Island Commons
ISLAND COMMONS Business Office: 207-846-5610 Administrator: Amy Rich Care Coordinator: Vicki Todd Compassionate Elder Care...Serving Chebeague Island and Greater Casco Bay ASSISTED LIVING ~ ADULT DAY CARE ~ IN-HOME CARE ~ RESPITE CARE ISLAND COMMONS Business Office: 207-846-5610 Administrator: Amy Rich Care Coordinator: Vicki Todd Compassionate Elder Care...Serving Chebeague Island and Greater Casco Bay ASSISTED LIVING ~ ADULT D CARE ~ IN-HOME CARE ~ RESPITE CARE
VAN UPDATE! Thanks to the generosity of the Recompense Fund, The Niblic, and several individual donors, we’re closer to replacing the “Green Monster” with a newer, safer, more reliable wheelchair accessible van . We are grateful to all for recognizing the importance of replacing this critical piece of equipment. THANK YOU! VA P ATE! Thanks to the generosity of the Reco pense Fund, The Niblic, and several individual donors, e’re closer to replacing the “Green onster” ith a ne er, safer, ore reliable heelchair accessible van . e are grateful to all for recognizing the i portance of replacing this critical piece of equip ent. THANK YOU!
THANK YOU to all who turned out to celebrate the change of season at our 4 th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House. Once again, this event was a great success, enjoyed by islanders of all ages. REMINDER to ghosts & goblins: Trick or Treat is Incomplete without a stop at Island Commons….swing by for a treat, & see OUR costumes. BOO!!! THANK YOU to all ho turned out to celebrate the change of season at our 4 th Annual Harvest Dinner & Open House. Once again, this event as a great success, enjoyed by islanders of all ages. RE INDER to ghosts & goblins: Trick or Treat is Inco plete ithout a stop at Island Co ons .s ing by for a treat, & see OUR costu es. BOO!!!
opportunity. Paid training available for the right candidate. Be a part of our terrific team of caregivers! 846-5610! opportunity. Paid training available for the right candidate. Be a part of our terrific tea of caregivers! 846-5610! CR A Position: Contact A y Rich for infor ation about this re arding career CRMA Position: Contact Amy Rich for information about this rewarding career
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Northeast Real Estate 208 U.S. Rt. One Suite 2, Freeport, ME 04032 207-869-5173 On Chebeague Agent, Specs Eaton – cell 207-491-5150 specseaton@gmail.com
“Quality real estate practice becomes great community service” This could be a good year to build. Looking for a good building lot? Please call.
61 Haskell Drive
mls #1277591
The value in this property is in its outstanding, contiguous waterfront acreage; mature woods; a recent, well-built private ROW; a beach cottage in a grandfathered waterfront location; and Casco Bay views from Littlejohn Island to Portland. These 21+ acres feature 420’ of ocean frontage on a sandy beach and 540‘ frontage on North Rd. The cottage has a drilled well, septic system, full bath, and 3 outbuildings. Mooring accessible at all tides in front of the cottage. Owner financing is available to qualified buyer. $1,100,000
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