Chebeague Island Historical Society News
Hamilton Reunion- All Welcome! Saturday, August 24 at 9 AM at the Parish House A group of Hamilton descendants and the Chebeague Island Historical Society will host a gathering to share stories, photos, and genealogy. This is an opportunity to learn more about Chebeague’s roots and connections. Activities will include an exciting discovery about the origins of the Hamiltons; a Donna Damon slide show including a discussion of Ambrose Hamilton’s granddaughter, Dorcas, her husband, John Ross, and their descendants; a tour of the Chebeague Cemetery; an island tour; a museum tour; an introduction to the Museum’s photograph and genealogical collection; and an opportunity to meet new friends and relatives, share stories, and photos! Lunch will be provided by the Niblic. Cost: $10/$25 for those buying lunch. Parking at Rt. 1 and boat fare are not included. Check the Chebeague Transportation Company WEB site for boat schedules and transportation costs: chebeaguetrans.com Preregistration is suggested for all participants and required byAugust 15 if you plan to have lunch.Please email 1756ahamilton@ gmail.com or call Donna Damon 846-5140 if you have questions or want to register. The sooner we know that you are coming the better the event will be! Anyone interested in Chebeague history is welcome. The Historical Society needs your stories, your photos, your artifacts and you! Chebeague is a magical place for kids. The Museum’s next exhibit will tell Chebeague’s story through the eyes of generations of its children – both summer and year-round and those who stayed and those who moved away. Please find your favorite childhood photo – scan it at a high resolution or bring it to us and have us do it – they can be emailed to chebeaguehistory@gmail.com . In addition to individual photos we are looking for photos of family gatherings, picnics, birthday parties, ball games, plays, scouts, church etc – you name it and if it has to do with kids we want it! We also need artifacts. Do you have family treasures that you could lend? Period clothing, dolls, toys, games, furniture, or that Davy Crockett Lunch box or Annie Oakley costume – just about anything that will tell a story and show change over time. Just think how baby pics have changed! We would love quotes from letters or diaries describing kids’ activities. Contact Donna Damon if you would like to help with the exhibit, have something to share, or have ideas of what should be included. We all have a history – let’s share it! Email: chebeaguehistory@gmail.com or call Donna Damon at 846-5140 Growing Up On Chebeague New Exhibit Coming to the Museum in 2020
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