Island Commons
132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com
Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 commons@chebeague.net
Celebrate Mothers’ Day by participating in the second annual Jenny Wren 5K in memory of Jeanette Hamilton Join us to Walk or Run in honor of a Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, or Special Woman in your life! SATURDAY, MAY 12 9:00 a.m. at The Commons FOLLOWED BY A CASUAL BRUNCH Please go to www.islandcommons.com for registration & information
The Maine State Housing Authority has awarded Island Commons $49,000 to upgrade our electrical system and purchase a more powerful emergency generator to meet immediate—and future—needs. This grant represents the ongoing commitment by the Commons board and staff to maintain and improve our facility, enabling us to serve the island community for years to come. The award also reflects a recognition by the state of the valued service the Commons provides to Chebeague. This vital improvement project will be underway soon! COMING EVENTS! Sun. April 1: EASTER EGG HUNT Sat. May 12: JENNY WREN 5K Sat. June 2: SPRING CLEANUP & BBQ Sat. August 4: Annual YARD SALE Sun. August 5: BAY MIST CRUISE!! Fri. September 14: HARVEST SUPPER & 20th anniversary celebration!
All proceeds go toward costs not reimbursed by MaineCare.
Thank you for supporting Island Commons!
For the first time since 2014, we have a beautiful private ROOM with BATH available for immediate occupancy, or for respite care. Contact Amy Rich 207-846-5610
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