From the Town Office
Office Hours —We are open Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday. As always, if you need assistance at other times, please don’t hesitate to call (846-3148) and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We will be closed Monday February 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day. Budget Information —We will be working on the 2017–2018 Fiscal Year Budget during the next few months. Please keep in mind that if
person for the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Please stop by the Town Office for an application and a description of the committee tasks. Special Town Meeting March 4 —There will be a Spe- cial Town Meeting at 9:00 a.m. on March 4, 2017, at the Hall. There will be two articles. The first one is to consider a zone change for Tax Map I04, Lot 64, from Limited Commercial (LC) to Commercial Fisheries/ Maritime Activities (CFMA). This amendment to the Zoning Map is needed to maximize the number of parking spaces that can be constructed in this space. If the zone change is approved, the second arti- cle—to appropriate funds to construct a parking lot at the same location— will be considered. Maine Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice —The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) only sends vehicle registration renewal reminders to drivers who request them. This reminder will arrive by e-mail prior to the expiration date of your Maine car registration. To request a reminder, please use the online form on the Maine BMV website: www1.maine.gov/online/ bmv/rapid-renewal/reminder.html . Thank you for your support, and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
there is something you want added to the municipal budget and ultimately entered on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant, you must submit a request to me in a timely manner. We have Budget Workshops scheduled for February 4, 8, 11, and 15. All Budget Workshops will be posted on the Town Website. Please call if you have questions. Fire Permits —Burn permits are available at
the Town Office when Gloria Brown is working. You may also get a fire permit online at www. maineburnpermit.com . Dogs, Dogs, Dogs! —Dog tags are now available. Failure to license your dog before January 31 will result in an additional $25 late fee. Please call if you have questions. Volunteer Opportunities —We still need one more Maine Island Energy A family owned business offering affordable energy solutions for the islands of Casco Bay Main Island Energy A family owned business offering affordable energy solutions for the islands of Casco Bay M I land ne f mily owned business offering ff le energy solutions f t isl s f s • Appliance installation & service • Propane tank exchange ( BBQ tanks available at CIBY & Doughty's Mkt) • Appliance installation & service • Propane ank exchange ( BBQ tanks available at CIBY & Doughty's Mkt) • li i t ll ti r i • r t exch tanks available at I oughty's kt) • Energy audits • Fuel deliveries • Plumbing and HVAC services • Energy audits • Fuel deliveries • Plumbing and HVAC services ( • Ener y audits • l li ri • l i r i
(207) 808-3222 maineislandenergy@gmail.com www.maineislandenergy.com Like us on Facebook (207) 808-3222 maineislandenergy@gmail.com www.maineislandenergy.com Like us on Facebook ( ) - i isl nergy@gmail.com . i isl r . i s
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm Additional fee for weekend and holiday service Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm Additional fee for weekend and holiday service r : - ri -
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