennis Court. Staffing for the Rec Center, Kids’ Place, Pool, and After School Programs.

MISSION STATEMENT To provide the Chebeague Island community with recreational and educational opportunities that strengthen overall health and social connection to enhance lives and secure futures. A 501 (c) (3) Charitable Corporation

ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott 40 South Road • 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com

The Recompense Fund

The Recompense Fund expresses its sincerest appreciation to our donors for believing in and supporting our mission: Sustaining Chebeague as a year-round community through supporting its nonprofit organizations. We invite you to see the Island Videos created by one of our directors, Chip Emery, and his son John for the Recompense Fund. Go to chebweb.com, chebeague.org or recompensefund.com .

The Recompense Fund, Box 42, Chebeague Island, Maine 04017

Flu Clinic October 7 th 9-11 at the Hall. Masks required.



846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Chebeague Island Library

NEW BOOKS All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny • Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult • Homeland Elegies by Ayad Ahktar • One by One by Ruth Ware Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante • Cross of Snow, A Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Nicholas Brisbanes SCIENCE FICTION FILMS – TO TIDE US OVER UNTIL DUNE COMES OUT!!! 2001 & 2010 • The Day the Earth Stood Still • Star Trek • Blade Runner • Elysium • Contact PERIODICALS Let us know if you would like to take out any – Archeology, Mother Earth, New Yorker, Smithsonian and Country Living COVID CURBSIDE/DELIVERY HOURS Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Call or email to let us know what you would like to take out. We will let you know when your materials are available for pick up. You may return your library materials through the book slot. NO NON LIBRARY ITEMS PLEASE. Summer Hours Summer Hours now in effect.

We can still do any print, scan or faxing jobs you may have. As this goes to print, no changes in our current COVID restricted hours or service.

The 2020 Island Directory is for sale at the Library. Let us know if we can mail it to you!

Open to All! The Chebeague Island Methodist Church hosts a Food Pantry every Sunday from 11:30-12:30. Donations are welcomed!

Book StudyGroupwithGloria Brown Current Study is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. All are Welcome!


Sundays at 3:00 Meeting ID: 899 7984 6008



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Call Kelly Wentworth 207-831-4934 Island Assistant Specs Eaton

I have a buyer looking for a year round home on the island; are you thinking of selling?

Fuel &






Medication Assistance Please call Ester Knight at 846-4178 if you need help with fuel or medication assistance. All requests are confidential.








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1 Full Moon

2 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9- 11:30 9 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9- 11:30


4 Food Pantry 11:30-12:30 CUMC CUMC worship,10am






Flu Clinic 9-11am

11 CIHS Gift Shop Open 1-4pm

12 Columbus Day CIHS Gift Shop Open 1-4pm

13 Nurse,

14 Dr.Rybka, Wellness Ctr 9-11:30


16 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9- 11:30


Wellness Center, 9- 11:30

Food Pantry 11:30-12:30 CUMC CUMC worship, 10am 18 Food Pantry 11:30-12:30 CUMC CUMC worship, 10am 25 Food Pantry 11:30-12:30 CUMC CUMC worship, 10am





23 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9- 11:30 30 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9- 11:30



27 Nurse,




Wellness Center, 9- 11:30

Halloween Full Moon



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