
MSA Club News

Check out destinationmooseheadlake.com and make a reservation before the crowd arrives. Thanks for your support and thank a groomer. Bob Ludwig, Secretary raludwig184@gmail.com Grand Lake Grand Lake Stream, ME “Hello from GLS”. I hope most of you have at least started to talk about snowmobiling. I have heard little sled talking, but I’m sure Trail Master Les has been thinking and has updated last spring’s plan. ATV’ers & side by sides have been updating Les at the store with any downed tree’s block ing trails. Les has been sending out work par ties every weekend. WORK: I heard that a few of those tree leaners from the December 18, rain/wind storm have come down on a trail or two. That means Les will have a work/bring your lunch detail for a crew, if you are looking for some thing to do. GROOMER TRAINING: Start thinking about this. Les will train members on our well equipped, professional groomer, the Snow Rabbit. That way once trained, a 2 person groomer team with food and supplies could be sent out to do important trail work for as long as they want. If you are interested, you know who to talk too. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read about our snowmobile club and our special little town. Please ride our trails and make our town your town and stop on your snowmobile adventure. I guarantee you will be back. mikeremillard@mgemaine.com Please take the time to cut out the below lines of information and pack it away with your registration and insurance info. You never know. RESCUE HELOCOPTER LANDING SPOT: Located at the 2nd Elsmore Landing sign, near Pocumcus Lake. GPS: N 45 10.14, W 67 53.79. HELP NEEDED: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or a store worker. TRAIL PROBLEM: Call 796-5027, Les. He will solve the problem. PINE TREE STORE: Hours 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 796-5027. NON-Ethanol Gas. Always remember, for food, drink, supplies and fun, “You can’t go wrong at The Pine Tree Store”. LODGING: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or a store worker. MONTHLY MEETING: Every 2 nd Wednes day @ 6:00, usually at the GLS Fire Station. Mike Remillard I guess this means summer is over! At least It will be when this hits print. That means it’s time to gear up for busy season! We just had our annual lobster feed at the clubhouse, which was a sellout again and a great turnout. Thank you to all that helped out to make this event a success. Busy season activities..... Work will start on our groomer Barn addi tion starting August 23 . Trail work will start Sunday September 29 th and continue every Sunday till grooming begins. Open house/membership drive BBQ will be Sunday September 22 nd Clubhouse rentals are still going strong especially during wedding season, quilting season, etc. Upcoming Events Sunday September 8 th - Board of directors meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday September 22 nd - Open house/mem bership drive BBQ 3:00 p.m. Club dinner free barbecue to all who pay membership (new or renewal) 4:00 p.m. Club meeting. 5:00 p.m. Sunday September 29 th - Trail work starts for the season - We meet at the clubhouse every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. Sunday October 6 th - Board of directors EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS Holden, ME EasternMaineSnowmobilers.com Find us on Facebook

SUPER RAFFLE TICKETS, yes, its time of year again, still a bargain at $2 each, 6 for $10 and yes you can purchase additional tickets to increase your chances and support the clubs, too - just reach out to one of your local club members, THANK-YOU... As we wrap up the summer, putting away the warm weather toys, it’s time to get the cold weather toys serviced and ready to go - snowmobiles, snowmobiles gear, trailers, snowblower, shovels, etc... Just to wrap up for this time, a reminder that our 1 st GLRSC MEETING will be WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER 4 th , 2024 7:00P.M. @ the GLRSC clubhouse / 2838 PHILLIPS ROAD GLENBURN - hope to see you ALL there ( NEW MEMBERS always welcome as well). P. S. - If you are out and about and you encoun ter one of our LANDOWNERS, PLEASE thank them for the use of their property for our trails (WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT). BARRY E. RYAN, G.L.R.S.C. VICE PRESIDENT KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS sc Kenduskeag, ME Welcome back, snowmobile enthusiasts. What a roller coaster the SUMMER of 2024 has been, with temperatures close to the triple digit mark, high humidity, and rain with some FANTASTIC sunny days - this will be a sum mer to talk about in years to come. As this sea son transitions to early fall and then winter, it’s time again to shift gears, put away the shorts, tee shirts, and sneakers/sandals and don the warmer attire. As we are MAINERS-we really have it ALL to enjoy year-round. Just to make this brief, the 1st KSRSC MEETING will again be hosted at DALE and JO-ANNS house on AMES ROAD in KENDUSKEAG on OCTOBER 10, 2024 @ 7:00P.M. THANKS again for opening up your home for the meetings! As ALWAYS - we are looking to increase our membership team - so bring along a guest or two to join in the fun. I believe that one of the topics on the agenda will be open for discussion by DALE C. and GREG L. will be the location / rescue of the snowmobile bridge that has “floated down stream” on KENDUSKEAG STREAM (may need hip waders and tow ropes). Hope to see you ALL there-enjoy the rest of the summer. Barry E Rayn Club Report , K.S.R.S.C. I am not sure how summer has passed by so quickly, but here we are with schools starting and some leaves are changing colors and fall ing already. We had another successful track pulling event with Maine State Truck and Tractor Pullers Associations. We would like to thank the entire crew for another year in the books “as they say.” If you have been by the clubhouse this sum mer you may have noticed that the entrance has been widened out and that some more trees have been cut. As soon as our Vice President’s regular job slows down a little bit, he will get back to working on that project. Thank you, Nick Pomeroy, for all that you do. We are again doing our RAFFLE Fundraiser. Club Members are selling $50.00 raffle tickets for your choice of a 2025 MXZ 600 EFI Sport or a 2025 Can-AM Outlander 500 ATV with only 400 tickets being sold. The drawing will be held at Bangor Motor Sports live on Decem ber 14, 2024. You could be the best Santa ever. Keep in mind $50.00 ticket 1 in 400 chance to win with your choice of sled or ATV. Let’s all hope that Mother Nature will bless us with a good freeze and lots of snow. I WANT TO RIDE!!! Our meetings are the first and third Wednes day of the Month with the first meeting on Wednesday October 2, 2024. We would love to see some new faces at our meetings. The meet ing starts at 6:00 PM, the second meeting of the month is a pot luck meeting that also starts at 6:00 PM. The date for this one mark it on your calendar is Oct 16th. Come and break bread with us, have a meal, talk to your neighbors. PENOBSCOT sc Hermon, ME Facebook: Sled Hermon Sledhermon.org

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accumulated during this past year. I for one, have every bit of confidence in our trail crew. They work tirelessly and with such pride in our trails. THANK YOU! So with that in mind, let’s all pray for a much needed SNOW WINTER...(I know I am!) Terri Major, Secretary

The Pleasant Mountain sc Bridgton, ME Bridgtoneasyriders.com

Hello MSA Members, Thanks to an unusual number of storms this past spring and summer many fallen trees and branches have to be cleared from our trails, and some ditching and culverts will be required due to flood damage. Club members have always willingly stepped up to do this kind of work and we even have a good time working together! New members are welcome to join us - it’s a great way to get to know other Club members. Work is usually done on Sundays - announcements of when and where to meet will be sent out to members. The next meeting of Pleasant Mountain Snowmobile Club, (formerly Bridgton Easy Riders) will be Friday, September 13th at the Bridgton Community Center, 15 Depot St. Bridgton. Our Fabulous Pot Luck Supper at 6 PM is followed by the business meeting at 6:45 PM. Come learn about our Club, and our upcoming events: the December Holiday Party, Club Rally, and Club Trips. We hope to see you there! Bill Preis Pleasant Mountain Snowmobile Club Correspondent EASTERN REGION NORTHEAST CARRY sc Northeast Carry, ME Follow us on Facebook and Instagram We are looking forward to the 2025 winter snowmobile season! Northeast Carry General Store is planning to be open 7 days a week (8:00-4:00) once there’s enough snow on the trails. Burgers, dogs, French fries, breakfast sandwiches (all day), along with a variety of other fast lunch options, choice of desserts, soft drinks and adult beverages will be available. As usual gasoline at the pumps. Looking forward to getting the Prinoth Husky Groomer on the snow! If you are out wandering around in the North Maine Woods this fall, come check us out. We also have 2 cabins available for rent throughout the year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Aaron or Briar at Northeast Carry General Store at 207-200-9417. Deer Ole Me As of this early Fall writing we can only guess what our winter conditions will pro vide. Our President, Jon Grey reports that the groomers and drags are ready to go. During the first week of September, we set up a table at the 51st International Seaplane Fly-In on Moosehead Lake with 10,000 spec tators. Our annual Pig Roast during the events was also a success. We sell some super raffle tickets and make a little money but the real purpose is to raise awareness of the club, the grooming equipment and our activities. All trails lead to and from Greenville including the ITS 85, 86, 88 and the 110 Con nector. So north, south, east, or west, we have you covered. Sleds can be rented in town for those without a ride. In fact, the Greenville area offers everything you may want or need including great food, sled sales and serving, fuel, rentals, gear, bed and breakfast accom modations, motels, sporting camps a down hill ski mountain, ice-skating, cross-country ski areas, ice fishing, many shops, a library, supermarket and much more. Ample trailer parking is available at the Snowdon Trailhead Parking Lot on Depot Street. MOOSEHEAD RIDERS sc Greenville, ME Find us on Facebook

meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday October 20 th - Landowner apprecia tion dinner. 6:00 p.m. Club meeting. 7:00 p.m. It goes without saying that this club would not exist without the generosity of our dedi cated members. The donation of your time and assistance is very much appreciated. It is cer tainly a team effort and we have a great team right now. From board members, committee heads, trail workers and fundraising volun teers... You all make this club what it is! Fundraising MSA super raffle tickets are available for purchase at all club functions. $1 from each ticket sold stays in house. Grab a stack of extras and sell them to your friends! 300 club tickets have been printed and will be available for purchase. Only 300 tickets will be sold for the season. We give away $1,000 a month every month starting in December through April. These are $30 per ticket and your number stays in all season so your num ber could come up every month! That was a lot of info! But that’s all for now. Next month we will highlight our trail work ers that worked enough hours to earn a free membership for the next season. And thank some others too! Troy G, Trail Grunt GLENBURN LAKESIDE RIDERS sc Glenburn, ME Okay, let’s get started with the 2024/2025 season that is fast approaching. Just a quick re-cap of the summer of 2024 first…We have been busy at the clubhouse this summer, Eddie has been mowing the grass, I have been weed-whacking the ditches, etc. Carey B. has had another successful summer with her REC. DEPT. utilizing it for their summer programs, including the “60 plus Senior Meetings”. This building gets quite a lot of use year round. With that being said, we have had a lot of rain and we have had a few roof leaks, nothing serious - but still a nuisance. We really didn’t want to take out a loan to do the repairs, so we have been fundraising monies to get the task completed. Looks like we have met our goal for the materials and manpower to get the metal on the roof before snow/cold weather arrive. THANKS TO ALL THAT VOLUN TEERED THEIR TIME TO MAKE THIS A REALTIY. We also have sold 2 of our Mini-Mogul Master Drags to a sister club in the western part of the state, this will benefit them and allow us to build a couple of smaller ones for our Ski-Doo Skandics and to also have 1 fabricated for our Kubota UTV. We will also be working on getting our GLRSC newsletter out in the mail shortly with membership appli cations, club calendar of events, and 6 MSA Our annual lobster feed at the clubhouse was a success. Aaron, Nancy, Don and Larry shown

That’s all for this letter Deanna, Club Secretary.


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