
Island Commons Chebeague Island Historical Society News

Mark Your Calendar 2020 Annual Meeting The Historical Society’s Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 20, 2020, at 7 pm in the Island Hall. The following slate of o cers (one year

Growing Up on Chebeague, an update. Work is well underway to mount our new exhibit, Growing Up on Chebeague, which will open in June. Over 90 donors have contributed over 3000 photographs for possible inclusion! A committee of eleven is hard at work scanning and categorizing the photos and planning the exhibit. Important: Many photos we have received are of large groups. If, for any reason, you would not want a picture of you or of someone in your family used in the

terms) and trustees (three year terms) will be put forth for a vote by the membership: President: David Hill; Vice President: Jackie Trask; Treasurer: Gretchen Tonks-Hartling; Recording Secretary: Roman Folk; Corresponding Secretary: Mary Holt. Trustees: Evin Erder, Pat Festino, Ehrhardt Grootho , Cathy MacNeill, Beth McNulty, Marjorie Munroe. Nominations may also be made by written petition signed by seven or more members and delivered to Recording Secretary Toby Webb no later than June 10, 2020. The evening’s lecture will be given by Michael Porter on the history of American mapmaking, using historical maps of Chebeague as examples!

exhibit, please leave a message at chebeaguehistory@gmail.com or at 846-5237.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northeast Real Estate 208 U.S. Rt. One Suite 2, Freeport, ME 04032 Contact Co-Brokers: Specs Eaton –cell 207-491-5150 specseaton@gmail.com Kelly Wentworth – cell 207-831-4934

Kwentworth207@gmail.com Kelly@kellywentworth.com

“Quality Real Estate practice becomes great community service.” From Specs and myself, thank you for another rewarding year. Make 2020 be a good year for everyone!!



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