
Katahdin Forest Management LLC Named the 2023 – 2024 Polaris Landowner of the Year - Presented by East Branch Sno-Rovers

trails open when they are cutting wood. They have been known to move a harvesting operation to accommodate the club’s snowmobile trails. Many of these trails lead to businesses within the local communities that benefit economically from snowmobilers using this trail system. When large bridges need to be established or replaced, Katahdin Forest Management assists with much of the paperwork issues with DEP and/or LUPC for the club’s benefit. This year when they had significant bridge damage due to the December ice and windstorm, Katahdin Forest Management reacted very quickly to look at the damage and approve all the work that needed to be done on their land. When they have issues on their land, because of misuse by snowmobilers, they reach out to the club first for remediation before going to law enforcement because they know that they can normally work together to resolve trails. Irving Farms has allowed the department two years ago to build a permanent 4-season trail on their property. Now this was no small task building a new trail through a cedar swamp, along an intermittent stream and a hardwood tree farm.The trail that needed to be cleared was 3,245 feet in length.The Irving’s allowed the club to cut whatever needed to be cut and they also gave us permission to haul all the stored rocks that they had picked from their fields and dumped alongside the wood lines. Approximately 10,000 yards worth of rocks were hauled in to build this trail, leaving a cleaned-out area for the Irving’s to dump more rocks· in the future. They could have said no and keep the trail out on the crop grounds, but they realize that motorized recreation is big

K atahdin Forest Management, LLC have been a crucial landowner for the East Branch Sno-Rovers and AVT Club since their inception back in 1972 and over 50% of their 110+ mile trail system is on their land. Over the years Katahdin Forest and the club have built an incredible working relationship. The East Branch clubhouse in Medway sits on 127 acres of land, which was donated to the club by Katahdin Forest Management. This allows the club to keep this area open for public use. Over the years they have gone above and beyond to assist the club. Some examples are donations of bridge planking, steel beams for bridges, logs, culverts and firewood to heat the clubhouse. In addition to this they share their plowed roads with the snowmobile trails and work with the club to keep the

problems. We cannot say enough about how fortunate the East Branch Sno-Rovers are to have a large landowner being so accommodating to their club and trail system and to always work with them in any way they can. The dedication that Katahdin Forest Management has for not only for recreation but also for the local community is insurmountable and for this, we are incredibly grateful. Congratulations to Katahdin Forest Management LLC the 2023 – 2024 Polaris Landowner of theYear.

Irving Farms Receives BRP Landowner of the Year Award Present by Gary Marquis

business and they understood that there was no other way to get a permanent trail out on the South end of town. This family farm understands how important recreational trails are to the County and also to the State. It is landowners like this that make the State of Maine the place to ride. Congratulations to Irving Farms the 2023 – 2024 BRP Landowner of theYear Award.

T he Irving’s have a highly successful potato and trucking business here in Caribou. They are a multi-generational farm and over the past 35 years have allowed the Caribou Parks and Recreation department access to their property for snowmobile trails.The location of the property used is absolutely key for access to 3 businesses out on the Southern end of the trail system, and soon there will be a 4th motorsports business located in this area. The Caribou Parks and Recreation department is not only involved in snowmobile trail maintenance but also with ATV


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