Chebeague United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation
Contact us at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com or at 207.846.6987 www.chebeagueumc.org
Lent Begins – Sunday, March 1 st through Sunday, April 5 th The season of Lent in the Christian year is a time of preparation for Easter. Many individuals take this time for soul- searching, to turn away from practices and mindsets that prevent a deeper connection with God, or try new rhythms and routines that draw them into the abundance of God’s love. As a church community, we’ll be exploring Paul’s letter to the Galatians from the New Testament through the lens of God Unbound: Wisdom rom Galatians for the Anxious Church. Written by Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath, God Unbound explores this book of the Bible written by the Apostle Paul at a time when the Galatians were wrestling with culture shifts and the nature of the church’s mission in the world. We, too, face cultural shifts in our wider world and within the church. We’ll read and study this book together as we learn how to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and join with what Jesus is doing in the world.
On Saturday mornings starting March 14 th , we’ll have 4-week book study to discuss the material more deeply and consider our own experiences individually – and as part of the church here on Chebeague. If you are interested, please talk to Pastor Melissa so we can firm up a time and place. March 3 rd – Devotional at the Commons, 11:15 – 11:45 AM - Once a month, we’ll be offering a service at the Island Commons. We’ll sing some favorite hymns, read scripture and share a short devotional together, and spend time in prayer. Join us in this time of worship together! Listening and Discernment Sessions – Sunday, March 8 th and 15 th Save the date for these next sessions for discerning CUMC’s relationship to the wider United Methodist denomination. For these sessions, we will have people from our New England conference’s structure present to facilitate part of our conversation. These are held after Sunday morning worship. Interested in following our progress? Contact the office if you want to participate remotely or to receive updates via mail or email. You can also visit ne-discerners.org for updates on all the changes happening in the larger United Methodist Church denomination. Food Pantry – Our Food Pantry is always available for anyone who has need of it – no questions asked. There are lots of ways to avail yourself of what we provide: Make a meal for someone who just came home from the hospital or give a few items to a neighbor who could use some extra supplies, to name a few. We are always in need of donations, so next time you are grocery shopping, consider adding a few extra items to your cart to donate. For more information, drop a line to the Parish House at 846-6987 or at chebeagueislandumc@gmail.com .
Sundays re:form Youth Class, 9 AM Sanctuary Sunday School, 9:45 AM PH
Thursdays Office Hours, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Ladies Aid, 11:00 AM, PH Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, PH Saturdays Catholic Communion, 4:00 PM
Vision: To be a people of diverse traditions who welcome, worship, serve, and find joy together. Mission: To know and work with our neighbors near and far as we grow in God’s love together. Values: Community Creativity Fellowship Inclusivity Rootedness Innovation
Worship, 10 AM Wednesdays Sew Good, 2 nd & 4 th , 1:00–3:00 PM
Know that the doors of this church are always open. When the world is heavy and you need a quiet space to pray, meditate, read, or simply be, the lights are on outside and the sanctuary is available for you.
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