Chebeague Island Council Calendar
#2 | February 2017
February 2017 • Issue #2 • Chebeague Island Council Calendar
On the Cover The Andrew & I , Jeff Hamilton’s third lobster boat, is named for his son Andrew. Jeff started fishing in the early 1980s and has owned this boat for 18 years. This 35-foot boat from Harpswell was built by Duffy & Duffy and has a hydraulic hauler and 12 layers of fiberglass on the hull. Over the winter, Jeff is having the engine rebuilt by Jim Minot from the Brunswick area. You will see the Andrew & I this summer as Jeff and his stern man, Jason Kupetz, tend his 800 traps. (Photo courtesy of Cathy MacNeill.) About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. Available on-line at Chebeague Island News ( www.chebeague.org ) or www.islandcalendar.weebly.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island, for a small additional fee, it can also be delivered by first-class mail to Island Council members who are off island at the time of publication. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submission is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (P.O. Box 12), left at the Council office (247 South Rd.), or emailed ( chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com ) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is sufficient space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.islandcalendar.weebly.com . Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $60; 1/2 page, $30; 1/4 page, $15; 4-line classified, $5; 6- to 8-line classified, $10. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run.
Contents From the Island Council 3 Island Commons 5 Notes from the Hall 5 From the Town Office 6 Wellness Matters 7 CRC News 8 Marty’s Memories 9 Library News 10 One Man’s Island 10 CIUMC News 11 That Sinking Feeling 11 CTC Update 12 Recompense Fund 13 Firefighter Footnotes 13 Notices 13 The Mail 14 Directory Corrections 14 Deaths 14 Births 14 Classified Ads 14 February Calendar 16 Publisher Chebeague Island Council Board Members: Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Pam Curran, Carol Lynn Davis, Jennifer Hackel, Deb Hall, Ester Knight, Jaye-Allison Nunan, Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: P.O. Box 12 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office 247 South Rd. Nancy Olney, Marjorie Stratton, Ann Thaxter, and Jackie Trask
Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphics.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com
The deadline for submissions for the March issue is noon on February 20, 2017.
Notes from the Chebeague Island Council
The Council would like to invite you to be our guest at a special Valentine event! On February 14 the Foot Care specialists from MaineHealth are coming to the Wellness Center for a Foot Care Clinic! They will be here from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to provide nail care, foot massage, skin assessment—the works! This is for everyone, men, women and children! The number of openings is limited, so please call 846-9034 soon to make your free appointment. The Wellness Center is very happy to announce that we will soon be offering chiropractic services! Dr. Stephen Redmond, D.C., from Casco Bay Chiropractic will soon start seeing island patients at the Wellness Center. Appointments will still be scheduled through his office, and his office will continue to handle all the billing. This should make getting care for all those aches and pains a lot easier.
Our plans for the spring include our annual Health Screening Clinic with Dr. Riemann (the skin doctor) and the USM students. We are planning a Dental Clinic Day that will include cleaning and preventive care! And, of course, the nurse is here every other Tuesday for blood draws, blood-pressure checks, PT/ INR testing, and health checks. Please let us know if you or a family member needs additional services. Watch for the March Calendar for more information about these upcoming health care events. Remember there is still a lot of winter left in Maine. Please call Ester at 846-4178 for free, fast, and anonymous help with heating costs, uncovered medical expenses, or food. Don’t hesitate. The Council is always here to help, and help is always anonymous.
LOVE YOUR FEET! Beat a path to the Wellness Center for a Special Foot Care Clinic Nail care, foot massage, skin assessment Tuesday February 14 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Brought to you by the Chebeague Island Council and MaineHealth Call 846-9034 to schedule your free appointment
The Wellness Center with Steve Baybutt, RN, Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/INR Testing, Medication Setup, Flu Shots, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information No appointment needed. No charge for these services. Tuesday, February 7 Tuesday, February 21 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northeast Real Estate 208 U.S. Rt. One Suite 2, Freeport, ME 04032 207-869-5173 On-Chebeague Agent, Specs Eaton – cell 207-491-5150 specseaton@gmail.com
“Quality real estate practice becomes great community service”
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northeast Real Estate “Question of theMonth”: How do you own a million dollar property on Chebeague on a $340,000 budget??... hmmmm? Answer below. 20 Firehouse Road mls #1291141 $189,500
T his 1850 house and barn are both solid structures. There is much potential here, but elbow grease, ingenuity, and a renovation budget are required. Quaint winder stairs lead to 4 rooms and closets on the second floor. A stone and granite foundation sits under main house, with a full basement including the well under the kitchen. Complete roof-shingling job recently done on both house and barn. Nice neighborhood; yard sitting on 3 acres—landscaper’s and gardener’s dream.
One of the last large waterfront properties available in Casco Bay. If you ever wanted a family or friends compound with its own beach, moorings, and privacy, this 61 Haskell Drive $1,100,000
North Road, Deer Run Subdivision Lot #1 $99,000
mls #1283744
mls #1289167
A 3-acre homesite along North Road. (The other two lots are already under contract!) This recently surveyed and soil-tested
is it! A beautifully wooded ocean setting, bordered on either side by high-end homes, this wooded 21+ acre property has its own new road, a drilled well, a recent septic system, and a seasonal camp sitting at the water's edge. Offers 425' on the water, 530' along paved North Road, a new road with ROW through the property, and a very private setting. Owner financing available to qualifying buyer. This could be an ideal partnership investment. Consider making an offer.
building lot is part of the approved Deer Run Subdivi- sion. Quiet, wooded, and gently sloping. Short walk or bike ride along paved North Road to the K–5 school, Chebeague Recreation Center, swimming pool, and playground. Nearby beaches. A spacious and affordable lot in an attractive, quiet setting on an island growing in popularity for families. Warrants earnest consideration! Call for details.
354 North Road mls #1214563
$225,000—A good price!
This listing is for two separate, adjacent 1.6-acre wooded lots. Both are approvable building lots and are still under separate deeds. This 22-year-old post and beam house is next to the Kids’ Place Day Care, the Chebeague Recreation Center with pool, tennis and basketball courts, and the Chebeague Island School and renowned playground and athletic fields. A real opportunity offering wooded privacy and convenient accessibility. Ample room for an addition in any direction. Compare this property with the cost of land and building elsewhere on the island. Answer: Gather two family members or personal friends. View the 61 Haskell Drive property with them. Call 207-491-5150
Island Commons
ISLAND COMMONS BusinessOffice: 207-846-5610 Administrator: AmyRich CareCoordinator: Vicki Todd Compassionate Elder Care...Serving Chebeague Island and Greater Casco Bay ASSISTED LIVING ~ ADULT DAY CARE ~ IN-HOME CARE ~ RESPITE CARE Business Office: 207-846-5610 Administrator: Amy Rich Care Manager: Vicki Todd Compassionate Elder Care...Serving Chebeague Island and Greater Casco Bay ASSISTED LIVING ~ ADULT DAY CARE ~ IN-HOME CARE ~ RESPITE CARE What a difference our new van has made… our residents are out and about, tooling around the island in warmth, comfort and safety!
Your Annual Appeal donations make it possible for us to continue serving our island elders. We couldn’t do it without you! Thank You to all who have given so generously this year! We are also accepting secure online donations
Island Commons gatherings (a.k.a. parties!) are our way of welcoming the Chebeague community into our “home” to share good food, good company and good times. Turnout is always high (100+ at the last two events). We’re planning a “Good Bye Winter/Hello Spring” open house. Watch for details in the next Calendar!
through our new website: www.islandcommons.com
☛ BARBARA DAVIS has joined our staff as a DCA …welcome to the island, and to our team, Barbara!
Our Wait List is growing…get your name in now! There’s no obligation and no fee….just peace of mind knowing that should you ever want or need assisted living, you’d have the option of staying on Chebeague Contact Amy Rich 207-846-5610
Property Maintenance
Notes from the Hall
Lawn Mowing, Bush Hogging, Wood Chipping, Stump Grinding, Brush Removal, Rototilling, Driveway Grading, Snow Removal, and more...
This month is our ever-popular Thanksgiving in February Community Lunch sponsored by Island Electric. We will also have two weeks of soup lunches sponsored by David Scrase and Melanie Gustafson. A new feature of the Wednesday get- togethers is cards at every table so that diners can express their thanks to our terrific donors. We are very excited about our upcoming Baked Bean and Bingo Night on March 4. This event is being sponsored by Maine Island Energy and promises to be a rip-roaring night of fabulous comfort food and old-fashioned fun! We are also trying to be as “green” as possible by using recycled paper goods (including coffee cups and lids) that are also compostable. Most of our non-meat scraps and leftovers gleaned from plates and bowls go to Sam’s chickens and come back to the community in the form of Chebeggs. But now we are also trying to reduce our footprint by serving food in containers that can be added to your home compost pile.
Call Nathan Doughty 712-4017 or 846-4133
Thanks so much for your continued support! See you at the Hall!
From the Town Office
Office Hours —We are open Monday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday. As always, if you need assistance at other times, please don’t hesitate to call (846-3148) and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. We will be closed Monday February 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day. Budget Information —We will be working on the 2017–2018 Fiscal Year Budget during the next few months. Please keep in mind that if
person for the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Please stop by the Town Office for an application and a description of the committee tasks. Special Town Meeting March 4 —There will be a Spe- cial Town Meeting at 9:00 a.m. on March 4, 2017, at the Hall. There will be two articles. The first one is to consider a zone change for Tax Map I04, Lot 64, from Limited Commercial (LC) to Commercial Fisheries/ Maritime Activities (CFMA). This amendment to the Zoning Map is needed to maximize the number of parking spaces that can be constructed in this space. If the zone change is approved, the second arti- cle—to appropriate funds to construct a parking lot at the same location— will be considered. Maine Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice —The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) only sends vehicle registration renewal reminders to drivers who request them. This reminder will arrive by e-mail prior to the expiration date of your Maine car registration. To request a reminder, please use the online form on the Maine BMV website: www1.maine.gov/online/ bmv/rapid-renewal/reminder.html . Thank you for your support, and remember to be kind to one another, Marjorie E. Stratton, Town Administrator
there is something you want added to the municipal budget and ultimately entered on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant, you must submit a request to me in a timely manner. We have Budget Workshops scheduled for February 4, 8, 11, and 15. All Budget Workshops will be posted on the Town Website. Please call if you have questions. Fire Permits —Burn permits are available at
the Town Office when Gloria Brown is working. You may also get a fire permit online at www. maineburnpermit.com . Dogs, Dogs, Dogs! —Dog tags are now available. Failure to license your dog before January 31 will result in an additional $25 late fee. Please call if you have questions. Volunteer Opportunities —We still need one more Maine Island Energy A family owned business offering affordable energy solutions for the islands of Casco Bay Main Island Energy A family owned business offering affordable energy solutions for the islands of Casco Bay M I land ne f mily owned business offering ff le energy solutions f t isl s f s • Appliance installation & service • Propane tank exchange ( BBQ tanks available at CIBY & Doughty's Mkt) • Appliance installation & service • Propane ank exchange ( BBQ tanks available at CIBY & Doughty's Mkt) • li i t ll ti r i • r t exch tanks available at I oughty's kt) • Energy audits • Fuel deliveries • Plumbing and HVAC services • Energy audits • Fuel deliveries • Plumbing and HVAC services ( • Ener y audits • l li ri • l i r i
(207) 808-3222 maineislandenergy@gmail.com www.maineislandenergy.com Like us on Facebook (207) 808-3222 maineislandenergy@gmail.com www.maineislandenergy.com Like us on Facebook ( ) - i isl nergy@gmail.com . i isl r . i s
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm Additional fee for weekend and holiday service Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm Additional fee for weekend and holiday service r : - ri -
l f f r
r i
Wellness Matters: Vitamin D and Your Health by Jenny Hackel
Scientists have discovered that millions of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, not at levels severe enough to cause rickets, but enough to contribute to immune deficiencies, neurologic illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease, and bone diseases such as osteoporosis. While the use of sunscreen has stemmed the tide of skin cancer and sun-related skin damage, it can also contribute to vitamin D deficiency, since the exposure to the sun’s rays stimulates the body to make vitamin D. In addition, it is difficult to obtain enough vitamin D through food allone, unless the vitamin has been added to the food, as it has with milk and orange juice, for instance. Those of us living in the northern latitudes, where for half of the year the sun’s rays are not strong enough to help us make vitamin D anyway, are especially prone to vitamin D deficiency. The current Recommended Daily Allowance is 400 to 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D for those 1 to 70 years of age and 800 IU for those over 70. Yet many health professionals (including me) recommend that people consume 1000 to 2000 IU per day, since so many of us are deficient unless we have taken 600 IU per day for years and vitamin D toxicity is rare enough with these intake levels that the benefit likely outweighs the risk. And because vitamin D is fat soluble, you can actually take your “daily intake” in a single weekly dose, such as in the form of four 2000-IU tablets every Sunday. But instead of relying solely on supplements (I myself hate pills), you should try to include foods containing vitamin D in your daily diet. Every 8-ounce cup of vitamin D–fortified milk has 100 IU. If you cannot tolerate or do not drink milk, try fortified soy, almond, or rice milk or look for fortified fruit juices, but watch the sugar content. Eat fortified cereals; for example, a 3/4-cup serving of bran flakes provides 25 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance, or approximately 150 IU. A 3-ounce serving of an oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, or tuna provides 150 to 600 IU. A teaspoon of cod liver oil packs 500 IU of vitamin D. Interestingly, certain mushrooms, like portobello, that have been exposed to sunlight provide 900 IU per cup of chopped mushroom. Adults over the age of 70 would do well to take a daily combination supplement of vitamin D and calcium since this vitamin–mineral duo is critical for maintaining bone health. So as we raise a toast on Valentine’s Day, let’s raise a glass of milk, because it also contains over 300 mg of calcium!
Call Sharkey Graphic Solutions for all your graphic design needs! P: (207) 655.8668 • F: (207) 655.9669 • C: (207) 749.3475 graphics@sharkeygraphics.com • www.sharkeygraphics.com
Call us to get the most from your dollar this winter!! We will clean and service most appliances, including gas stoves, gas fireplaces, gas dryers, water heaters, Monitors, Toyo stoves, on-demand water heaters, wall-hung systems, floor models, and—of course—all furnaces and boiler systems. LnL Enterprises Home/Office 207-809-0373
Tim Larrabee State-Licensed Master * 207-844-3450
Linda Larrabee General Manager * 207-272-4487
Call us for Your Heating (Oil, Propane, Natural Gas, Solar), HVAC, and Plumbing Needs! Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Monday through Friday 24-Hour Emergency Service
Chebeague Recreation Center News
Chebeague Recreation Center News www.chebeaguerec.com * crc@chebeague.net * (207) 846-5068 (207) 846-5068 www.chebeaguerec.com crc@chebeague.net SAVE THE DATE: CRC’s Winter C rnival will be February 25 th
A special THANK YOU to the many volu that made the CRC Summer Frolic su huge success! And a huge thank you to our event sponsors: Chebeague Island Boat Yard, Linda White, Gordon Adele & Anthony Gorody, Joan Dayton, Victoria an Bonebakker, Vail Traina, Doug & Donna Clark, Sch Linda Grant, Corky & Carly Clarke, Chuck & Linda Sally & Rich Crapser, John & Courtney Wilson, Ho & Pat Hatler, Amy & Marc Demers, Island Market, Nancy Earnest , Beverly & Stephen Johnson, Chip & Emery, Peter & Theresa Kaufman, Ray & Gladdie G Elizabeth & Scott Lewis, Peter Klein, Chip & Vicki & Amanda Layng, Kyle & Benson Legg, Eldon & Be Charles & Lynn Mills, Manny Morgan & Chris Cor Lunt & Jeanne Mullen, Margie Pflaum, Malcolm & Rice, Scott & Janice Searway, Donna Simonetti, On Larry Smith, Tee Taggart & Jack Turner, Toby & Sta David and Sandra Wilson, Warren & Sue Bogle, Ste Melanie Jakway and Diane McKenna-Yasek
Fun Programs at CRC Kids' Place... Open Monday-Thursday until 4:30 PM. call 846-8712 for more information. Swim Lessons July 1-August 12 Island Trails Camps Aug 2-4 Fairies Aug 9-11 Music and Movement Aug 16-18 Pirate, Treasure Maps, Boats and Mermaids Aug 23-25 Our working Waterfront and Farms Polar Plunge at Noon AT CIBY (note time correction) Chili, Chowder, Soup Challenge directly following at CRC Plungers, cooks and tasters needed!
Call CRC today if you’d like to take the plunge or enter your favorite chili, chowder or soup The teens will be rocking the night away on Friday, February 24th beginning at 4 PM. Please consider pledging a plunger or rocker to support CRC
Kids’ Place Open Monday-Thursday until 4:30 PM. Pottery with Barbara! See website for details Art Lessons with Caroline Every other Saturday at CRC through February 18 th 9:30- Noon Piano or String Lessons Mondays at CRC by appointment
Lost Valley Ski Program Fridays at 4:15 Teen Center Friday and Saturday nights 7-10 PM Yoga wi Celia Beginner’s Mind (for ll levels) Mondays 5:30pm,Saturday mor ing classes TBA Begins Jan. 2 nd , 2017
Camp Chebeague Aug 1-5, Baseball Camp
Aug 8-12, Art Camp Lunch and Swim Tues, Wed, Thurs 11:30-4:30 PM 7/7-8/11
Kettlebell with Brian Schedule varies, see website
We have lots of fun fitness programs for adults too including yoga, Kettlebell and exercise with Barbara . Check out our website for details.
Island Electric 846-2468 islndelt@juno.com
Repair and servicing of electric appliances, water heaters, water-pump systems, septic-pump systems, sump pumps, lamps and light fixtures. Installation and repair of electrical systems and components, including generator sales and service. Installation and repair of wiring for telephones, computers, televisions, and sound systems. Wiring of boats and marine facilities, such as docks and piers. Thanks for your business, and remember to support your local island businesses. Kim Boehm
Marty’s Memories: The Queen Mary by Marty Trower
I have another cold temperature story, although the actual event took place in the summer and it really wasn’t that long ago. I was out on the water with Tom Rothschild on his sailboat, Lyra . Tom’s friend from Boston, Beatrice, was visiting and said she had heard the Queen Mary was going to be in Portland that day. Always looking for an adventure, Tom interpreted this news as “Beatrice really wants to see the Queen Mary ” and off we went. Very soon, between Chebeague and Portland, the weather became awful. Without getting nautically technical, I’ll just say that it was hugely rough and very, very wet. Tom tried a few times to change course, but nothing seemed to stop the relentless onslaughts of cold salt water. Beatrice and I were blue and shaking. We were as wet as the water surrounding us and covering us every few minutes. Finally, Beatrice said something to the effect of “I really don’t care if I see the Queen Mary now or ever.” But Tom wouldn’t accept that. “I know how much you want to see the ship, and by golly we’re going there!”
Finally, the massive hull became visible far ahead— really just a long gray blob in the sky. Maybe that was the horizon, but the roiling clouds and water were just one and the same at this point. Fortunately, this sufficed for having “seen the Queen Mary ,” and we went about and sailed home. That should have been the end of the story, but it was the aftermath that left such a lasting impression. The shaking didn’t stop when I got home. I thought a hot bath might do the trick. Instead it was more like like what I imagine it would be like to have lightning zip through your entire body on a frenetic, neverending roller coaster ride. Thankfully, this extreme sensation didn’t last that long. Yet now when I get really cold and then go into a warm place, I find myself actually enjoying the winter experience of rapid temperature change. Perhaps it’s because I think of Tom. I sure miss him, the most enthusiastic and generous sailor who loved to share his passion for being alive in so many ways, but especially on the water.
21 2 1
Island Electric
We haul... Your Freight/Vehicles On/Off the island. ...20 Feet Long x 8 Feet Wide. ...Reasonable Rates.
Please call Kim Boehm, 846.2468 or email islndelt@juno.com
140 South Road MLS # 1292865 $140,000
4.7 acres a short walk from the Stone Wharf, Golf, Tennis, Inn, Museum, Mar- ket, Library ... surveyed, driveway to cleared and soil tested potential home site ... Come for a walk !
Anchor Realty 361 US Route 1 Falmouth ME 04105 207.781.8524 www.AnchorRealtyMaine.com
John Holt, associate broker 207.370.4017
come for the property ... stay for the community
Chebeague Island Library
846-4351 phone • 846-4358 fax cheblib@hotmail.com http://chebeague.chebeague.lib.me.us/winnebago/search/search.asp Did you know?
NEW BOOKS The Midnight Cool by Lydia Peelle Genghis Khan and the Quest for God by Jack Weatherford
• We’ve got a shredder if you need to shred private documents.
Sometimes we islanders might take for granted the hardy souls on whom we depend for so many services. Let’s give a shout out to CMP workers who brave the winter weather in a small boat to quickly restore power on the island after an outage, the teachers who commute to serve our children, and even the crew that plows and sands our roads, which relies on a commuter from Long Island. Kathleen also commutes from Long, and Clint the artist travels from Casco to crawl on frozen ground repairing our old vehicles. The staff from MaineHealth comes regularly to provide medical care. Even the Yarmouth vet makes the trek so little kittens with colds don’t have to travel to town. While we huddle close to the hearth at home, entrepreneurs are out on the winter water starting ventures with kelp and shellfish, harvesting lobsters in the sou’west, and trying to restore scallop and shrimp stocks in the Gulf of Maine. I will always treasure the experience of dragging for scallops on Sea Smoke with Winky Jr. on the coldest day I can ever remember being out in a boat. In the midst of the coldest month many will come to the island to participate in the Rec Center’s winter carnival. If there’s crusty snow, the sledding will be great down to Littlefield Road from Petticoat Farm or one can coast all the way from Chebeague Inn’s porch across the fourth and fifth fairways to the beach. One can snowshoe or ski down winter abandoned roads, and there’s Sanford’s Pond, the most scenic skating pond in the entire world. Happy February y’all! Science Fiction and Fantasy Comes to the Library What would it be like if senior citizens could become space soldiers, if the NapoleonicWars had been set in space, or if Harry Potter had been written for adults? Science fiction and fantasy has come a long way since the days of unicorns, magic swords, and aliens from Mars. Here at the library, we’re bringing you the best new books that have transformed the genre in the last ten years. We have new stories that inspired songs in “Hamilton,” involve daring capers that put “Ocean’s Eleven” to shame, and mash up “Friends” and “Star Trek” to hilariously heartwarming result. So, if you haven’t taken an adventure to a new planet or an entirely new universe recently, your comfortable reading routine is starting to feel like a rut, or you just want something different to help pass the winter months, come down to the library and we’ll find a way for you to get your next literary fix.
Winter Hours
Sun & Mon
4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Thursday 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Note: Unfortunately, our online catalogue isn’t functioning. New acquisitions can be seen on our webpage. Please either call or email if you are looking for a book. Please like our new Facebook page!
One Man’s Island by Bob Libby
February is the shortest month; the core of winter challenges Chebeaguers to adapt. Many seasonal visitors choose to consider island life from warmer places, maybe sending Instagrams from exotic beaches and golf courses. We know BJ is making art in Mexico and that some friends might join Maine Public Broadcasting’s tour of Cuba. We who feed the birds are amazed by the arctic species like Maritime robins that consider our island a winter destination. While many abandon our island in this stark month, a small contingent stays and soldiers on. Let’s celebrate the hardy souls who work through the coldest month to make our island community thrive. Town committees meet, and plans are drawn up.The ladies at the Hall create a warm gathering each Wednesday that lures islanders from their homes. Deb keeps the library humming with constant new books, workshops, and presentations for all ages. If you haven’t been in recently when Deb is reading to our youngest islanders, you should plan a visit. Going across the bay is the special bond of island life.As the Islander’s tour of duty nears its end, some of us remember when Chesuncook was the winter ferry. Ramps and the Cousins Wharf hill seem especially steep and treacherous when ice and snow coat the surfaces. After a storm islanders must clear out an island vehicle; drive to the wharf and park; clear out a second vehicle on Cousins or the mainland; drive to jobs, schools, or appointments; and then perhaps face another clean out and a rough drive home. Thanks go to CTC for working steadily to ease islanders’ commute by providing carts, shoveling wharves and ramps, offering shelter on warm buses, and helping us old timers hauling groceries.
Chebeague United Methodist Church News
chebeaguechurch@chebeague.net 846-4106 www.chebeagueumc.org www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc/ Office Hours: Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Pastor’s Schedule — Melissa may be reached on Wednesdays through Sundays by appointment or during office hours. She may be reached on Mondays and Tuesdays in case of emergency. Contact her at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com or at the parsonage at 846-4106. Lent — The season of Lent begins on Wednesday March 1. Join us for our series “Voices and Vision,” in which we’ll explore the ways God speaks to us, particularly through dreams and visions. Look for a small-group experience to accompany our series; details to come! Deep Blue Parish House Worship — Embrace your inner child! For the month of February, we’ll have worship in the Parish House. We will all experience together Deep Blue Kids—the Sunday School program that our children have been participating in over the past several months. We’ll be exploring the parables of Jesus—stories he used to teach us important truths about God’s love for us. There will be music, crafts, and fun for all ages. Come for breakfast at 9:00 a.m., and stay for worship at 9:45 a.m. Hope to see you there! Visioning Process Update — The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church, funded in part by a grant from the Recompense Fund, is engaged in a process of self-examination to determine the church’s role in the future of the Chebeague Island community. Phase one of the work, completed over the past few months, was seeking feedback from the congregation about the church’s core values. The second phase is to share them with the community in hopes of receiving public comment about them, particularly as they address the church’s role in the life of the island. These values represent both who we are when we are at our best and who we aspire to be. We offer this to the wider community in hopes of receiving thoughts Around 1954, Scotty, then skipper of the Nellie G. , talked me into going with him to Scarborough Downs one night. Not wanting to row our leaky punt back to Chebeague afterward, I borrowed Jim MIllinger’s outboard and affixed it to my old punt. The trip over went pretty well, although the vibration of the outboard dislodged some of the caulking, causing the punt to leak even more than usual. I didn’t think too much about it until the journey back, when I noticed that the punt was taking on water at a rather startling rate. Soon the water was above my ankles, then my knees, and then up to the thwart I was sitting on. By the time I got about 100 yards off the StoneWharf, the punt was totally awash and the little outboard had conked out. Since rowing was useless, my only option was to jump overboard, tie the painter around my waist, and slowly swim back to Chebeague, towing the submerged punt. To make matters worse, I decided to doff my shoes and walk back home across the mud flats. Unfortunately, I cut my foot wide open on a clam shell along the way, making the entire trip a hard one to forget. That Sinking Feeling by Eldon Mayer
and input about how these values resonate with you. Please contact Lola Armstrong, Elaine Clark, Jackie Trask, Donna Damon, Polly Wentworth, or Melissa Yosua-Davis to share your feedback. Core Values of Our Church — God knits this island into one family. Therefore, we seek to be a place of belonging and a harbor of mutual support and interdependence (community). We strive to share, help, and reach out to one another; grow in faith together; and live together in light of God’s love. We enjoy being together (fellowship). Whenever we gather, we do so in a spirit of friendship and love, as we share stories of the journeys God has called us on. We eat, pray, study, sing, and worship in ways that draw us closer together for the nourishment of our bodies and souls. We believe that new shoots come from strong roots (rootedness). The winds of change may blow, but our roots sustain us and enable us to grow and flourish. Our traditions, faith, and connection to this island give us strength to pass on the seeds of love to the next generation. We honor God as Creator and are open to the many unique gifts we are given to serve and worship God (creativity). We incorporate the arts and the home arts into our life together to share peace, joy, and love with one another. We affirm the sacred worth of every human being, and so we welcome you (inclusivity). No matter who you are or where you are on your journey, you are loved and a child of God. We seek to be in tune with the changing issues of our community and world and strive to serve the needs around us (innovation). God is always doing a new thing in our midst. And so, we try to incarnate the Gospel for this time, for this place, and for this people. For an up-to-date calendar of events held at the church and Parish House, please visit: www.chebeagueumc.org/calendar .
February 2017
CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY What’s New at CTC? Vessel Safety Report Senior Captain and Safety Officer Matt Ridgway has provided his annual safety report to the Board of Directors. We want to share his report with our passengers. In an effort to continue our mission of providing safe and reliable transportation, the CTC boat crew worked hard in 2016 to improve safety and emergency pre- paredness. These improvements and continued training have served to enhance an already effective safety program. Some of our 2016 accomplishments follow. The entire crew was certified in April in first aid/CPR and trained on using the AED that the Rescue has provided on the boat. We will continue to work to make sure all of our new crew receives this important training. We continued to conduct well beyond the number of drills required by the Coast guard. This year we conducted 90 drills (50% more than 2015), including Man Overboard, Fire, Dewatering, Abandon Ship, Anchoring, Loss of Steering, and boat handling drills. We conducted 4 “All Hands” drills. These drills included all available crew and covered things like our normal Man Overboard and Fire Drills, as well as includ- ing some exciting new training on the Dovekie and barge. Fire Chief Ralph Munroe also helped out by providing the crew with Hands on Fire Extinguisher training as well as a safe place to do hands on emergency flare training. Our safety equipment was updated in many areas. We’ve equipped both the Islander and the Dovekie with new Fire Suppression systems that will enable the crew to fight fires in confined spaces without having to enter the space Inflatable PFD’s were purchased for deckhands on both the Islander and Dove- kie to wear, especially during inclement weather. Hi visibility vests were worn by barge and parking lot crew during barging this year. 20 replacement PFD’s were purchased for the Islander. An additional life ring was purchased for the Islander and located on the for- ward deck. A damage control kit was assembled and placed on the boat. All crew have been trained on how to use it in the event of an emergency. A camera was installed in the engine room to allow for monitoring in the wheel- house. A stern camera will soon follow. Additionally the safety training manual and operations manual were updated and consolidated to create a more comprehensive safety program. Goals for 2017 Continue the level of drills and emergency training on the Islander Implement a more comprehensive and formal safety training program for the Dovekie and barging operation. Complete the installation of the stern camera. Continue conducting regular all hands safety training Expand our safety training and operations with the Chebeague Island Fire and rescue. We are proud of our safety record and look forward to a great and safe 2017!
Safety at the Cousins Wharf
Cousins Parking Permits
The bus drivers have had a few close calls lately on the Cousins Wharf when backing around to leave. The buses do not have great visibility when backing up and there have been instances when cars pulled down just as the driver started backing around and almost got hit. The driver had checked that there was no car behind him before he started backing - but the car pulled down quickly and parked in his blind spot. Please do not pull behind or walk behind the bus when the ferry is about to depart and the bus may be leav- ing. This is a signifi- cant safety issue. Thank you for your cooperation. Using wheelchair on the ferry CTC (with the help of a grant from Recom- pense) purchased a motorized wheelchair recently. The chair will be helpful in some situ- ations, but not all. The crew will use both wheelchairs based on conditions. If you need to use our chair, please call the office or boat ahead of time and let the crew know - and don’t arrive at the boat more than 10 minutes before de- parture so crew will be available to help.
(207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com 2017 PARKING STICK- ER ON YOUR CAR TO AVOID A TICKET. As the Island’s popula- tion grows so does the demand for Cousins parking spots. Over the last few years many people have moved a car to Route One, either voluntarily or by assign- ment. Our priority for assigning spots in 2017 was: -one spot per year-round household (142) -a second car if there are two full time commuters (10) - I s l a n d b u s i n e s s - es/organizations (6) -Part time seasonal com- muters (7) Only residents with Maine license plates qualify for a spot. We do have many “weekday worker” per- mits - workers traveling to Chebeague are al- lowed to park during the day only Monday - Fri- day. These vehicles fill spots made available when Island commuters leave the lot. Some of these vehicles may have license plates from other places. PLEASE PUT YOUR
The Recompense Fund
The Recompense Fund’s mission is to support the sustainability of Chebeague as a year-round community through its nonprofit organizations. The fund is poised to offer support in 2017 for all our Chebeague nonprofits in the form
Participants will have the opportunity to go through the draft grant application and offer suggestions for its improvement. The goals of the workshop are to review grant-writing basics; provide tips, insights, and techniques; increase participants’ grant-writing confidence; and introduce participants to grant opportunities beyond the Recompense Fund. The fund aims to help all our island nonprofits expand their resources by finding ways to make the funding “pie” larger for all. One way to do that is to increase nonprofits’ capacity to seek and qualify for funding from resources beyond the island. A grant from the Recompense Fund, for example, can help leverage matching funds from other sources. As described in last month’s article, Island Commons used their grant from the Recompense Fund to find additional resources from an off-island foundation and additional donors. Leila Bisharat, Chair of the Recompense Fund Board
of grants, workshops, and advice. Applications for the 2017 award cycle are due by May 31. From now until then our board members are here to help interested Chebeague nonprofits as they develop ideas to submit as grant applications, whether as individual nonprofits or in conjunction with other nonprofits. As a first step we are offering a grant-writing workshop open to all on Wednesday March 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chebeague Island School. A light supper will be served during the workshop. Lelia DeAndrade, Senior Director of Grant-making Services at the Maine Community Foundation, will lead the workshop. This follows on the lessons we learned in 2016 from Chebeague nonprofits.
The Recompense Fund is dedicated exclusively to Chebeague. Its board serves as an advisory committee to the Maine Community Foundation, which administers the fund.
Firefighter Footnotes
Burn permits are still available for free through Ralph or Kim Munroe and Lisa Israel or online for a cost of $7 ($2 of which goes to the town) at www.13.informe.org/burnpermit/public . All fires must be attended at all times and require a burn permit. Ralph Munroe Cell 712-3827 • Ralph and Kim Munroe Home 846-4654 • Lisa Israel 274-0716 Important Resource Numbers
AA 24-hour Hotline....................... 774-4335/800-737-6237 Al Anon/Alateen to help family/ friends of alcoholics......... 284-1844/800-498-1844 NA Hotline..................................................... 800-974-0062
24-Hour Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Hotline........................... 888-568-1112 Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline......... 800-871-7741 Family Crisis Services..................................... 800-537-6066
Sew Good: Sew Good will meet February 22 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Parish House. For more information, please call Lola Armstrong (846-4737) or Karen Corson (846-0938).
Ladies Aid: Please join us for crafty projects and camaraderie from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each Thursday . Our Summer Fair will be held Thursday August 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Hall. Catholic Communion Service: A Catholic Communion Service without a priest will be held each Saturday at 4:00 p.m. at the Parish House.
Chebeague Island Historical Society: This year’s House Tour will be on Tuesday August 8 from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
2016 Chebeague Island Directory Corrections
McNULTY, Beth & Michael McNulty 17 Cordes Road 846-0088 14 Mountain Laurels Drive Apt #301Nashua NH 03062 PERKINS, Dr David & Beverly 1470 S. Virga View Lane Cornville AZ 86325 928 203-0845 DG perkinsdg@aol.com Bev baperkins@aol.com PHIPPS, Geraldine Otey 5 Oak Ln 846-4848 700 Wave Crest Ave Apt U103 Indialantic FL 32903 321 956-2130 Geri gphipps@cfl.rr.com 321 956-2130 SACHS, Jonathan & Kate Ledger 30 John Small Rd 846-3447 1430 Fairmount Avenue Saint Paul MN 55205 Jonathan jnsachs@umn.edu Kate kate_ledger@hotmail.com
DIAZ, Nancy 16 Rickers Head Rd 846-9720 938 E. Lorraine Ave Salt Lake City UT 84106 435 901-2017 Nancy nrathome@msn.com 435 901-2017 HUNTER, Russell & Cathy 6 West View Rd 846-9415 100 Sarah Lane Apt 15B Simsbury CT 06070 860 413-2442 Russ russhunter123@comcast.net INGRAM, Jennifer & David Stoff 16 Capps Rd 846-3651 14 Virginia Road Arlington MA 02476 LEVEY, Robert & Ellen Goodman 17 Charleston Rd 846-3329 20 Chapel Street Apt BPH11 Brookline MA 02446 Bob leveybob@aol.com Ellen egood8711@aol.com
DEATHS January 17: Anthony Gomez, 46
The Mail
January 6: Christopher Mitchell Cox, 71 December 26, 2016: Dorothy Hatch, 103 December 25, 2016: Medelise Summa, 83 December 24, 2016: Roger Holt, 67 December 11, 2016: J. Lockwood (“Woody”) Chamberlin, 91
Thanks, Chummies!
Yo, Chummies! It has been nearly fifty years that I’ve been privileged to call all of you my chummies. Fifty years of fun, love, comradery, and yes, sadness, too. Fifty years of making memories—some bad but mostly good ones that will sustain all of us into the future. Falling head over heels in love with John all over again (the first time, I was only about ten and he didn’t even know I existed)! But we made up for it with twenty wonderful years of marriage. Then, he’d had enough of it and died way too young. He was a loving and wonderful husband to me and a kind papa to Laura. It was also my privilege to bring Laura up on the island, which is surely God’s greatest creation. She grew up with the blood of at least eight generations (on my side) teaching her love of family, home, heritage, and lineage. Lucky kid! She obviously learned her lessons well, as reflected by the love she and David have shown me in so many ways, including the spiffy new mother-in-law apartment here in Cumberland. Speak of deep devotion! The new place is called the BEG for Bachelor Enlisted Quarters and is quite an apartment. Semper Fi! I’d be happy to see anyone who cares to visit me at 35 Kathy Lane in Cumberland, or you may call me at 829-4876. But all things end, as has my life on the island. And so, at long last, so long, Fran Calder
January 3: Callista Loder, a daughter, born to Nita Farahany and Thede Loder
December 12, 2016: Sophie Jean Marsee, a daughter, born to Bobby and Hilary Marsee
Classified Ads Top Shelf Cleaning and Services: Cleaning, moving cars to and from the Stone Pier or Chandlers Wharf, snowplowing and snowblowing, and winter house watching—daily, weekly, or monthly—lawn mowing, and light tractor work. For more information, call Cindy at 207-846-1055. Seasonal Rental at 13 Island View Rd: Fully equipped summer home with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, and private right of way to the water; $900 per week plus a $300 security deposit. Contact Richard Bowen at rhbowen3@ gmail.com or 207-831-6148.
February 2017
1 Coffee/ soup, Hall
2 Ladies Aid, PH, 11:00-2:00
4 Catholic service, PH, 4:00
11 Catholic service, PH
5 CIUMC worship, 10:00 12 CIUMC worship, 10:00
7 Wellness Ctr, 9:30-11:00 14 Foot Care Clinic, Wellness Ctr, 9:00-3:00 21 Wellness Ctr, 9:30-11:00
8 Coffee/ soup, Hall
9 Ladies Aid, PH
17 Storytelling workshop, CIL, 7:00
18 Catholic service, PH
16 Ladies Aid, PH
15 Coffee/ Community Lunch, Hall 22 Coffee/ soup, Hall Sew Good, PH, 1:00-5:00
Official C Vendor of Maine Re
Document Solutions Maine
24 Cold
19 CIUMC worship, 10:00
25 Catholic service, PH Chili/ Chowder/ Soup Challenge, CRC, noon
23 Ladies Aid, PH
• Laser Print • IT Services • Network • PC Sales S • Business P Improvem Por Augusta, (2 www.portla • Digital Pri & Scannin • Wide form • Binding, • Specialize
Official Copier Vendor of the Maine Red Claws Winter Nights St rytelling, CIL, 7:00 Rockathon, CRC, 4:00
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26 CIUMC worship, 10:00
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• PC Sales Service • Business Process Improvement Software Portland – Bangor
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