Adult Art & Music Programs
A dult A rt & M usic P rograms
The Joy of Uke! Aloha! The humble and indomitable ukulele is currently going through its third renaissance of popularity. Ukulele clubs and societies are springing up all around the world. Maine is no dif- ferent. It’s time you learned the joy of uke for yourself! In this eight-week course you will learn the basics of the ukulele. No prior musical knowledge required! Within the first three weeks you’ll acquire a foundational knowledge to play and sing thou- sands of songs. Individual units will introduce you to the history and development of the ukulele and explore the growing sub-cul- ture of ukulele enthusiasts. Later units will cover an easily acces- sible understanding of music theory. Instructor, Dana Reed is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachu- setts. A talented multi-instrumentalist, for over 40 years Dana has shared his joy of music with thousands of individuals around the world. Date: Thursdays, 9/13 – 11/15 (no class 10/4 & 11/1) Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm Ages: Adults (18+) Cost: $150 Location: Standish Municipal Center, Sebago Lake Room Instructor: Dana Reed A good quality ukulele costs around $100. Consult with the in- structor for easy local purchase (dana.c.reed@roadrunner.com).
Standish Parks & Recreation
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