
From The Executive Board

faces will return for this year as well as some internal restructuring and with that a host of new ideas and programs that are being imple mented, as well as ideas for improvements to some newly instated programs. All of this to move the association forward and to optimisti cally set ourselves and the ones who move up behind us up for success. One of the very first things that I learned in business is that when you start a new endeavor that you surround yourself with a team of people that are like minded, people that have a nose for success and ones that love a chal lenge. Ones that know how to take care of business and get things done and lastly ones that you know every decision that they make will have the best interest of the company (in this case the association) at heart. Now my job as incoming president was an easy one in respect to this because by and large most all of “these” people were already in place, and the new faces that we all are going to see this year are ready to hit the ground running. I would like to take just a minute and rec ognize a few of these people that are stepping down after countless years of service to the association and also introduce the ones that This has been a challenging time for the MSA’s clubs. Heavy rain last June wiped out many trails and bridges then came the December storm that brought more record rainfall high winds uprooted trees and bridges washed away many feet from the locations. Deep holes up to 40 feet and over 200 feet long closed trails for the season in a few areas. Then came the paperwork and meetings with the Political folks. They all want to help tuition to Maine’s technical colleges, more financial aid available and enrollment num bers down slightly as some high school grads are taking gap years or going directly into the workforce. It gave us great pleasure to know that the MSA scholarship application numbers are actually higher than the few years and we had some wonderful candidates. The scholar ship committee proudly announced the two winners at the annual banquet. With some many deserving and talented applicants, it’s never easy but all seven of us on the scholarship committee take the pro cess very seriously. Eash year we make a few changes to the application to reflect the most accurate process for our applicants and we feel strongly that it is a fair and reasonable application. We would also like to thank the MSA office staff and especially Liz for organizing the applications, checking them for eligibility, tally our final scores and then sending out con gratulation letters to the two winners. The CD that we use (interest only) to fund the two scholarships will have it’s 5-year run expire this October 2024. We are very hope ful to find a better rate than the current one and hopefully the interest alone will fund the scholarships completely starting with the 2025 winners. Because we have increased the awards to $1,500 for this year, we will need more than just the interest to pay winners. If you or your club is interested, we would greatly appreciate any thoughts or donations to get us through this year without using the principle. The committee has ideas for possi ble fundraisers or club challenges and we are always open to any ideas someone might have to help. The MSA scholarship program has done some awesome work for members and families and hopefully it will continue to for years to come. Have a healthy and happy off-season. Harvey T he winter was a unique one indeed. Snow then lots of rain and destruction. The clubs went above and beyond getting the trails back to somewhere near normal in a shortened season. Many riders had to chase the snow and many diehards did just that logging in some great mileage while supporting the clubs and businesses.

From the President

Flagg for chairing our bylaws committee. I am very excited with all of our newly elected and appointed positions, as well as all of the people that will be returning, I can’t help but think that we have “The A-Team in place! The MSA is in good hands and I can’t wait to get started. I can’t tell you how humbled and honored I am to have the opportunity to serve all of you for the next two years. And I would be lying if I told you that I wasn’t feeling a bit nervous and anxious but mostly excited. Never in a million years did I think that when I joined my first snowmobile club in 1990 that I would be about to start my journey as your MSA Pres ident. I would also be lying if I said that I wasn’t going to make mistakes. I have a long time friend and my boss back in the day when I started my career in the Auto Parts business who told me that “If you don’t make mistakes then you aren’t doing anything”. I remember thinking to myself; Jeez I must be really busy then! The one thing that I can pledge to you all is that I will always do my best and my deci sions will always be made for the good of the Association. Thank you, Mark and communication between clubs, inspectors, and the committee has been fantastic. We also started collaborating with the trail coordina tors working for Joe Higgin’s office. We hope to improve on this working relationship in the future. Despite a most challenging winter, we did manage to get most inspections completed. We also hosted five trail signage workshops in Augusta, East Machias, St Albans, Mad awaska, and Medway. These workshops have been very beneficial for improvements in both safety and navigation. These workshops will continue into the future and can be brought to a site near you--- just ask. The 23-24 season and my first cycle as Trail Chair is a wrap. I want to express my grati tude to outgoing MSA President, Al Swett, for his effort and dedication. I also look forward to working with our new President, Mark Chinnock. Keep the faith for an awesome 24-25 season but, in the meantime, enjoy your summer! Brent I’ve meant so many great people on this trail ride, as it comes to an end I want you all to know how much I value your friendship. We’ve made lifetime relationships, I’ve been to many towns and townships I did not knew existed, met people that talk with an accent funnier than mine and fell in love with you all! Good luck to you all, Thank you for all you do! AL Another short season of riding is done, Old man Winter & Mother Nature need to get on the same page before next season.... I am looking forward to next year; Welcome aboard Matt Baron the new MSA Coastal VP, Congratulations! Matt is a passionate snowmobiler and will give 100% to the position. I will be hanging around the MSA helping as I can. Most importantly I’ll be helping the new MSA secretary Betsy Watson Congrats to her as well. Many thanks to all the volunteers, MSA clubs, for making our state “The best in the East” Special thanks to all Land Owners for allowing us to use your land. See you on the trails my friends. Enjoy your Summer and always think Snow!!! Dave are a destination point for snowmobilers from all over the Country and Canada. We are ranked third from a major parts vendor from the Midwest only behind Upper Peninsula in Michigan and Togwotee Wyoming. In my book we’re best! Because of dedicated club members, supporting business’s and the incredible landowners! Thank you! H appy Spring/Summer!!!

are stepping in to fill these big shoes. First up Dave Watson our Coastal Region V.P. will be stepping aside after nearly 15 years of service with the MSA, and would like to welcome Matt Baron who has taken over the reins. Matt is a very conscientious and dedicated person and has already hit the ground running. Next up is Jack Lord who has been the Central Region V.P. for even longer than Dave and has been a valuable asset to the MSA. We would like to welcome Ron Nunes as Jack’s replacement. Ron has done amazing things with the Lex ington Highlander’s S.C. and without a doubt will do a great job for us. We have a shakeup in the Northern Region as Matt Steadman has stepped away as their Regional V.P. to further his MSA career as Executive Vice President. Matt is also very much a go-getter, conscien tious and smart, and I will enjoy working with him, he is a great addition to the team. Step ping up and filling those big shoes will be Nick Morrill from Caribou. Nick is young and ambi tious and brings a lot of new ideas to the table. I would also like to welcome aboard Betsy Watson, Betsy will be taking over the Secre tarial duties for Brad Barker, Gail Ryan for chairing the Hall of Fame committee and Bob A new bond called a Trails Bond passed the Legislature and Senate division at the Statehouse overwhelming. This is a great victory for our trail system. From bike riding to horseback riding, hiking cross country skiing snow shoeing and of course snowmobiling and ATVing this will give us a much needed shot in the arm to keep the trails up to date for years to come. It’s a $30 million bond that we will be voting on in November. Please get out and vote for this. It will be divided up over 4 years to each one of the trail divisions. The funding will be managed by the Bureau of Parks and Lands. Snowmobiling generates over $700 million in direct and indirect spending per year. We and the meetings with them were positive. Hopefully the funds will get rolling soon.

Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com

From the Executive VP

Mark Chinnock, Vice President 207-754-9874 544 Plains Road, Poland, ME 04274 napadude66@hotmail.com

H ello Everyone, Last month marked the end of one season and the beginning of another. With it brings exciting new beginnings and some fresh new faces will join our MSA snowmobiling fam ily this year. Lots of existing experienced

Scholarship Committee

Trails Committee Chair Report

Brent Spaulding, MSA Trails Chairman 207-944-7762 41 Madison Ave Brewer ME 04412 msatrailchair@gmail.com G reetings from Brewer, First of all, I would like to thank the entire trail committee for their efforts this season. We had some long tenure veterans and several newbies this year. Meetings have gone well

H ard to believe that by the time you read this we will have had our annual meet ing. Not really my place but wanted to send a special thank you to outgoing President Al Swett. Al has been wonderful ambassador for the sport we all enjoy and work so hard to sup port. Any event or meeting he has been invited to he attends and is always willing to engage and participate. Just today I was in a small, one-man mechanical repair shop and saw an MSA poster on the wall and the owner said Al had been in an given it to him in his apprecia tion for supporting the MSA. He also has been a champion for our scholarship program and willing to lend a hand or ear whenever needed. Thanks for all you do Al! The scholarship committee was very excited to have nine fully completed scholar ship applications to review and grade for this year’s contest. Many of us have heard that scholarship applications numbers are down in many areas. Several factors include free Harvey Chesley, 207-314-0637 25 Hillcrest Dr, Clinton ME 04927 harv.chesley@gmail.com

Coastal Region VP

David Watson 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com


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