Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 commons@chebeague.net
Annual HOLIDAY PARTY! F riday December 7, 4:30–6:30 p.m. Join us at The Commons to celebrate the season with great food & good cheer… don’t miss it! We’ll have a few great raffles. Bring family & friends…the party’s on us! Shoveling and navigating the ice & snow getting to be too much? Take a break and spend the winter with us at Island Commons! We have a beautiful private room with bath available for year-round or seasonal occupancy. Come for the season and enjoy winter without worry. The power never goes out at The Commons, home-cooked meals are delicious, and our friendly staff is here for you 24/7. All inquiries confidential. 846-5610 Now Hiring! CRMA, overnight shifts, up to 36 hours/full time. Call Amy Rich at 846-5610. The RED STUDIO will be open for shopping during the Holiday Party! The Red Studio will be open from 1:00 to 3:00 on December 9 and 23. On both days, grownups can leave their kids at the Studio and stop at the Commons for hot mulled cider and cookies! We will have lots of low-priced and unique gifts for this special shopping day, with free gift wrapping! This year, do all your holiday shopping on the island and benefit a great cause—Island Commons! We’ve had a facelift! Be sure to stop by and see our refurbished entry & hallways… Beat the winter blues…be an “island snow bird”
WWW .M AINE I SLAND E NERGY . COM 207.808.3222
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