From the Town Office
From Marjorie – Here we are, staying at home on Chebeague Island. I know that it is difficult and sometimes there is conflicting and confusing information. Hang in there! I try to think about the positives. I know I have been taking advantage of the Food Pantry, especially for fresh fruit. I needed a small can of tomato sauce for a recipe and they had exactly what I needed! I’m trying not to go to the mainland at all. You can leave a donation or not. It is there for all of you. I’m not going anywhere, so please call the Town Office (846-3148) or my cell with questions, 207-975-3074. There is a lot of information out there, but it is OK to still have questions. I’m very happy to report that Chebeague Transportation Company will transport all of our E-911 patients. They will transport people with suspected COVID-19 symptoms that have to go to the mainland for a test or with other instructions from a medical provider, but this will be on the CTC barge. You should call their office for instructions.
total write-in campaign for anyone that is running. We do not have time to start the nomination paper process over again for the July 14 th date. So, we suggest you get the word out through social media or any other means that if people vote for you as a write-in candidate, you will take the position. People have to write in the name AND check the box. If you have questions, please call the Town Office. Annual Town Meeting – The Annual Town Meeting is now scheduled for July 11, 2020, the Saturday before Elections. Transfer Station – We are back to Summer hours for the time being but this could change. Monday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The Transfer Station is closed on Tuesday. *Increase in Fees* - Please be aware that fees have been increased to: Construction & Demolition Debris - $50.00 cu. yard, $100 for average pickup load All Mattresses and box springs - $16.00 each Tires – Under 16” $7.00 each, 16” and over $28.00 each Recycling Information –Our last recycling load was 2% contaminated. Eco Maine reports that we had 10+ empty plastic bags, padded mailers, and hangers, none of which can be recycled. If you have questions about recycled materials, please ask the attendant, Gail Jenkins. Thank you for your efforts. Mooring Applications – Mooring Application forms have been mailed for all existing moorings.We are not accepting applications for new moorings at this time. If you have questions, please call the Town Office or the Harbor Master. Second half of Taxes Due – The second half of Property Taxes was due March 31st. Interest began to accrue April 1, 2020. Please call the Town Office for information. We have installed a drop box outside the Town Office door for tax payments and any other paperwork you want to drop off. Thank you for your support and remember to be kind to one another. This is especially important during these trying times. I know when our lives are turned upside down that tempers sometimes flare. I know I have had days when my mood is just sour. Try to stay positive. I try to think of how lucky I am to be in this community. Be well. Stay safe. Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Please follow the Maine Centers for Disease Control guidance. If you are sick, stay home. Call your medical provider for instructions. If you have an emergency medical situation, call 911. For those of you that have to travel to Chebeague from a different location, you must follow the Governor’s mandate that you and your family members self-quarantine for 14 days. That means you don’t leave the house for 14 days. You must bring enough food and other supplies for those 14 days. It means that you can’t go to the dump or the store or the boatyard for 14 days.
Quarantine means that you stay in your house for the entire 14 days. Don’t confuse quarantine with the Stay-at-Home order. Town Office Closed – The Town Office is closed to the public until further notice. For the time being, there will be staff available at the office to answer the phone and keep the town business moving. By emergency act of the State of Maine Legislature, registrations for motor vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), watercraft and dogs issued by the municipality are extended by 30 days after the end of the public health emergency. So, there is no need for you to come in and re-register your vehicles. Please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to answer your questions and assist you in any way possible. Call 846-3148 for information. Board of Selectmen Meetings – All Board of Selectmen meetings are being done via Zoom. The instructions to attend the Board of Selectmen meetings are on our website. Positions Available for Selectmen and School Committee Members – The Election Day has been changed to July 14, 2020. There is one three-year term for Selectmen available and two three-year terms available for School Committee. This will be a
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