Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 commons@chebeague.net
Need a hand navigating daily tasks at home? We have openings in our In-Home Care Program! Financial assistance is available thanks to the Island Council. Inquiries confidential. Contact Amy Rich 207-846-5610
Shamrock Shindig Friday March 13 4:30-6:30 pm at Island Commons
& SAVE THESE DATES Sat. May 9: JENNY WREN 5K Sun. July 12: BAY MIST CRUISE Fri. September 11: HARVEST PARTY We’re delighted that Caitlin Bowman has joined us as a DCA, and to welcome back Jade Morlock to the team!
You can imagine the upheaval when the Commons fridge decided to quit working. Recompense Fund came to the rescue with a mini-grant, & Doug Ross reconfigured the cabinets to accommodate new, larger units. Many thanks to RF and Doug Ross for making it happen!
Words simply fall short in expressing our gratitude to the Island Community for your generous care and support over the course of many years with our parents, Audrey and Dick Collins. So many times, you were a specific answer to prayer with your help on the bus, the boat and so many offers for transportation that improved the quality of life for our parents and put our minds at ease. We also know that there were many times that you lent a helping hand of which we were unaware. Your generous food and time contributions for Audrey’s memorial reception were arms of love wrapped around each of us during an emotional and difficult time. Thank you for every expression of love that made all the difference for our family as we maneuver through grief and loss. We are forever grateful to this small but mighty Island Community. Terry Collins Stevens and family
Book Study Group meets on Sunday afternoons at 4:30 at the Library. Each week we look at one chapter of each book. Our discussions begin with the assigned lessons but may range far afield. All are welcome to join in at any time. For more information contact Gloria Brown at gjbrown58a@gmail.com or 846-3491
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