2018 Safety Program Little Sebago Lake Association (LSLA)
One of the areas where your contributions to the Little Sebago Lake Association go is the presence of an experienced water safety team on our lake. This season we will have 5 boat drivers on the patrol boat throughout the season from Memorial Day until the Labor Day holidays. We will spend extra time on the water during all the holidays and the week of the Fourth of July.
The LSLA Safety Team members have been trained in water safety, and provide towing services, water safety aids, and environmental education materials to our boaters, boarders, jet skiers, kayakers, paddlers, sailors, and swimmers. We also have whistles and local area vendor reward coupons for our LSLAmembers exhibiting safe water habits. This season we will hold an education day on the lake. We will have Safety Boat drivers on hand, teaching basic water safety and handing out educational materials. We will announce the specific date and location on our website, Facebook and emails to all those that have provided us with an email address. We are planning this day to be on the Sand Bar off Lyons Point.
Please stop by the boat any time you see us to say hello, ask questions, and give a hardy wave if we can be of assistance. We sincerely hope to encourage boater safety through courteous behavior and an atmosphere of helping each other on the water It takes this among all of us to insure we have an accident free season on our lake. Let us know if you have any other ideas for us and we look forward to seeing you on the water soon.
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