Adventure Camp rafting with Adventure Bound
Ranger Campers on top of Mt. Cranmore
11th ANNUAL FATHER / DAUGHTER DANCE (or granddads, uncles, brothers, or special others) Friday, February 9 th , 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Windham Middle School Gym and Cafeteria (Snow date Friday, Feb 16 th ) Tickets: $25 per couple $10 per additional daughter Open to girls 5 th grade and under DJ, Refreshments, Prizes & a Photograph Tickets MUST be pre-purchased; no ticket sales at the door. Ticket sales begin Tuesday, January 16 th .
5th ANNUAL MOTHER/SON SPORTS NIGHT (or grandmothers, aunts, sisters, or special others) Friday, March 9 th , 7:00– 8:30 p.m. Windham Middle School Gym and Cafeteria (Snow date Friday, March 23 rd ) Tickets: $25 per couple $10 per additional son Open to boys 5 th grade and under DJ, Refreshments, Prizes and A Photo Booth for some fun photos! Tickets MUST be pre-purchased; no ticket sales at the door. Ticket sales begin Tuesday, January 16 th . Tickets purchased after Wednesday, February 7 th will increase to $35 per couple. will increase to $35 per couple.
Tickets purchased after Wednesday, February 7 th will increase to $35 per couple.
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