From The Town Office
The Annual Town meeting is on Saturday, June 8 th . 9AM at the Hall The Election will be on Tuesday, June 11 th 8AM-8PM at the Hall.
Town Office Hours: Effective May 27 th town office summer hours go into effect. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9AM-4PM. We are closed to the public on Tuesdays. As always, call for an appointment if you are unable to make it in during regular business hours. Volunteering Opportunities- The town has several board vacancies. Board of Adjustment and Appeals needs 2 members. Please go to www. townofchebagueisland.org for more information or stop by the town office for an application. The Transfer Station – Transfer station is a NO CHARGE facility. Please bring a check or cash with you if you are dumping planning to dump anything other than household trash or recycling.
Monday: 9AM-11AM, Tuesday: CLOSED, Wednesday: 1:30PM-5PM, Thursday: 9AM-11AM, Friday: 1:30PM-5PM, Saturday: 9AM-5PM, Sunday: 9AM-5PM. Bonfires on Town properties- The Fire Department had to respond to a call at Chandlers Field for a smoldering fire. As a reminder, there are no fires allowed on town property. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org
Best, Vika Wood, Town Administrator
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! THE HALL IS LOOKING FOR DONATIONS OF ARTS AND CRAFTS SUPPLIES FOR ITS MARTHA HAMILTON ARTS AND CRAFTS EXTRAVAGANZA ON AUGUST 10 FROM 10:00 A.M. TO NOON! This is the event that charges $5 admission and then allows you to coop up as many supplies as you can handle. Bring your truck or moving van because we have ever type of supply under the sun, including lots of vintage items! FABRIC! YARN! PAINTING! DRAWING! COOKING! CROCHET! RUGMAKING! Please leave your clean and usable supplies in the labeled bins in the Community Center foyer, or call Sam McLean (846 0510) if you need your donation picked up. We will once again be holding a raffle for a fabulous prize for one lucky crafter!
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