Hall of Fame Inductee – Dwight Flewelling
Dwight Flewelling also hails from a small town not so on the beaten path. He is from the famous “County”. His accolades don’t jump out and are not so pronounced as generally wit nessed from the snowmobile world. That’s of course if you are looking at it from a destination inThe Forks, a house from New burgh or an office in Augusta. But from the seat of a snowmo bile, one immediately calls out, “Hall of Fame” from beneath your helmet. He has ducked out of the MSA Brass Eye until one looks deep and found he is a staunch and loyal MSA sup porter from back in the Mid-90’s. All while wearing every club hat imaginable; Dwight focused his strengths on his club and town and quietly placed his talents on a trail system that never disap points. I had never met this man until recently when he quietly started participating the last few years. Respect is earned, not Gained. Two years ago, outgoing presi dent Grass pushed hard to secure the ISC Northeast Chapter Ride and meeting in Maine for all to
attend. This is a very impres sive crew to include Maine, NH, Mass, NY, Conn, VT, New Bruns wick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, PEI and others. These are the people who make snowmobiling work in their areas. Planning the day’s events included as many paths as possible with highlights of what Maine has to offer. Without hes itation, Dwight’s route would be included due to the meticulously signed and groomed pathways. What iced the cake was a kind request from him to ride with the crew. Nothing could be more valuable. At lunch around the table at Al’s diner set 17 riders. I scratched on a napkin a column for name and one for number of years that each person had been actively involved in snow mobiling. When the napkin got back, 317 years of involvement had surfaced. Dwight was in the 34 year plus year category and accounted for a good portion of that amount. (As an add to this, at the annual meeting, Vice Pres ident Mark Chinnock took a poll and there were 3 people that were still standing with 60 plus years of snowmobiling and this
Dwight was within the group) Wow! Dwight also brought a new found, not seen before way to entrance in the Hall of Fame. Traditionally, nominees get many nominations and letters of support from their surround ing areas and then are distrib uted to a voting crew. While the prerequisites did happen, this entrant garnered support from the voting members via past experiences and the knowl edge they each acquired from being within the sport. No chunk of paper can replace first-hand knowledge and experience each voting member gained along the journey. While this now famous Groomer of the Year is in the public eye, this entrance will definitely call him out. This entrance to Hall of Fame is more of a “Tortoise and the Hare with Flare”. We have all learned that slow and steady can still win the race. Help me welcome Dwight Flewelling, Trailmaster of the Easton Trailblazers into the MSA Hall of Fame.
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