
From The Executive Board

with friends and working with the MISSION MEN of Oxford Hills, helping many others. Now let’s think Snow, the executive officers of the MSA have been busy all summer, (we have a very good group of officers). The meeting in Augusta was well attended, club packets were handed out, since the meeting, it has taken quite a bit of time and lots of mileage getting packets to clubs, and I thank area directors and others for their help. I have talked with a lot of clubs this year and am impressed by the amount of work completed, due to MOTHER NATURE, lashing out at us. I am also impressed by the number of clubs working together with ATV clubs, TOGETHER WE TRAIL--DIVIDED WE FAIL. I am looking forward to attending many of the region’s local meetings, and am planning a WESTERN region meeting in October, watch for details in your email. Hopefully we can work together on a few projects and not have conflicting dates for events. Reach out if I can help. Jerry CLUBS- Remember to send those member ships in as soon as you receive them so we enter them in the data base. That way no one misses their newspaper. Have a great season everyone!! worn. Safety glasses, earplugs, stable shoes or work boots, dust masks, good pair of gloves. While working on your drags and groomer make sure your equipment is blocked up to avoid it crashing to the ground or floor with you beneath it. Same goes for your sleds and groomers, charged hydraulic lines, electric current can give you a bath and a lift. Watch out for tripping hazards, be alert while travel ing or walking of washouts beneath you. Bring necessary tools and other gear to get you out of those situations. Make sure your chainsaw’s and trimmers are good to go. As much as most of us dislike some of the safety rules we had to live by while working, they were made to protect us and are lifelong lesson’s that most of us retirees still continue to use. Accidents happen very quickly and can be life-changing incidents. So please work safe. We have here at the office many weather proof safety posters available. The Recreation branch of the State will be conducting safety classes throughout the State for snowmobil ing and atv’s. We will have dates when they become available in our MSA newspaper or online. Call if you need anything. Snowmobile safety starts with every one of us slowing down to enjoy the beauty of the best trails in the Northeast! Be safe out there! Al which ever way you choose. Every person who is or has ever been a member of MSA is in our data base system with an assigned membership number. If you are rejoining after a year or longer or are changing primary clubs you are in the system. Please tell the membership person you are signing up with you have been a member so they can note it on their report to MSA. MEMBERSHIP CHAIRS- If a person indicates they have been a member in the past, you do not have to fill out a NEW member card. You must note on the transmittal form they were a past member and it can be of ANY club. That way the MSA office can use the existing number in the system. Please do include their personal info as it may have changed. What many clubs are doing is making a photocopy of a membership card with the number blanked out and sending that with their transmittals. You can contact me at membership@mesnow.com and I can email you a page of these without numbers if you want. There is also the option for anyone to sign up digitally on the MSA website, www. mainesnowmobileassociation.com click on the clubs tab and then double click on membership form and fill it in. Make sure you choose a club, so they receive your information as well. It’s that easy!!

Central Region VP

Safety Committee

Hall of Fame Committee

Ron Nunes 401-527-5370 Thelastroundup2018@gmail.com H ello all members in the central region I’m sure you’re all getting excited and beginning to work hard getting trails ready for the upcoming season. I’m still trying to get acquainted with my new position Jack Lord had it a long time and made it look easy. I’m working on getting membership packages out Jack and others are helping. Sometime soon, I will be reaching out to all of you with an invitation to the central region annual meeting location and date TBD sometime in October if in the meantime anyone should want to get in contact with me my email is thelastroundup2018@gmail.com I look forward to seeing all of you this season. Thank you for all your hard work Ron Nunes, Central VP months clubs have been showing their appreciation for landowners by holding several landowner events. None of this is possible without club members and volunteers, which all clubs in The County are very much in need of. I know people have busy lives and schedules but donating an hour or two of your time to a local club goes a long way. We all know that the trails don’t build and maintain themselves. If you don’t have time to volunteer then at least join a club and show your support. As we wait for the local farmers to dig their crops and the first snowflakes to fly now is better than ever to get our machines out and get them serviced and ready to go for the 2024/2025 riding season. Fingers crossed that mother nature brings us the snow this season that she barely brought us last season so we can enjoy the riding to all our favorite watering holes and riding destinations like the “Border Trail” and the Arch Hanger at Loring Air Force Base just to mention a few. In closing I hope everyone gets out and enjoys all of what Maine and New England has to offer for the fall season and keep praying to the snow god’s to bring us plentiful snow this winter for all of us to enjoy. Remember to always ride right, ride safe, and ride sober!!! Nick Morrill Northern Region V.P.

Alan Swett 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com Y es, September is here and El Nino has gone away. Let’s hope this winter is a sure hit with lots of snow and cold weather. Many clubs will be out surveying their trail system. Flooded roads and downed trees will make going rough so proceed with cau tion. You know while working at “The Mill” we all focused on not getting hurt and work ing safe. Proper PPE (safety gear) should be

Gail Ryan, MSA Hospitality 207-478-6821 207 Lancaster Brook Rd, Glenburn, ME skidoo6000@aol.com i everyone, My name is Gail Ryan and I’m your New Hall of Fame chairperson. I’m new to this position and I need help! I’m hoping to get a person from each region to help me choose the best candidates for our Hall of Fame. It will be an adventure. Anyone interested please contact me either by email at skidoo6000@aol.com or through the MSA office, or talk with me at one of the MSA’S meetings. Respectfully submitted, Gail Ryan H

From The Membership Corner

Northern Region VP

Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 L.andE.lafland525476@gmail.com

Nick Morrill 207-554-0074 406 Main Street, Stockholm ME 04783 landscaper9791@gmail.com G reetings from The Crown of Maine or as others call it The County. As I’m writing this the change of the seasons is beginning with mother nature bringing us cool nights and cooler day time temps which means that the riding season is just around the corner. With that being said clubs throughout the area have been busy mowing trails, grading rail beds, rebuilding and repairing bridges as well as working on organizing and updating their signage. Throughout the summer and the coming

C an you believe it is time to start another season? Summer is gone and fall is approaching which means clubs are starting to recruit members and renew members from last year. All clubs should have their membership info now. Anyone who was a member of MSA last year has a preprinted membership card in the club you joined last year packet. Please contact them to renew so we keep your same number. It is VERY IMPORTANT TO UPDATE ALL YOUR INFORMATION on the preprinted card so you continue to receive your MSA paper either in the mail or digitally,

Western Region VP

MSA MEMBERS CHANGE OF ADDRESS Let us know when your USPS mailing address has changed - so you won’t miss an issue of the Maine Snowmobiler Members Name: ________________________________________ Old Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ NEW MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Mail to: Maine Snowmobile Association, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 fax: 207-622-7669 or e-mail info to: editor@mesnow.com

Jerry Major, Cell: 207-838-0892 137 Morrill Rd, Norway ME 04268

mrfun101jem@gmail.com W ell folks it has been a pretty good summer, fairly nice weather, good racing, local and TV, fun riding side by sides


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