Microsoft Word - Final Annual Report 2019.docx
Code Enforcement
It is a pleasure working for the Town of Mechanic Falls. I have found that the staff and the community volunteers have a special kind of commitment to the town. I also would like to compliment the Fire Department, Highway Department, Police Department, Water and Sanitary Departments, and Transfer Station for their hard work that makes Mechanic Falls a special kind of place. Residents and business owners should feel at peace knowing they are here to serve you. As Code Officer here in the Town of Mechanic Falls, I am here to help any and all, current and future, residents and businesses with any questions or concerns. I am pleased to say that the Town of Mechanic Falls is growing at a moderate rate with several new homes and businesses. I would also like to remind all homeowners and businesses to install four (4) inch reflective address numbers, located within Fifty (50) feet and visible from the roadway, for the safety of you and your children, in case of any emergency. Please contact my office with any questions or concerns. I can be reached directly at (207) 345- 2221.
Fred S. Collins Jr Code Enforcement
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