Safety Patrol Program From Sharon Lamontagne
The same well-seasoned crew is returning this year to man our patrol boat. Roger LeBlanc, John Bernier, Earl Spalding and Kate Martin will be out every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday throughout the summer and every day during the 4 th of July week. Besides patrolling the perimeter of the lake each day, and stopping to educate, distribute materials, and encourage membership in the Association, they will also be able to help out and or tow you back to shore if necessary. We are expanding the hours a bit to provide more patrolling. The Warden Service will be here again. Last summer in the 12 days that they were here, they approached 279 vessels, issuing only 18 warnings and 21 citations. It is my opinion that we on Little Sebago Lake are becoming safer and more educated boat operators through this program and through taking the National Association of State Boating Law class that we sponsor each year. Last year 805 people in the State of Maine took boating safety classes. All fifty states offer these classes but only a few to date require a boat operator to have taken one. It is generally thought that eventually all states will require this once in a life time certification. Statewide, there were 11 recreational boat crashes on Maine lakes that resulted in 13 deaths, 12 property damaged boat crashes that involved more than $2,000.00 each in damage, and 16 personal injury crashes that involved the Warden Service. Of the 13 deaths, only one was wearing a personal floatation device. One of the crashes had three fatalities, there was only one survivor, and he was wearing a PFD. Let’s all continue to do our part to make Little Sebago a safe lake. Please take the boat safety class that we offer. Encourage your family to join you, it is free if you support the Lake Association, only one day and is good for a lifetime. Remind your neighbors to put their life jackets on when you see them go out. If you rent your property, please educate your tenants. Remind them that: SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT!
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