Chebeague United Methodist Church News
chebeaguechurch@chebeague.net 846-4106 www.chebeagueumc.org www.facebook.com/chebeagueislandumc/ Office Hours: Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Pastor’s Schedule — Melissa may be reached on Wednesdays through Sundays by appointment or during office hours. She may be reached on Mondays and Tuesdays in case of emergency. Contact her at ml.yosuadavis@gmail.com or at the parsonage at 846-4106. Lent — The season of Lent begins on Wednesday March 1. Join us for our series “Voices and Vision,” in which we’ll explore the ways God speaks to us, particularly through dreams and visions. Look for a small-group experience to accompany our series; details to come! Deep Blue Parish House Worship — Embrace your inner child! For the month of February, we’ll have worship in the Parish House. We will all experience together Deep Blue Kids—the Sunday School program that our children have been participating in over the past several months. We’ll be exploring the parables of Jesus—stories he used to teach us important truths about God’s love for us. There will be music, crafts, and fun for all ages. Come for breakfast at 9:00 a.m., and stay for worship at 9:45 a.m. Hope to see you there! Visioning Process Update — The Chebeague Island United Methodist Church, funded in part by a grant from the Recompense Fund, is engaged in a process of self-examination to determine the church’s role in the future of the Chebeague Island community. Phase one of the work, completed over the past few months, was seeking feedback from the congregation about the church’s core values. The second phase is to share them with the community in hopes of receiving public comment about them, particularly as they address the church’s role in the life of the island. These values represent both who we are when we are at our best and who we aspire to be. We offer this to the wider community in hopes of receiving thoughts Around 1954, Scotty, then skipper of the Nellie G. , talked me into going with him to Scarborough Downs one night. Not wanting to row our leaky punt back to Chebeague afterward, I borrowed Jim MIllinger’s outboard and affixed it to my old punt. The trip over went pretty well, although the vibration of the outboard dislodged some of the caulking, causing the punt to leak even more than usual. I didn’t think too much about it until the journey back, when I noticed that the punt was taking on water at a rather startling rate. Soon the water was above my ankles, then my knees, and then up to the thwart I was sitting on. By the time I got about 100 yards off the StoneWharf, the punt was totally awash and the little outboard had conked out. Since rowing was useless, my only option was to jump overboard, tie the painter around my waist, and slowly swim back to Chebeague, towing the submerged punt. To make matters worse, I decided to doff my shoes and walk back home across the mud flats. Unfortunately, I cut my foot wide open on a clam shell along the way, making the entire trip a hard one to forget. That Sinking Feeling by Eldon Mayer
and input about how these values resonate with you. Please contact Lola Armstrong, Elaine Clark, Jackie Trask, Donna Damon, Polly Wentworth, or Melissa Yosua-Davis to share your feedback. Core Values of Our Church — God knits this island into one family. Therefore, we seek to be a place of belonging and a harbor of mutual support and interdependence (community). We strive to share, help, and reach out to one another; grow in faith together; and live together in light of God’s love. We enjoy being together (fellowship). Whenever we gather, we do so in a spirit of friendship and love, as we share stories of the journeys God has called us on. We eat, pray, study, sing, and worship in ways that draw us closer together for the nourishment of our bodies and souls. We believe that new shoots come from strong roots (rootedness). The winds of change may blow, but our roots sustain us and enable us to grow and flourish. Our traditions, faith, and connection to this island give us strength to pass on the seeds of love to the next generation. We honor God as Creator and are open to the many unique gifts we are given to serve and worship God (creativity). We incorporate the arts and the home arts into our life together to share peace, joy, and love with one another. We affirm the sacred worth of every human being, and so we welcome you (inclusivity). No matter who you are or where you are on your journey, you are loved and a child of God. We seek to be in tune with the changing issues of our community and world and strive to serve the needs around us (innovation). God is always doing a new thing in our midst. And so, we try to incarnate the Gospel for this time, for this place, and for this people. For an up-to-date calendar of events held at the church and Parish House, please visit: www.chebeagueumc.org/calendar .
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