
Twin Pines

Founded: 20+ years ago

Members: 70

Miles of Trail: 60

Groomers: 4 BR 400 Bombardier groomers

Best Tip: Dave recom mends taking the Logan PondTrail counter-clock wise as it offers a num ber of views facingThe Mountain. Great Brook Trail/ITS 85 heading north also offers a good view of Mt. Katahdin. Why volunteer? “Why volunteer? Well person ally for me it’s part of my livelihood. I work here.”

izes that their newest bridge which is slated to open this Summer for ATVs, hikers, bikers and sledders in the Win ter comes with a price tag of over $200,000 and will be 80-feet long. TheTimber Cruisers were also rather progressive by being among the first snowmobile clubs in Maine to embrace ATVers and form a joint ATV-Snowmo bile Club at a time when many snow mobilers cast a jaded eye at ATVers. John, a formerTown Councilor, keeps busy these days as both Club President and President of ATV Maine. He does have a dirty secret though – John con fesses that he doesn’t own a sled or an ATV as he simply has no time to ride.

So why does a guy who doesn’t own a sled volunteer as president of the local snowmobile club? John says when the paper mill was shuttered it hurt the town financially. While he recognizes snowmobilers alone will not be able to replace the lost revenue from the mill, he says the increase in tourism from the snowmobilers during the winter time has helped soften the blow. A short ride down the road heading towards Baxter State Park will bring you to the Twin Pines Snowmobile Club which operates out of the New England Outdoor Center. Here I found Twin Pines Secretary David Weather


Twin Pines Groomers

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