
Town of Buxton, Maine July 26, 2017 Special Town Meeting Results

At a meeting of the inhabitants, legal voters of the Town of Buxton in the State of Maine and County of York, duly warned and notified as per Warrant, held at the Buxton Municipal Building, 185 Portland Road in said Buxton on July 26, 2017, acting on the Warrant Articles. The Special Town Meeting was called to order by Town Clerk John L. Myers, Jr. at 7:03pm. The meeting was called to order latter than the posted 7:00 pm, due to the attendees checking in with voter registration. The following officials were seated at the front table: Board of Selectmen Dennis P. Santolucito, Clifford L. Emery, Jean C. Harmon and Mark J. Blier, and Town Clerk John Myers. There were forty-two people in attendance. The Town Clerk proceeded with Article 1 to choose a moderator to preside at said meeting by asking for nominations for moderator. Article 1. Motion made by Jean Harmon and 2 nd by Dennis Santolucito to nominate Hiram R. Davis as moderator. Motion made by Clifford Emery and 2nd by Jean Harmon to cease nominations. The Town Clerk ruled an affirmative vote to cease nominations. Three written ballots were cast all in favor of Hiram R. Davis as Moderator. The Town Clerk administered the oath of office to the Moderator Hiram R. Davis. Motion made by Jean Harmon and 2 nd by Merlyn McLaughlin, Jr. to approve Article 2 as written. To authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue tax-exempt general obligation bonds or notes in the name of the Town in a principal amount not to exceed $187,000, which bonds or notes may be made callable with or without premium, and to use proceeds of this borrowing, including investment earnings, to finance costs to purchase and equip a new ambulance for the Fire/Rescue Department. The Moderator declared an Affirmative Vote on the motion for Article 2. Motion made by Jean Harmon and 2 nd by Dennis Santolucito to approve Article 3 as written. To authorize the Board of Selectmen to issue tax-exempt general obligation bonds or notes in the name of the Town in a principal amount not to exceed $415,000, which bonds or notes may be made callable with or without premium, and to use the proceeds of this borrowing, including investment earnings, to finance costs to purchase and equip a new fire engine for the Fire/Rescue Department. The Moderator declared an Affirmative Vote on the motion for Article 3. Article 2. Article 3.


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