From the Town Office
Office Hours — We are open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As always, if you need assistance during other days and times, please don’t hesitate to call and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Call 846-3148 for information. **PLEASE NOTE** We will be closed Monday, September 2 nd for Labor Day. Sunset Landing Plan — The Board of Selectmen will hold a workshop on the Sunset Landing Concept Harbor Plan prepared last year by Collins Engineering on August 7 th at 6:00 pm at the Hall. The goal will be to make final decisions on the capital plan for Stone Wharf and/or Sunset Landing. Planning Board Workshop – What does Open Space mean for Chebeague? — The Planning Board will hold a workshop on August 13 th at the Hall at 6:00 pm facilitated by Amanda Shearin from the State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Bulky Trash and Hazardous Waste Weekend — We will hold our Bulky Trash and Hazardous Waste Weekend on August 10 th and 11 th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please watch for posters that describe what you can bring to the Town Garage for disposal. Transfer Station Repurpose Area — We have had a problem with unusable items left in front of the dumpsters. While this has traditionally been a place to put items that can be repurposed, some people take advantage and leave items that are clearly trash. We would like to continue the time-honored practice of
allowing people to put certain items here to be repurposed, but please don’t leave broken and unusable items. Check with Gail if you are uncertain. Recycling New s – Please be aware! ECO Maine continues to charge us for contaminated recycled materials . — Contaminated items are basically garbage that gets in the wrong container. There is a continuing problem with loose empty plastic bags and Styrofoam.These are common items that get put into the Recycling compactor that do not belong there, even if they have a numbered triangle! If you have any question about what can be recycled, please ask the attendant or just leave it outside the compactor. We are looking for 0 contamination!!
Tie-up Fees at Chandler’s Cove floats — As proposed by the Coastal Waters Commission, the Rules and Regulations have been amended to require annual tie-up fees at the Chandler’s Cove floats. If you have any questions, please call the Harbor Master or Town Administrator. Thank you for your support, and remember to be kind to one another,
Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
Regular Meetings: Selectmen – August 14 and 28, 6 pm at the Hall
Planning Board – August 6 at the School at 7:00 pm
Bruce R. Bowman Professional Land Surveyor
Boundary Surveys
Site Plans
184 John Small Road Chebeague Island, ME 04017 Phone/Fax: (207) 518-2030 Cell: (207) 632-0078
Surveying Chebeague Island for over 30 Years
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