Article 4. Motion made by Jean Harmon and 2 nd by Dennis Santolucito to approve Article 4 as written. To authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue tax-exempt general obligation bonds or notes in the name of the Town in a principal amount not to exceed $450,000, which bonds or notes may be made callable with or without premium, and to use the proceeds of this borrowing, including investment earnings, to finance costs to construct and equip an addition to the Buxton Town Hall Municipal building on the site of the Town’s municipal complex on Portland Road. The Moderator declared an Affirmative Vote on the motion for Article 4. Motion made by Clifford Emery and 2 nd by Jean Harmon to adjourn the meeting. The Moderator Declared an Affirmative Vote on the motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:13pm. Respectfully Recorded,
John L. Myers, Jr. Town Clerk
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