Chebeague Island Council Calendar
#8 | August 2020
August 2020 • Issue #8 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar
On the Cover The cover this month features a photograph of the Chebeague Island Fire Station and its fleet of emergency vehicles. During this difficult and stressful summer, the people that crew these vehicles are being challenged in ways they have never expected. We would like to thank and honor them for their dedication. About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www.chebeague.org) or www. chebeagueislandcalendar.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar will no longer be mailed off Island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene.All submissions should include theauthor’s nameand contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (PO Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Road) or emailed (cheabeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at island.calendar@chebeague.net as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charges at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.chebeagueislandcalendar.com . Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $70, ½ page, $35; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $5; 6 to 8 line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission.
Contents Notes from the Council Community Matters
3 3 4 5 5 5 6 8 8
Island Commons News
Recompense Fund News Marty’s Memories From the Town Office Rec Center News
CTC News Library News
9, 10, 11
12 12
August Calendar
Publisher Chebeague Island Council Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Jennifer Hackel, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Sarah Hopkins, Ester Knight, Marjorie Stratton, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail. com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Road Graphic Design
Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com
The deadline for submissions for the September issue is noon on August 20.
Book StudyGroup Sundays at 3:00
Meeting ID: 222 019 506
Community Matters
This summer has been like no other. Most of us are not seeing our summer friends and many of us are not even seeing our year-round island friends and family. Anyone taking the ferry or visiting the market has seen numerous changes in place to protect our residents and visitors. All the organizations on the island are dealing with the stress of COVID-19. With that in mind, this month we would like to shine the light onour FireDepartment and EMS crews. Currently with a roster of eight EMTs and 25 firefighters, they are on call 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year protecting us. Since thearrival ofCOVID-19 inMarch, safetyprotocols are constantly being updated, sometimes daily. This requires the team to attend numerous additional hours of trainings and meetings on how to protect all of us and themselves. The calls which sometimes arrive in the middle of the night or early morning are exhausting by themselves, but now require several additional steps for the crew. They now must wear the minimum PPE to each call: gloves, eye protection and an N95 mask. If the person they’re called on to help shows any sign of being COVID positive they have to break into teams with one group donning something similar to a HAZMAT suit and the other group staying back to remain uncontaminated in
order to help them on the other side of the call when they return back to the station. Back at the station, after the call, there is a lengthy decontamination process involving the crew having to privately strip down outside and bag their “dirty” clothes which are laundered on site. Then they must shower and have a new set of clothes ready to put on after. But before they can head home the boat and vehicles must now be decontaminated which is a lengthy process involving spraying a bleach solution among other steps. All this additional work is compounded by the fact that most of these folks have children and family at home that may become sick if a step is missed or PPE fails to protect. The emotional stress on the First Responders is accompanied by the fact that each call now requires double the time it used to. In the cold dark hours of the night, the job is an exhausting one. These are unprecedented times, no doubt; but along with adversity comes resilience, kindness, and community. Here on Chebeague, these amazing First Responders are there for us in our darkest hours with skill, compassion and a strength of heart and mind that should never be taken for granted. We send our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the members of the Fire Department and EMS crew; our neighbors and friends who keep us safe throughout the year. The Chebeague Island Council is happy to announce that Dr. Heidi Larson will soon be coming to the Wellness Center. Dr. Larson is a Family Medicine specialist. She is expanding her practice to include Chebeague Island and will see patients both at the Wellness
Notes From The Council
Due to the ongoing COVID prohibitions of meetings over 50, the Island Council August Annual meeting has been postponed until 2021. Membership in the council will continue for another year. The board and officers will be continued as well. If you have any questions please feel free to contact board members. Any and all donations to the Island Council Samaritan or fuel funds will be gratefully put to good use. Thank you.
Center and at their home. This is an exciting new resource for the Island Community! Please contact the Council for additional information.
Christine Auffant, Sec. Lola Armstrong, treas Kristen Buxbaum Deb Hall Sarah Hopkins
Denise Hamilton Ester Knight Marjorie Stratton, vp. Ann Thaxter, pres.
Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org COVID-19 Plans – We are currently not holding in-person worship and access to our buildings is restricted. We will continue to evaluate this decision based on re-opening guidelines from the CDC. Programming will be held online. For access to our full schedule, visit our website at www.chebeagueumc.org/current-events for links to all our gatherings. For any event, visit www.zoom.us and enter in the meeting ID first, and then the password 20152020 when prompted. Weekly Mondays at 7 PM, B ook Study with Gloria Brown. Meeting ID: 899 7984 6008 Sundays at 9 AM, Cheryl Hillicoss will be doing Deep Blue Kids Sunday School online! Meeting ID: 571 956 097, Password: 018994 Sundays at 10 AM, we’ll gather for worship. Bring a candle and some bread and a beverage for communion. I’ll share details ahead of time about what we’ll be exploring together each week. Meeting ID: 308 728 697 Please visit our website or our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc ) for additional information and opportunities. And be sure to sign up for our enewsletter on our website. Food Pantry – Our Food Pantry is open to everyone on the island! Thank you to all who have donated funds or food, assisted with setup, connected us with supplies, and more. We are open from 10:30 AM to 12 PM on Wednesdays, and can accommodate pickup or delivery at other times. Visit www.chebeagueumc.org/food-pantry for more information and to see what we have available. We have face masks and produce to share. Thursdays at 1 PM, Gloria Brown will be leading a Bible Study on the Psalms. Email her at gjbrown58@gmail.com to receive class materials. Meeting ID: 232 499 191
“Quality Real Estate Practice Becomes Great Community Service.” Specs Eaton is my Island Assistant “Quality Real Estate Practice Becomes Great Community Service.” Specs Eaton is my Island Assistant Chebeague Island Agent Call: Kelly Wentworth 207-831-4934 We are seeking properties to listings, I have four buyers that are currently looking. Chebeague Island Agent Call: Kelly Wentworth 207-831-4934 We are seeking properties to listings, I have four buyers that are currently looking.
Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 icadmin@chebeague.net
Chebeague Island Historical Society: Summer 2020 Growing Up on Chebeague Chebeague Island Historical Society: Summer 2020 VIRTUAL Summer Lecture Series BID: Hello to Summer! Online Auction Lineup this month: Blockbusters, Seafood Week, Transformers Week and Island Artists Visit www.islandcommons.com and click the auction banner. Many thanks to our Sponsors & Donors for supporting ou fundraising efforts in this most extraordinary year! See them listed on our auction web page. We have an open private room. Call Amy Rich 207-846-5610 COVID-19 Update! Island Commons residents are now allowed up to two visitors. Arrangements must be made in advance...no drop- ins. Visits allowed Monday-Thursday at specific times and will be conducted according to CDC & State guidelines (too numerous to list here). Please contact Amy Rich 401-439-5760 for more information. (If Amy is unavailable, you may contact Christina Skillin 207-318-9005)
It was decided with great regret that the Museum building and its outside public bathroom will not be open to the public this year. Our exci:ng new exhibit, Growing Up on Chebeague , planned for this June, will be featured in 2021 and 2022 instead. (A preview video on our website already has had almost 600 views!) We are excited to announce that CIHS Museum Shop is now "open" online. We have a wonderful array of items for sale, including
Aug 3 Peter Ralston
photographic ar3st . Along the Coast–His Work
Aug 17 David Hill
CIHS Board President "Billy Hill: The Man Who Outshot Annie Oakley" Execu3ve Director, Northeast Historic Film Historic Maine Films
Aug 31 David Weiss
Cathy MacNeill's 2021 calendar. New items added frequently. Please visit www.chebeaguehistory.com/giQ-shop
Lectures will be Monday at 7pm, via Zoom. Log-in details will be posted at www.chebeaguehistory.com
The Recompense Fund The Board of The Recompense Fund is delighted to announce we have become a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit organization with our own distinct tax identification number (see below).While many in our community may have already believed us to be so, it is only now that we have felt ready to take on our own operating responsibilities at a cost lower than having the Maine Community Foundation (MCF) do so. Nonetheless, we wanted to have a continuing affiliation with the MCF, and as a result the Board has elected to have them manage our permanent and board designated funds. All donations to Recompense should now be sent to our Chebeague Post Office Box 42, Chebeague Island, Maine, 04017. Please email our Treasurer, Jim Van Fleet, at jcvf48@gmail.com to discuss gifts of stock or any estate planning gift intentions. For your records, please note that our federal tax i.d. # is 84-4249483.
Marty’s Memories - A Sea Change August 2020 by Marty Trower
Remembering these last four months wrapped in the uncertainty of an unprecedented pandemic is a strange process. It feels as though all the days were similar and yet dramatically different at the same time. I am finding I am not noticing and picking up beautiful scraps of nature when they leap out at me from the beach or paths in the woods on the island. I am not being reminded of small moments that moved me into the past. The present and the past do not share the same relationship anymore. I am still see-sawing through the days, setting new patterns to do with basic needs while staying safely isolated. Sometimes I feel rewarded, I would even say, comforted. For instance, those seeds I dropped into little watery dishes months ago are now vibrant, pushy teenagers ready to make their way to the sky. Getting them into the ground to grow to maturity was another matter and not fun. I hoed and crow-barred huge stones that were in the way, out of the way. I sifted clumps of bad lawn through make-shift screens and made nice soil. It did not help that only a few labels I’d made survived and except for some broccoli and tomato plants, I don’t know what any of them are.
I think I’m noticing my lack of patience when doing projects. Making the earth ready to plant the hearty seedlings in was strenuous and time consuming. I slept soundly afterward but always awoke with more to do. I looked forward to getting out of bed in the morning, though, to go outside and check on any possible changes overnight. The garden, pitiful as it might look now is evolving and I celebrate the growth of each happy plant, whatever it is but.... this is not enough. Behind this roller coaster of emotions around the gardening project, is the reality that the world outside our island, as well as in our own orb, is not the same anymore. Little did I know, when I wrote these words last month, that In just a few weeks now, I will be stepping into this sea of uncertainty, holding the hand of my best friend, and broaching our partnership in a new form of commitment.We are both wary and jubilant with our decision to marry, quietly and outdoors, on Chebeague. The sea will be with us, in whatever weather it sees fits to surround us in. We will be making new memories, together.
Jenks Road
15.5 beautiful acres with an estimated 1000 FT of tidal oceanfront on Johnson's Cove. This former saltwater farm is the perfect location to build your dream house. MLS# 1424146 $695,000
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Please contact for housing details, acreage and price NEW LISTING: 320' of Chebeague's Most Desirable Oceanfrontage
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Town of Chebeague Island 192 North Road • Chebeague Island, ME 04017 TownAdmin@townofchebeagueisland.org • www.townofchebeagueisland.org
Hello friends and neighbors, We are still in a pandemic. I know that many of us are traveling again and visiting family and close friends, but we are still in a pandemic. Let’s review some of Covid-19 advisories. Non-essential travel is not advised. If you choose to travel, please follow these guidelines. • Stay at home if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or if in quarantine.
• Not required but recommended to keep our communities safe – quarantine for 14 days if traveling from areas of community spread. • Maintain physical distance by keeping at least 6 feet away from others unless living in the same household. • Do not gather in groups of more than the permitted number according to current guidelines. • Wear a face covering when in public. • Comply with CDC guidelines. Wash / sanitize hands often. • Comply with guidelines for individual communities and businesses. • Stay sate. Keep others safe. Be kind.
• Anyone traveling from out-of-state other than NH, VT, NJ, CT or NY must quarantine for 14 days OR have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to arrival and must complete a Certificate of Compliance, available upon registration with rental lodging or contact the town you are visiting for more information. • Quarantine is not required if you certify you’ve received a negative COVID-19 test with 72 hours prior to arrival or if you’ve already completed a 14-day quarantine in Maine.
www.ChebeagueRec.com • 207-846-5068 • Steve Auffant • ChebeagueRecreation@gmail.com
Chebeague Recreation Center “A Place for Everyone”
We are delighted to be adding several new staff members! Joining the Rec Center this Fall is a Fellow from the Island Institute. She will be focusing on programming for teens and adults. Joining Kids’ Place is a new Head Teacher and a new Assistant Teacher, both starting the end of August.
Adult Monthly: …….…. $40 Adult Yearly: …………. $215 Family Yearly: ………… $430 (2 Adults + Children 18 and Under) Adirondack Yearly: …… $950 (Family + Guest Passes-10 + Chair) Extra Adirondack Chair: $250 Student Yearly: ………. $115 Student Summer: ……. $60 Drop-In Fitness/Pool:… $10 Fitness/Pool – 10-Pass Non-Member: ……... $90 Member: ………..…..$70 Rec Membership Plans
Please consider renewing your Annual Rec Membership All memberships are valid for a full year!
Your Annual Membership Supports the Rec and our Community Supports all Programs, Teen Center and Activities throughout the year. Maintenance and Building Upgrades for Fitness Room, Pool and Tennis Court. Staffing for the Rec Center, Kids’ Place, Pool, and After School Programs.
MISSION STATEMENT To provide the Chebeague Island community with recreational and educational opportunities that strengthen overall health and social connection to enhance lives and secure futures. A 501 (c) (3) Charitable Corporation
ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott
Bruce R. Bowman Professional Land Surveyor
Boundary Surveys
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Jeff Wescott 40 South Road 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com
184 John Small Road • Chebeague Island, ME 04017 Phone/Fax: (207) 518-2030 • Cell: (207) 632-0078 Surveying Chebeague Island for over 30 Years
August 2020
CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY What’s New at CTC? The new normal Well, it is anything but normal, but over the last few months CTC has worked to adjust to the current situation as conditions change. During this time, our staff and board have worked tirelessly to modify our policies and procedures in order to adapt in the most efficient way possible – with safety for crew and passengers as our top priority. Passenger limit on the bus and ferry: Our crews evaluated the space availa- ble – taking measurements – and determined the maximum number of pas- sengers (or in the case of the bus – seats) we could allow. On the bus we can allow nine seats to be occupied. On the ferry we can allow 32 passengers. (We were able to increase the passenger count from 20 to 32 through negoti- ations with the Coast Guard that allowed us to open the upper deck.) Parking at Cousins: While the bus service was suspended, we secured addi- tional parking on Wharf Road for residents that park at Route One. We required families with two vehicles at Cousins to move one to Route One and moved more Route One parkers to Cousins. When the bus service re- sumed, vehicles returned to their regular parking lot. However, because less people are going on trips or commuting, the Cousins lot is at capacity. Then why does Yarmouth have some reserved spaces? We are required to provide parking spaces to Yarmouth residents from a 1996 court order. Barging at a Discount: CTC offered discount barging to families coming to the island to quarantine in order to provide the safest transportation method possible. Passengers remain in their vehicles on the barge. They can bring supplies for the period of their quarantine – thus reducing their need to go out and provision on the island. Once their quarantine is over, they must barge their mainland car off the island in order to get the discount. We adopted this policy to address the concern of many residents about the num- ber of vehicles on the island. Priority boarding: CTC has a long standing policy that we cannot police who gets on the ferry first – or last. This complaint is not new. We have been asked in the past to force people going to the island for a wedding, etc. to board last. Because we felt that we could early board commuters leaving Chebeague easily – and because residents need to get to work – we recently adopted this policy. However, the situation at Cousins is much more com- plicated. The ferry is not docked for a period of time at the float. Early boarding doesn’t work. We do not have the ability to queue passengers (like an airline). Reduced schedule: CTC’s passenger count is down 70-80%. Through June, our net LOSS is approximately $350,000 greater than the same period in 2019. We are operating with a limited crew on the ferry and are working closely with the Coast Guard to ensure we are in compliance with regula- tions and guidance. COVID-19 ferry tickets: To allow for social distancing, tickets are no longer sold on the ferry. This has created extra work for our office and inconven- ience for our customers. Our employees have had to adapt to many new policies and procedures. They are doing their best to comply with the company’s rules. We ask for your understanding and cooperation with our staff. Thank you.
Annual Members Meeting
Business Office: (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com Our annual member meeting will be held on Saturday August 15th via ZOOM. Mailing to members will be completed by August 1st. If you would like to be- come a member provide name, address, and $40 membership fee per person to the office. Ferry Tickets Customers should call the office and order tickets in advance. Tickets will be waiting on the ferry the next morning, except on weekends. Charges must be paid in 72 hours or the full one way fare will be charged. Please plan ahead. August Employee Birthdays Scott Martin, Office Manager—8/8 Matt Ridgway, Assistant General Manager - 8/17 Captain David Etnier and Deckhand Lucas Phipps- 8/29
The town has been work- ing with the Army Corps of Engineers for several years to schedule dredg- ing at the Stone Wharf. The situation has become a safety issue for CTC. Coast Guard regulations require our captains to report all groundings, and under certain circum- stances that might trigger a full-blown accident investigation, taking the ferry out of service for the duration. Because of our worries about hitting bottom (or becoming en- tangled with underwater debris in the shallows), we have decided we must cancel trips on extreme low tides. Extreme low tides occur at various times throughout the year. Beginning in August, we have modified our pub- lished “Crew Assistance Schedule” to include these trip cancellations. This information will be readi- ly available on the CTC web page as well as in the monthly island calendar. We will also make sure that the Town of Chebeague is notified of ferry unavailability in advance so that Fire and Rescue has adequate time to arrange for coverage. We regret that we have to cause this inconvenience to our passengers and the community but we must do so in the interest of safety for everyone.
Key: Key: Aug 2020 CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS l Crew assistance available m Crew assistance unavailable Key: hx Trip cancelled due to low tides 0.2708 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.6563 0.6979 0.76041667 0.2813 . 4 8 . 271 0.5104 . 6 7 .7083 . 7 83333 depart Cheb: 6:30 8:00 10:00 12:00 3:45 4:45 6:15 6:45 8:15 10:15 12:15 4:00 5:00 6:30
Date dep Cousins: 8 - 1 Saturday 8 - 2 Sunday 8 - 3 Monday 8 - 4 Tuesday 8 - 5 Wednesday 8 - 6 Thursday 8 - 7 Friday 8 - 8 Saturday 8 - 9 Sunday 8 - 10 Monday 8 - 11 Tuesday 8 - 12 Wednesday 8 - 13 Thursday 8 - 14 Friday 8 - 15 Saturday 8 - 16 Sunday 8 - 17 Monday 8 - 18 Tuesday 8 - 19 Wednesday 8 - 20 Thursday 8 - 21 Friday 8 - 22 Saturday 8 - 23 Sunday 8 - 24 Monday 8 - 25 Tuesday 8 - 26 Wednesday 8 - 27 Thursday
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8 - 28 Friday 8 - 29 Saturday 8 - 30 Sunday 8 - 31 Monday
l l l m m
m l l l m m m
Key: Key: CTC CREW ASSISTANCE SCHEDULE AND CANCELLED TRIPS Sept 2020 l Crew assistance available m Crew assistance unavailable Key: hx Trip cancelled due to low tides 0.2708 0.3333 0.4167 0.5 0.6563 0.6979 0.760417 . 813 . 4 8 . 271 0.5104 . 6 7 .7083 . 7 833 depart Cheb: 6:30 8:00 10:00 12:00 3:45 4:45 6:15 Date dep Cousins: 6:45 8:15 10:15 12:15 4:00 5:00 6:30 9 - 1 Tuesday m m l l m m m 9 - 2 Wednesday m m l l m m m 9 - 3 Thursday m m l l l m m 9 - 4 Friday m m l l l m m 9 - 5 Saturday m m m l l l m 9 - 6 Sunday m m l l l 9 - 7 Monday m m m l l l l 9 - 8 Tuesday l m m l l l l 9 - 9 Wednesday l m m m l l l 9 - 10 Thursday l l m m l l l 9 - 11 Friday l l m m l l l 9 - 12 Saturday l l l m l l l 9 - 13 Sunday l l m m l 9 - 14 Monday l l l l m m l 9 - 15 Tuesday l l l l m m m 9 - 16 Wednesday m l l l m m m 9 - 17 Thursday m m l l m m m 9 - 18 Friday m m l l m m m 9 - 19 Saturday hx m l l l m m 9 - 20 Sunday m m l l l 9 - 21 Monday m m m l l l m 9 - 22 Tuesday l m m l l l l 9 - 23 Wednesday l m m m l l l 9 - 24 Thursday l l m m l l l 9 - 25 Friday l l m m l l l 9 - 26 Saturday l l l m m l l 9 - 27 Sunday l l l m m 9 - 28 Monday l l l l m m l 9 - 29 Tuesday m l l l m m m 9 - 30 Wednesday m l l l m m m 10 - 1 Thursday m m l l m m m
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com https://cheblib.booksys.net/opac/cheblib/index.html#menuHome Chebeague Island Library COVID CURBSIDE/DELIVERY HOURS Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Call or email to let us know what you would like to take out. We will let you know when your materials will go into the box. You may return your library materials through the book slot. NO NON LIBRARY ITEMS PLEASE. NEW BOOKS Camino Winds by John Grisham • The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead One Last Lie by Paul Doiron • The Order by Daniel Silva OLD FILMS How about a Hollywood classic? Award winning Foreign film? Seasonal favorite? Musical? Western? Science Fiction? We’ve got a great film collection and if you give us a hint, we can recommend one. The Library will continue with curbside/pick up service and not open to patrons. A difficult decision to make, but to ensure the safety of both the public and staff, it is the right thing to do. Books are coming, just slowly. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Inter-Library Loan is back up so if you do not see it in the catalogue, let us know if we can get it for you elsewhere. Printing, faxing and scanning can still be done. The Wireless signal is on 24/7, no password needed and is accessible from the street and parking lot. The 2020 Island Directory will be available August 1 st at both the Library and Niblic. If you need it mailed to you, please let us know!
CUMC worship, 10am
W.G. Billy Hill CIHS Lecture Series: David Hill,
11 Seafood Week, 8/4-15th Island Commons Auction: Transformer Week, 8/11-22nd Island Commons Auction: Island Artists Week, 8/18-29 Island Commons Auction: 18
Food Pantry 10:30-12:30, CUMC
CUMC worship, 10am
Food Pantry 10:30-12:30, CUMC
CUMC worship, 10am
Along the Coast- His Work CIHS Lecture Series Peter Ralston,
Food Pantry 10:30-12:30, CUMC
CUMC worship, 10am
Food Pantry 10:30-12:30, CUMC
CUMC worship, 10am
Historic Maine Films CIHS Lecture Series David Weiss,
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